Craziest or outlandish thing...

Posted by: gims

Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/23/07 08:57 AM

What is the most outlandish or craziest thing you have done in the past? Gone skydiving? Slept in the forest alone? Played chicken? Passed yourself off as a guy? Pawned your grandmother's best china? Or, something as simple as wrapping houses at a slumber party? Or, played the phone games with other childhood prangsters?
Come on, let us hear it?
Posted by: Anno

Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/23/07 07:52 PM

Okay, I will start:

Tried to see if my VW bug could "fly" over a railroad trellis (looooooong time ago and oh, so very grounded and had to pay a pretty penny for the repairs)

Sky diving lessons (I loved this so much)

Tipped over an out house (whoa, what a mess, sorry I did this one)

Someone else's turn.
Posted by: jabber

Hit a tree... - 01/23/07 08:45 PM

Before I could drive, I drove dad's standard-shift, delivery truck into a large, maple tree. I smashed the windshield, front-end and dozens of quarts of milk. That was when liquid dairy products were sold in glass bottles.
Most recently, I tried the self-taught method of non-fiction writing. My proofreaders were "so-called" friends who said, "That's good. It's a real page-turner." I believed them: all 7 of them. Of course, I had PTSD and didn't know it at the time. The manuscripts, I actually wrote two complete books, were terrible. My "good friends" shared them with others. And now the whole town thinks I'm an idiot. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder lends itself to self-expressive writing; except the author is the only person who knows what they're saying. The disorder can be cured with work. But first you need to know you have a problem. So, you see...jumping out of a plane may just be easier. My son was a paratrooper. I think he lost count of the number of jumps he did.
Ciao for now,
B. Rose
Posted by: gims

Re: Hit a tree... - 01/24/07 03:45 AM

I drove up a tree one time. DH (then DB) was teaching me to drive. We were on a country dirt road, he gave me permission to goose the gas and I did. I spun out and we ended up parked on a tall pine tree.

Once I thought I'd try out our daughters' dirt bike. I was being cool, popping wheelies and cutting circles. We were in my sister's huge yard and I had a great deal of room to cut up. After a few rounds, I came up on a root sticking up out of the yard and I felt like, at the speed I was going, I wasn't going to be able to miss it. So, I bailed. Ended up with the bike on its side, and me on top of it... the wheel still turning, burning my skin off my wrist with each rotation. I have a 1"x2" scar to remind me of that crazy day.

Anno, did you REALLY tip over an outhouse? Oh my word! I've heard of such, but never known anyone to do it. I bet it was gross - I remember my grandparents'. It was gross just sitting there. And skydiving, I'm envious. Don't think I could gather the nerve, but the thought of free falling sounds awesome!

bonnierae, I was cracking up, especially when you came to "And now the whole town thinks I'm an idiot.-"... Lord, you had me laughing so hard... I could actually hear you telling the story.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Hit a tree... - 01/24/07 10:30 AM

Oh boy gimster…that's a tough question because I could write a book about crazy things I've done.

If you want to know what the most recent craziest thing is; well I guess that was getting my motorcycle licence when I was 49. In Germany that means taking 6 weeks driving lessons, exams, and learning how to drive in hazardous conditions. Of course I stuck out like a sore thumb among a bunch of 18 year olds. After flunking the first time I passed. But even that wasn't the craziest. Two days after I got my licence, Hubby and I packed our choppers and headed south; over Switzerland, the Italian Riveria, Tirol, Southern France, right down to Monaca. We were in the saddle for 4 weeks!

It was great, with the exception of driving over the steep mountain pass in Switzerland. We drove on a mountain, Stifters Joech (8700 feet), that is known for 96 point curves. I got a crisis there. About half way up, I managed to pull my heavy bike to the side, got off, and bawled like a baby. Hubby stood there, helmet in hand and didn't know what to do with me. I remember screaming, "I'm just a little girl from Boston! What the hell are you doing to me!"

A couple of other bikers got off. They all sweet talked me, motivated me back into the saddle and accompanied me like I was some prominent person or something to the top.
There we all got together in the restaurant. They gave me hot soup and TLC.

This is a postcard of the mountain pass we drove. It has a pressed Edelweiss flower on it.
If you look closely, you can see my claw marks on the street…ha ha ha
Posted by: gims

Re: Hit a tree... - 01/24/07 12:08 PM

Oh, Hannelore...LOL... you made my biking sound pathetically childish...LOL . and "claw marks"...LOL... are you going to try it again?
I hear the anquish in your post - pure STRESSED out! But, I bet you wouldn't trade the experience for anything!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Hit a tree... - 01/24/07 02:10 PM

Gimster, now I don't know if I'd have the nerve to drive a dirt bike! I mean that's really biking it! Ouch , skin burning off?..Try a Chopper. they are so comfy; like a living room chair...and then just drive ....straight.

