I have been reading some of the stories of the members here. It is very similar to SNT(Survivors-N-Thrivers)
SNT was begun as a result of my search for information or a way to help my son. As a result I connected with many women that were victims and had become Survivors of abuse,emotional, physical and sexual abuse.

Our family nightmare began with a predator pastor,one that destroyed my son's marriage while abusing his pastoral counseling role. This began a nightmare journey of five years and landed at the MN Supreme Court,with my son winnng a unaniamous verdict ,changing the laws of MN that dealt with this issue.
I was extremely proud of his tenacity and determination that there be consequences for men like this and those that employ them knowing their past behavior.

SNT has been scaled back for the moment but is still a part of our new website,MyGrandCentralStation. All conversations at this point are hidden from the viewing of lurkers. Only those that are approved members may read and post. Sometimes it is a little easier to be frank if you know the whole internet world can't read.

I was strcuk by "help others live,survive and thrive". Sounded very much like SNT


Edited by bonnierae (01/27/07 12:44 AM)