A break from the routine

Posted by: Dotsie

A break from the routine - 04/28/03 11:08 AM

This week my husband and I are getting away for 24 hours...actually only 23. [Big Grin]

We are staying only 25 minutes away, but that's okay. [Roll Eyes]

We are going out to dinner and have nothing else planned, but that's okay too.

The day will come when we can get away for longer, but for now we will take anything we can get! [Big Grin]
Posted by: swimbo56

Re: A break from the routine - 04/28/03 12:43 PM

Lucky you! But then you know you both are. Some of us can't seem to get our other half to concur. Enjoy. Yes, time together is very precious no matter who the other person is.
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: A break from the routine - 04/28/03 11:32 PM

I have come to the decision that any time spent with my husband alone takes making a date and sticking to it. Between the job, school, housework and grandkids, not necessarily always in that order, I am spread very thin, although you wouldn't know it to look at me! I told Dennis the other day that even though I will be scheduled every weekend in June and July, I will plan to take at least my Sundays off when the fall term starts. Then if he wants to go out to eat, I can do it. I will have to schedule my homework around all of this activity, but I don't want him to feel neglected. He spends so much time alone these days, since he quit drinking, he is not invited to as many social gatherings as he used to be and just sits at home watching tv, often going to bed by 8 or 8:30 at night from boredom.
Enjoy your private time with your spouse whenever you can. So often, they can be neglected with other family demands and work demands. Of course, sometimes the shoe is on the other foot and its the wife who ends up taking the leftovers. For those, I say, "get a hobby, and keep trying to schedule getaways."
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: A break from the routine - 05/08/03 02:17 PM

Sometimes even the routine is fun to do together. Last weekend, my husband and I decided to work together on different house chores and projects rather than going it on our own. We had a nice time and felt pretty good about spending time together, even if it wasn't someplace different or doing something "fun." We both said we had a lot of fun and missed each other come Monday.
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: A break from the routine - 05/09/03 10:36 AM

My hubby and I were talking about this last night, as we laid curled up together going over the days events, and he said what a shame it was that we only got to spend a little time with each other and so much time with the outside world.

Time is so precious -- and have you noticed how much shorter 24 hours are now than they were when we were 18 ????

Enjoy every second you can with the people you truly like being with -- loved ones -- close friends -- you just never know what tomorrow will bring.

I wish I could find a business that my husband and I could do together -- make that all so much needed dollar -- without sacrificing our time together.

Oh well -- when we win the lottery --- [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: A break from the routine - 05/09/03 04:18 PM

I think it is great that you would want to work together. [Big Grin] I love hearing about happily married people! You go girl! [Razz]