Anno Was anyone in the outhouse?
Posted by: jabber

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 03:06 PM

Hey gimster,
What's involved in wrapping a house? I never heard that term. What does it mean? Incidentally, I guess I took your topic in an unintended direction. Sorry about that. I never did anything as exciting as skydiving. I rode a high-spirited horse in the village parade; I periodically snowmobiled during the winters from '69 to 2006 and took a few horrific spills. But that's about it. I'd delete that stupid babble but don't know how. Can't find an edit for that irritating post.
Ciao for now,
B. Rose

P.S. I rolled the last motorcycle I was on.
It belonged to my ex-husband.
Perhaps, that's why he's my ex????
Posted by: gims

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 03:33 PM

Please don't delete it, bonnierose... I got great pleasure from reading it, and someone else might, too. I definitely don't consider your recount babble.
There is a way to edit and delete, but I hope you don't use it on your posts. For reference, you'll find in each individual member's post a heading bar. In the right portion of the bar for your posts, you'll find 4 buttons, the first one of which is "Edit." If you jump into editing, you then have an option to "delete" its contents. To delete, find the "Delete this post" button at the bottom of the editing window of the edit screen.
Again, I hope you don't delete or edit it.

It's understood that interpretation is by reader, as is intention by writer - marrying the two brings about wonderful and interesting exchanges.

Wrapping houses - when I was young and went to slumber parties, the host would provide rolls of toilet tissue to be taken to a chosen schoolmate's house where the group would throw the tissue up into the trees and on the shrubs, until the yard became full of streaming white and/or colored (back when colors were popular) tissue. I never did it, because I knew my mom would've KILLED me. She once made the query as we drove by the work of a group of kids, "why don't they do something constructive, like mow the lawn?" Her tone was very indicative of her opinion and I knew she was telling us we'd better never, ever do it, much less be caught. I Googled "wrapped" house, but found nothing.
Posted by: gims

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 03:54 PM

found a wrapped house, bonnierose...$FILE/ToiletPaperLg.jpg
Posted by: jawjaw

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 03:57 PM

Down South it's called TPing. The TP being Toilet Paper. Yes, I did it. TPing someone's yard was part of being a teen around here. Cleaning it up was horrible though. With five girls in our family, our yard got TPed A LOT. I usually got blamed for it happening, and had to clean it up. I was framed, I tell ya.

As far as the crazies thing I've ever done, there aren't enough pages on here for me to even begin. Besides, I was grounded so much in high school that I took on a new motto....confess only to the priest. And I'm not even Catholic.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 05:37 PM

We called it rolling yards. And ours was the first one rolled in our community...back in the early 60s...mother thought all the toilet tissue had fallen out of an no time...we were rolling with the best of them!

This isn't outrageous...just funny...remember when Lee Nails came out with their do it yourself paint on nails? My sister and I were on a trip and decided to 'grow' nails while we were gone...we got this glop on dried about 1/4 inch thick...and we couldn't do a thing with it. No mere nail file was a match...we still laugh about our nails!
Posted by: bonnierae

How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 06:40 PM

The craziest thing I have ever done was only a few short years ago. You could kind of understand a young person being so foolish,but at my age you would think.......

My husband was in CO. painting the nursing home where our son was administrator.

My son called me Mon night to tell me my husband had suffered a stroke. I almost had one when I learned he had driven 25 miles during rush hour traffic during this stroke. He realized of course something was wrong, but thought he would drive slow in the right lane and if he got so he couldn't see at all, he would pull over on the shoulder. He Had one hand covering the eye affected by the stroke. He arrived at our sons home and thought if he took a little nap he would be fine. He promptly passed out on the couch
Our granddaugther was concerned that he wasn't breathing quite right and ran to get our son.

This began my week from Hades. We live in MN . I thought to fly first but no one was sure if my husband could get on a plane.
It is exactly 1000 miles from my door and our sons.

I got in the car and headed to Denver.

Posted by: bonnierae

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 06:51 PM

I drove straight thru not quite knowing what to expect.
Tyrned around and drove home with my husband,still not doing real well. Saw our Dr immediately and he stunned me when he told me, take him back, he was in the best possible place for OTand PT,
Well Duh!!! Give me enough time and I would have figured it out. He could work at his trade with a therapist right on site.

So on Thur I drove back out there.3,000 miles in a week.

I was planning on heading back home early Fri morning.

I love animals but that blamed cat of my granddaughters started me on a trip I will never forget.
One bathroom was reserved for kitty. Always fresh water in the toilet, RIGHT??
EXCEPT, no one shared this with me. AND THE LID WAS UP!!!!!

I lived in a household of men so a dunking of the south side was not unknown to me, BUUUUUUUUTTTTTTT, have you ever
experienced what a wet cat can do??
I got up in the middle of the night and did not turn on any lights, not wanting to wake my husband.

Suddenly, I was dealing with a wet,dunked cat, mad as I have ever seen a cat. I will leave out pertinent details but seems I had knocked her into the toilet and she was not a happy camper.

