Your computer literacy level..changed?

Posted by: orchid

Your computer literacy level..changed? - 10/29/07 11:34 PM

All my knowledge of Microsoft Office programs & different versions of Windows (Geez, I even remembers the years of using Windows 3.1 back in late 1980's) has been from learning on my own or informally asking others. Never taken a course. Powerpoint I first learned from a book that I bought for the library that I ran.

Excel-really basic. My mathematical skills really aren't comfortable embedding sophisticate algebraic forumulae to do automatic stuff in certain cells. And Word knowledge has been alot of survival experimentation.

Instead my computer literacy skills has been focused on other software OUTSIDE of Microsoft Office, where my job focused heavily on acquiring detailed automate a whole department and other software to teach others how to do online research. For this type of non-Microsoft software, I have taken some in-depth courses.

Windows now intimidates takes up so much memory. And when something goes's hard to know where to start to troubleshoot. So different from 20 years ago when computer software was simpler.
Posted by: ElevatingYourBusiness

Re: Your computer literacy level..changed? - 12/29/07 04:58 AM


In order for me to graduate HS, I had to type 20 words a minute. I practiced and practiced and the first time I took the test I didn't make it.

And I was just talking to someone recently trying to explain floopy disks and 10K of memory That's what I think I had in my 1981 computer.

I tell you something I did; mainly because Office 2007 is so different than 2003. I went online searching for tutorials and MS had them! So I know a little more than I used to about Office 2007. I found some audio, some training on the site.

Hope it helps you.

When something goes wrong with my puter I:
empty the temporary files from my browser >tools>internet options>delte tempfiles
then I clean out my puter >start>assessories>clean disk

then I run lava soft's Ad-ware - free version.

And when I remember... I do all that monthly, before the problem starts!

Hope this helps you.
Posted by: chatty lady

CAMERA Phone... - 01/13/08 07:49 PM

Does anyone know if you can take a pcture with a camera phone and then post that picture from the phone to the internet, or do you need a scanner? Just got a new camera phone and was hoping to be able to pictures of some of my afghans for sale, and post them for those who have asked if I had any pictures of them...
Posted by: gims

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/13/08 08:27 PM

chatty, you should be able to purchase a USB cable that connects your phone to your computer. Once connected, you download the images directly to your computer.
And, most phones today have an email option. If yours does, you can email the images to your email address, once it is set up in your phone's contact list. It cost me $3.20 to email myself 2 images I had on my phone. But, it worked.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/13/08 08:37 PM

If both have Bluetooth, you may be able to beam them to eachother, I know you can do it with Palms and phones. I can beam information from my phone to any phone with bluetooth and any palm pilot with blue tooth.
I do a lot of this because of my disability with my fingers! I am a living electronic!

With my digital camera, I use a USB cable, it's fast and easy.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/14/08 04:14 AM

Chatty go to a cell phone store. They will be able to advise you and possible even show you on their computer how it's done.
That would be great if you could post pictures!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/14/08 07:07 AM

Yes, you can, chatty. But, I had trouble with it. You have to be able to send email from your phone. I have sent myself pictures that I got and some I didn't. I have sent pics to others who have received them and some who have not. I imagine you would have to send it to yourself from your phone, save it as a file, upload it to photobucket and go from there. But, I think you should ask at the phone place and find out if you can do that. Not evenyone has email capabilities activated on their phones.
Posted by: gims

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/14/08 02:23 PM

orchid, I'm self taught too...
I remember the days when I used Lotus 1-2-3... had to create my own macros, using formulas from memory. Then connect the cells with other formulas. Quite a feat compared the the newer softwares. In accounting, one misplaced formula answer, could take hours/days to fix. I love not having to do that anymore, but then I think of the brain cells wasted having it done by the click of the mouse.
Instead of Word, we used a stripped down, bare bones word processor. Boy, how things have changed... esp. the Word 2007. I've been helping a sister with some course work - I have 2003, she has 2007. Helping her over the phone began as near impossible, but it has gotten better as she's learned what means what and where to find it.
We have to stay up with the updates, or we are left behind when big changes take place.
Some upgrades are better in regards to getting projects done (and done quicker with fewer mistakes), but are they robbing us of things we should be doing naturally and with our own brains.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: CAMERA Phone... - 01/14/08 02:35 PM

Reminds me of the old word processors with the teensy step up from an electric typewriter! But we thought they were okay back then!