At 2:00 am in a quiet house being attacked by a mad,wet cat, I was suddenly wide awake. She ended up one way and I the other.

Sleep was a thing of the past so figured I might as well head for home. Dumb move on my part.

How many of you gals have slept with 25 truckers????
Posted by: bonnierae

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 07:33 PM

I was not familiar with Co weather in April. 25 miles from our sons home I began to see semis parked along both sides of the freeway. A smarter person may have stopped and asked what the problem was. Not Me, many,many semi's and I did not see the wisdom of asking what was up ahead.

Much to my regret I soon found out what the problem was. From the point I was at to Cheyenne WY, a major, majot blizzard was raging.
Not wanting to turn around and drive the measly 25 miles back, I took the officer at the road block up on his suggestion that I spend the night with others in the local high school.

I was one of the last dummies in so many had come before me.
The lady in charge of these "special accommadations" told me there was one cot left. But, Please me quiet as everyone is sleeping. She explained the one cot out of 26 was available in a classroom , but don't turn on the light and try not to waken anyone. Let me tell you, it didn't take long and I had the funny feeling I was not with a group of women. The snoring, the kind that rattles windows and "other" noises I won't explain did not sound like a room full of women. Finally had enough noise and went out to the hall and asked this crazy woman who I was sleeping with. 25 truckers was WHO.

That was enough and I grabbed a couple more blankets and spent the night in my car.
Finally at 8:30 am it was clear as far as Cheyenne.

When I pulled into the truck stop all I could see for what seemed like miles was semi's. Then I found out I-80 east was still impassable. AND when the roads were cleared the truckers were going to be let out first and cars had to wait. Believe it or not they estimated between 15,000 and 20,000 truckers were shut down in a radius of fifty miles.

have two brothers that are over the road truckers and saw a couple of men that drove for the same company.
I perfected my best whine and begged them to get me out of there when they left. They agreed as long as I could keep up. Now that is a phrase that has different meanings to different people. I drive a little Chevy Cavaliar. Keeping up to these men meant 85 miles an hour across Nebraska in what they referred to as "the cradle"
No cop in his right mind would have considered stopping them. I had two trucks in front, two behind and two on the side. All I could think of was a blowout or my car stalling was really, really going to hurt.
Afetr record time across Nebraska, they left me and I thought NOW, I will find a place to sleep. Big Joke.
Because of the blizzard many people had stopped BEFORE they got into trouble, no rooms. I finally pulled into a convenience store and asked if I could park in front of their window and grab a couple hours of sleep. They graciously said they would keep on eye on me.

Just drifting off and some lunatic started banging on my car hood. This lunatic had spiked lime green and purple hair. He was soon joined by others that looked as strange as the first one.
Turns out "these lunatics" were just kids that had come from some kind of game where their team had one and were celebrating,ON MY HOOD

Took off again and made it to MPLS in record time. All I wanted was HOME and as soon as possible.

I have not lived this down yet. Sleeping with 25 truckers at my age seems to be grounds for hilarity.

Posted by: gims

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 09:05 PM

Bonnierose, you had me laughing so hard, AGAIN!
"a blowout or my car stalling was really, really going to hurt."<<<---LOL
Posted by: gims

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/24/07 09:09 PM

JJ and JC, my mom would have been furious with a capital F if someone had wrapped, TP'd, or rolled our yard. There were 6 of us girls and one of us, if not all, would have had to clean it up if it had happened - not that it ever would have. At the time, our city was pretty small and everyone knew our family, so they pretty much knew my mom and her "ways" - ways no one in their right mind would dare mess with!!!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 05:27 AM

Some of the stuff I've done might be unprintable! Or at the very least, freak out or offend about half the women here.

So I'll mention one of my lesser exploits:
In one of my college art classes, we were supposed to build something -- "something" not particularly defined. Most students made projects that could be carried.

I built a doorway, out of lumber and an old screen door, with some pretty funky paint and decorations. And I secured it right in the middle of the stairs going up to my art class, so people had to conscientiously make an effort to go around it.

And then I sat there for 2 days between my classes (until a teacher told me to take it down or else!!!) and recorded how everyone reacted to my doorway. I even "interviewed" a few of them.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How...? Re: Craziest or outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 08:28 AM

A door in the middle of a staircase? hoo hoo ha aaaa? Hope you got the best grade for that one!
Were you an art major Meredith?
Posted by: jabber

Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 02:13 PM

That's outlandish, all right!!!! I wouldn't want to be the one to clean up that mess.
I know how to delete when in the process of posting a post, it's a day or two later, after I've mulled it over and decided I ran-off at the mouth more I should've. Then I go back and can't find a darn edit button: all I see are reply, quote, and quick reply.
You know, I went back and looked at that post yesterday. When I read how much it made you laugh, that made me laugh. I re-read the thing and got hysterical; I laughed till I cried! Never before had I found that scenario funny. The ability to laugh at yourself, is great medicine. You're good for the soul, my friend.
Ciao for now,
B. Rose

P.S. The edit button is here now!!!
Posted by: jabber

B'S mixup... outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 02:35 PM

Bonnierae and Bonnie Rose are getting mixed up in your replies. Bonnierae is far cooler than B. Rose. Anybody who'd sleep with 25 truckers, is okay in my book. B. Rose is the one with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress) and still trying to comeback. Bonnierae has it together!!!
This is going to be fun. Actually my adoptive name is Bonnie Rae. Just thought I'd add a little more confusion for you!!!
Ciao for now,
B. Rose
Posted by: jabber

Loved it... outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 02:37 PM

That door in the stairway thing, is a killer!!! How cool is that? I love it!!! Bet you're a trip...
Posted by: bonnierae

Re: B'S mixup... outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 02:56 PM


Bonnierae and Bonnie Rose are getting mixed up in your replies. Bonnierae is far cooler than B. Rose. Anybody who'd sleep with 25 truckers, is okay in my book. B. Rose is the one with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress) and still trying to comeback. Bonnierae has it together!!!
This is going to be fun. Actually my adoptive name is Bonnie Rae. Just thought I'd add a little more confusion for you!!!
Ciao for now,
B. Rose


Sleeping with 25 truckers is reason enough to have PTSD

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/25/07 11:54 PM

You're all nuts. I'm glad I never did anything to so out landish, hummm!!!!
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 12:02 AM

Chatty, we'll have to do something crazy/goofy when we meet next month - then we can post about it here!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 12:19 AM

Well Kathy, this is the place for the outlandish, crazy and goofy. Don't temp me, I know all the wild and wooley joints.
Posted by: gims

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 01:59 AM

If you do Kathy and Chatty, please take pictures... we know you'll have your camera with you Kathy...

Thanks for clearing things up 2 Bonnies... I think I have you straight now.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 03:15 AM

I was 29, newly divorced and going to school to be a hairdresser. Three of my hairdresser school friends and I were driving to Crystals for lunch. Tammy was driving, I was in the front on the passenger side, the remaining two friends in the backseat. As we were coming up on a site of very hunky, shirtless, muscular (did I mention hunky?), sexy construction workers all over a gas station they were roofing my friend Tammy dared me to do something. I looked at her as if she'd lost her mind. I knew what was coming next and silently I prayed...please don't say it, please don't say it, please don't say it...she said it..."I DOUBLE DARED YOU." Well, no one double dares me and gets away with it...YES, YES, YES I'll take that double dare...As we drove past the construction site, Tammy lay on the horn as I dropped my drawers and poked my bare butt against the window towards the very hunky, shirtless, muscular (did I mention hunky?), sexy construction workers all over a gas station they were roofing. In my position I coudn't see the reaction of the very hunky, shirtless, muscular (did I mention hunky?), sexy construction workers all over a gas station they were roofing, but I could hear the screams and giggles from my girlfriends in the car. When we'd passed I returned to a sitting position, pants in their proper place, and asked my friends what the reacton had been from the guys I'd just mooned. My friends in the back seat were still hiding on the floor board and Tammy has sunk so low all you could see were her eyes above the steering wheel. What were they scared of? I was the one with my butt pressed against a cold window. I didn't feel too bad about mooning them until I realized we had to pass the same construction site on the way back to school. As we drove past them I flung myself onto the floor board along with my friends and Tammy took her mooning position behind the steering wheel...sitting up just enough so she could see where she was driving. True story.
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 03:54 AM


Love the it wasn't so funny when you were living it...but glad we all see the humor in it now!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 05:03 AM

Hannelore, yes, I was a studio art major and the standard line was -- MacDonalds hires on Tuesdays.

bonnierae and bonnierose, the first few posts I thought you were the same person, but then put on my reading glasses and realized that there were two different of ya.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 08:57 AM

Yes Dee!!! But did you say he was hunky? Weeeell then, that explains everything!
Posted by: gims

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 10:01 AM

Bonnierae, would you mind putting your "state" in your profile? That would help as you are in MN, right? Bonnierose is in NY? I think I have that correct. Right?

Meredith, that deserves a "you go girl" (years later, even). That's like something I'd like to have the guts to do. I definitely would have been too timid to do it in my school years, but, even today, I'd find myself reasoning myself out of it. I majored in art, also... ended up in the accounting field... found I loved pushing numbers around better. There is a such thing as "creative" accounting, BTW, I just never used it.

My question is, Dee, was them being "hunky" an important part of your story? Had they been funky, instead, would you feel the same? Would you have even gone through with it?
I've never mooned , but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 01:33 PM

You ALL are crazy. I can't imagine 25 truckers all snoring at the same time. Your story would make a great book.

Dee, I wasn't the one mooning, but I was in a car with several girls when one of our friends mooned all these guys in front of a bar on the busiest street in town. no one saw their reaction because all of us ducked. It didn't matter thought because there was so much laughter it was well worth it.

Now we know who to double dare when we all get together.

I'm such a weenie. I wouldn't even do something on a triple dare.

Hannelore, your motorcycle story was awesome. Girl, you've got guts.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 01:41 PM

Hannalore, I love your motorcycle story! You are an adventurer!

I will try anything once and have had some pretty cool adventures. But the craziest thing I've ever done was purchase my house, which was a bank repossessed house and needed everything done to it. I had never done any type of repairs ever in my life, so for the first time, I've done plumbing, replaced all the light fixtures and electrical outlets, stained or painted every inch, both inside and out, laid laminate fooring, jack-hammered up some old tile, cut down trees and repaired my lawn mower. All this so my dog could have a yard.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 02:01 PM

Daisy, that is one lucky dog!

Think of how much you have learned since purchasing that house. More power to you, this is a risk taking adventure you have been on and I congratulate you.
Posted by: bonnierae

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 03:31 PM


You ALL are crazy. I can't imagine 25 truckers all snoring at the same time. Your story would make a great book.

Many times I have thought to do that but only got as far as writing the story of my families tangled, twisted life for my children,grandchildren,and all my neices and nephews. Had it bound and gave each a copy.I did this the Christmas
after my mother passed away. All of the grandchildren were so close to "grandma" and really missed her during the holiday season. Grandma was christmas.

The 25 snoring truckers is only one of my many, many mishaps that occurred because I am always in a hurry.

BTW, I am from MN

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 03:58 PM

Maybe, I WAS an adventurer. But that was 9 years ago, and bawling like that on the mountain...was not the face of an adventurer. I think I even scared the mountain goats. tee hee.

I agree Daisygirl. Being in real-estate I am very aware that purchasing a house is for many people the most daring thing they have ever done. I may have driven up a mountain, but combating those mortgage loans can be like climbing Mt. Everest. Hats off to you for being able to renovate like that!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 04:23 PM

Another Minnesotan! Welcome to the fold, Bonnierae. Ann
Posted by: jabber

Aha, yelp...2, 4 one... - 01/26/07 08:21 PM

Dee that was a cool story. I used to bowl with a guy that mooned people a lot. I never had the nerve. But I think it's funny. Chatty, you're right: we're nuts!!! But you can't take yourself too seriously. Life is short. And meredith, B. Rose - that's me - posts on bonnierae's website - myGrandCentralStation!!! It was snt but she changed it. In any case, that's how I met the lady.
Ciao for now,
Bonnie Rose is going to close...

Woops...yell, gimster - I'm from New York--not New York, New York but the State of New York just the same!!!!
Posted by: bonnierae

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/26/07 08:43 PM


Another Minnesotan! Welcome to the fold, Bonnierae. Ann

What part. I was born up north in God's country, now I live close to MPLS, about 35 miles west

Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/27/07 02:09 AM

Hannelore...I slept on the side of the Zugspitz in the hotel that hangs off the side of the highest mountain in Germany. It was on the last day of ski season and the next morning I awoke to Wagner playing (something very grand) and the skiers zig zagging down the sloaps was the most incredible sight I've ever seen.
I am terrified of motor cycles (at least being on one) and would never have the guts to do what you did. I would have started crying the minute I left and wouldn't stop until I was at the end kissing the ground and thank God I'd made it. You go girl!!!!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/27/07 11:34 AM

Hey Dee, I live about a good hour's drive from the Zugspitze! Wow staying overnight there must be a beautiful experience. Hope you had a good clear view, blues skies so you could see the hundred's of mountain peaks.

I remember taking my brother there for the first time. We arrived during the week and early in the morning; the place was empty. Only this one man helped us out of the gondola. He was about 100 years old, had long white hair and a long beard. My brother looked around at the empty platform and back at the man and asked, " Excuse me, are you God?"

The guy grinned back at us, not a tooth in his face, and said," No my son, I'm God's helper."

I still have to chuckle when I think of that.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/27/07 01:20 PM

Hannelore, can I hang out with you? You're always up to something fun. I just love your stories. You and your brother sound so close. Is this the one who is single that you visited when you were in the states?

Daisy, I admire you for all you've done on the house. How did you learn to do all that? Our home was a wreck when we purchased it many years ago so I've done the painting and wallpapering gigs, but never plumbing or electrical. That scares the heck out of me. You go girl!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/27/07 09:16 PM

Of course Dotsie! And I promise you I won't moon anyone. ha ha...They'd probably think I was showing them a road map, and dig for their glasses.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 01:44 AM

Hey...don't knock mooning till you try it...LOL. Hannelore, I can't believe you live in that beautiful part of the world. OMG it's really awesome. You are soooooooo lucky. You know what I miss? Konig Coffee. (I think that's how it's's Dutch, I think). And Currywurst...the dark sausage with the sauce...yum. AND believe it or not smoked mackrel for breakfast...I KNOW everyone who hasn't tried this is going to think I've really lost it this time, but it's really good. I can't find that anywhere down here in the south. I could go on and on about what I miss about living in Germany...but, I wont'...I'll just make myself depressed.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 12:07 PM

it's fun reading what you ladies got up too. I just know you are tamming it down in order for it to be printible on the board, mind ya some may have to tone down more than ladies know who i mean yes ya feel my eyes looking at you don't ya!!!

selective memory at work heer also in my case..........

picture this...
I had too give an inspired address at church. i am in front of a couple hundred people. I wasen't too woried and was smirking a lot confident id find the words to say. Bear in mind that i had moved house during the week and couldn't find anything smart enough to wear...I bent over to the vice presedent of the church and whispered to her she bent over started laughing and could hardly stop to address the congrigasion...wiping tears from her eyes....

ALL i had said to her was " can you tell i am wearing my new pajamas up heer"...purple silk manderine coler chinise style was all i could find that was clean pressed and smart.......the talk went well i get fuelled up on hummer.....

I was driving throw spain, i also took a motorcycle from edinburge to spain to live for a year and had to travel over the peeks of europe in the night.....the streetlights stoped a quarter way up the mountain i rember just praying and praying couse all i had was a small circle of light from my head lamps and total darkness like i never experinced before.....i was scared my pillion pasenger know it couse we had intercomes in the helmets so theyd get my heavy breathing as my hart beat incressed and mutterings of prayers under my breath right in their ear...they just giggled every once in a while....

....we had passed leon (spain) on the way to Madrid another night.|I was tired in the middle of the night so decided to stop and we would pitch a tent on a patch of grass beside the road. In the morning their was a lot of traffike noise so i unsipped the tent to find that the wee patch of grass was the middle island of the road in the duel carrigeway...with cars and lorries zooming up and down either side of us, i was embarrised, well again at night it was very quite and no street lamos, honestly how was a girl to
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 12:28 PM

Oh maaaan! Camping in the middle of a traffic island!?! hahaha. We are all writing book material here. Hey if there are any author snoops out there...this is all copywrited!!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 12:30 PM

oh i miss my mototbykes i only riden once in four years couldn't let go of it to sell it untill spring last year it's been a liftime of fun with some resonable tumbles......Ironicly it was a car crash that almost killed me...I got so scared i wouldn't drive a car..then a mate had his bike i had a mad urge, he gave me his helmet and off i went.....i came back a short time later to a very angery and scared po.....but at lest it got me back driving a car again....oh lifetime of love lol

i havent dun anything dangerise since i was pregnant...before that we would wave jump, thats off some rooks anything from 30 feet pluss (too way higher) into the sea. Probly bravest part is getting into the sea never mind the jumping bit lol its soooo cold lol

Absailed in the middle of the night 90 feet from a via duckt, last time we did this i took po she had her first absail, i did it face first, I thought i was flying or peter pan.....we climbed up the hill to middle of viaduckt (their was about 10 of us) marc was puting on his harness then we hear a great big horn yep a train comming we grapped the raillings and the train wizzed passed 5 feet away...shook the whole viaduct..then the police arrived as we were packing up for the night to remind us we shouldn't be doing it ahhemmm an oversight officer lol thought it was romantic in the moonlight officer lol they let us off thought it funniey i gess, imagine if we gotten arrested for that, at out age eh!! never live the shame down lol

Now i am hankerring for some adrenilane sigh, all i got thse days is shopping on a saterday or sunday, mind you thats wayyyyy to scarry for me ...

thing is if the child weer to do any off that when he a bit older i be more scared than can say hmmmmm he better never know lol ok ladies don't be giving him ideas lol

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 12:41 PM

hehehhe hannilore

a girl from boston why would that stop or hinder anything
a girl from just about anyting she likes lol and i am sure you would in the nicest possible way you wee imp ya lol

Posted by: Poppie

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 01:34 PM

ladies I have to tell you about my version of absailing off the via duct.
I was still recovereing from a massive brain bleed and fractured skull and was six months down the line from that!! One of the pshchological hangovers from that was, I was afraid to walk anywere..for fear of tripping. I always had been afraid of heights anyhow..two rungs up the ladder and I would have vertico attacks kinda gal.!
Celtic and I had had a (minor fall out) the day we were due to do this absail for oabout 10 ft...then the other ninety was a free realy it was a drop of 100ft!!!!..When I was first told about it ...60ft!!!
I had to have my b.p checked with my doc to see if I could participate..and I could!!
We all travelled..and even though it was all picture and no sound with celtic and me...I clung to her for the next hour and a half.
So evEryone was buzzing...a couple of guys went over the top first...then I got brave and stepped inTo the scared. The guys were all egging me on. The climb over the rails and onto thee tiniest of ledge terrified me beyond beleif. I clung to the railings and listened intently to what our instructer(mate) was saying...once he ran it all through with me...he said.'let go and let God'...when I heard that, far from reassured...I wanted to scuttle back up again...but then caught sight of celtics pride...I mouthed I love you at her(oh the pure drama!!!!)...and off I went. I slowed myself to a stop and peered up into hte moonlight sky...I looked down..nothing but tiny dots of light(mates with torches)...and just felt such a part of everything. It was beautiful,.....
until I remembered something from my pshc days...and that was that!! ...I was in hysterics...laughing!!
When I got back up to where the others were...I recounted a story....I told them.."the last time I was hanging from a bridge like this was when I was a teenager...there were five psychiatric armed with a needle"..Obviously I didn't jump then!!!But I laughed and sniggered the whole way home. Celtic and I also made up....awwww.

(Hmmmmmmmmmm...odd sorta make up date...throwing me off a

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 03:14 PM

Po, you're so funny! I loved when you said "All picture and no sound" - that is perfect!

I'm guessing when you "absail" it's like bungee jumping? That's when you are in a harness and leap off a bridge and the stretchy rope keeps you from reaching the ground/water - hopefully?
Posted by: Lola

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 03:46 PM

Translated to American English: abseiling is rapelling, Kathy. Quite different to bungee jumping, which is what it is called here as well.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 04:20 PM

I am still bent over laughing at the cat story. That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. I have stumbled into the bathroom at night, half awake, and plopped down to what I thought was the toilet seat only to miss it. That will wake you up too, but a cat! That is so funny!

I love all of your stories. Maybe we should write a collaborative book and call it, Mooning, Motorcycles, and Me...or, Who Moved My Cat?

Or maybe YOU DID WHAT?!

Where's Chick or Jane when you need them. They're always coming up with good titles.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 04:40 PM


Translated to American English: abseiling is rapelling, Kathy. Quite different to bungee jumping, which is what it is called here as well.

Thanks Lola. I don't have the nerve to do either one!
Posted by: bonnierae

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/28/07 05:17 PM


I am still bent over laughing at the cat story. That totally sounds like something that would happen to me. I have stumbled into the bathroom at night, half awake, and plopped down to what I thought was the toilet seat only to miss it. That will wake you up too, but a cat! That is so funny!

I love all of your stories. Maybe we should write a collaborative book and call it, Mooning, Motorcycles, and Me...or, Who Moved My Cat?

I can laugh now, but at the time of the cat and then trying to get back home I lost my sense of humor. My husband still gives me a hard time over that and a couple of other blunders of mine, all because I was in a hurry.

Driving thru the garage door without opening it was another really,really dumb thing to do as was walking into a post at JacksonHole, WY and some taken part in the Old West shootout thought I had been shot.
I have no idea why everything I do has to be at 90 miles an hour.

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/29/07 10:52 AM

Thank god your heer to translate lola,.....

and po im sure i not the only one to occasionaly daydream about throwing their parters off a bridge... ......anyway i didn't throw, you jumped....honest officer/my loard!!!!

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/29/07 02:09 PM


I learned by reading the directions. If you can read you can do ANYTHING! Well, almost.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 03:55 AM

I have great respect for anyone who can jump off anything higher than my front porch. My about having guts...My hats off to you guys for having the nerve to do something like that. Wow. I'd have had to change my clothes.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 11:31 AM

This site is never boring!!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 05:54 PM

Popea...oh, how you make me laugh with your stories and humor.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 07:14 PM

DEEEE your an air vetrain how brave or darring is that ladie. The first time i did read the end bit about you i did get excited!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 07:19 PM

opps this not outlandish but it one of the one's that still makes me blush couse i embarrised him so much....

my dad was at a family wedding me and a cuson or mate was beside him chatting, got the end of his kilt and tucked it into his underwaire,(yes he not a true scot) wondered off and forgot about it.....hours later he noticed....he was cross and didn't know who had done it and i didn't tell him for years....i am almost forgiven now....

come on ladies i know you all got more to say for yourselfs on this topic, don't be shy. but don't get fired either

Posted by: bonnierae

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 08:24 PM

I don't know if outlandish is the right definition for this but dumb,dumb sure is.

I was out in JacksonHole,WY visiting my parents and brother.During tourist season they have a mock bank robbery and shootout. Dumb bell here was going to get some supper for my dad,mom and myself. I was in the commons area and all the little souviner shops were open. I was watching a glass blower and then this beautiful Japanese woman walked by wth the most beautiful etnic red outfit on. Snoopy had to get close enough to her to really check this out.
I still swear I was not drunk or high, but I never say the post coming for me. I know some sneak moved it in my path.
I walked smack dab, head first into the pole.

I hit it so hard I thought I had fractured my thick skull. I was somewhat dazed when this woman behind me started screaming. My God,My GOD,someone help her.
I kept thinking that stupid woman had best shut up or I would reach out and touch her.
Then I looked down because my hands were wet. They were full of blood and I realized it was running down my face. I rather loudly told the woman to leave me alone and I would go wash up in the bathroom.
I couldn't get the bleeding to stop so figured I better get back to my brother's flower shop. I went out the alley way as I was really feeling like a twit by this time.

As I walked out the back door one of the men in the mock shootout had raised and shot in my direction. He had not seen me and then all he saw was this lunatic woma covered in blood.
He thought he had shot me . He said later he thought someone had put real bullets in his gun.
He hollered for his friend a nd the mock gun fire was over. The poor guys were so shook up they kept waving the stupid guns around instead of putting them away.
Then one tried to carry me and I kept yelling at him to let me walk as I was perfectly capable of doing so.

When I got to the shop my mother took one look and called her DR.
When I heard her say, No, DR Butcher, my daughter doesn't drink, I thought that is it, just let me on a plane so I can go home
The name really did it for me. Dr. Butcher put 10 stitches across my eyebrow

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 08:32 PM

Wow, Bonnie. You would have given me a scare too, if I shot a gun then saw you bleeding in front of me.

I did two things that I wouldn't normally do, but did because my dad said I couldn't or that I wouldn't last.

The first was I joined the Marines. He said I couldn't join. I waited until I was 18, then he said I wouldn't make it through boot camp. I did.

The second was I married my first husband. He said it wouldn't last six months. It did. Nearly 10 years. But, we did end up getting divorced.

My dad had this habit of trying to predict/run my life. I definitely wasn't having any part of it. I guess I should be more careful though of the decisions I make in life based on what my dad says.
Posted by: gims

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/30/07 09:07 PM

My sister (from OK) called while I was in the forums Friday. As I was speaking with her about her computer needs, my DH walked in all muddy from helping one of our neighbors pull her truck out of a mud hole (we've had so much rain here in the last few weeks, even those of us with "webbed feet" (those of use born and reared near the gulf) need tractors to stay above ground... Anyway, my DH is an IT Tech, so I handed the phone off to him. Within 30 minutes, we were both showered - him for the mud and me for the smell (J/K) - and were heading for OK. It's close to a 7 hour drive, so we had a lot of time to talk. I told him about this topic and we started revisiting our yesteryears. He reminded me of a trip similar to the one we were taking at the time, a spur of the moment trip.

In our early married years, but after our girls had been born, we borrowed a motorcycle, employed a babysitter, and headed to the lake approx. 60 miles from home. His mom and stepfather had a good sized boat, which they left in the water at the lake most of the time, during boating seasons. We did not take food, a change of clothes, or even a toothbrush. Once near the lake, he stopped and called his mom and ask permission to use the boat - NOT to take out on the lake, but to SLEEP ON. She gave us her blessings and we did just that - slept on it. It was one of the most uncomfortable nights I've ever had, while I was young and hard floors didn't bother me when sleeping on them. But, the night was a keeper!!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/31/07 03:51 AM

Celtic...I flew a desk...not a plane so I didn't do anything heroic or brave.

Bonnierae...what a day you had...good grief...the doctor's name would have really freaked me out.

Vicki...I feel your pain. I'm proud of you, though, for what you did for your country. I think it takes real guts for a woman to join the must have been even harder when you joined up.

Gimster...what a lovely sweet story. Isn't it wonderful to have memories like these? Maybe you can still find a boat (only take a couple of air mattresses next time).
Posted by: Poppie

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/31/07 09:34 AM

This one is very naughty!!! I was only sixteen.
I was in my first year of study for my jewellry at a trades and crafts centre.
We had a very snooty supevisor who was a bit of a jobs worth, who would come into our jewellry workshop nearly every day and make some banal comments about safety...bla bla! (He had very long nasal hair and big ears...and was a bit of a leer!) One thing he also used to do daily was to lift any chocolate that some of us gals would have sitting close to our workspace.
I finally had enough of him one hatched a very yucky plot!
One the morning of one of his very tedious safety talks...which ate into our recreation time...he appeared in our section as per. I had chocolate sitting in front of tantalizing gold wrappers..cute little squares of the stuff. He grabbed about four or five chunks...I protested as usual...then pretended to concede the battle and be generous..telling him that this particular chocolate was special and from my cousins in Canada...he munched through it all in no time.
We were then summoned to the rec roo for the safety talk.
I watched with my mates as he blethered on and on and on....labouring over silly points.
As time went on...he started to look a little pale....then a little uncomfortable.....then the colour rose in his cheeks quite rapidly.
He then abruptly excused himself...and ran in the direction of the gents!!!
Ha...I had been there before the safety talk and covered the loo bowl with cling film!!!!
We all raced down and listened outside the loo's.....first came releif....need I say anymore!!!! The choc was indeed nylax.
I is soooo awful...but it did put an end to his letching...and I was a high spirited teenager!!
He never came into our section again.

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/31/07 02:20 PM

Oh, Po, you little Brat!! But he needed a lesson I guess. That reminds me of the scene in the movie "Wedding Crashers" where they put something in the guy's wine to make him run to the bathroom and be sick all the time.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Holy cow... outlandish thing... - 01/31/07 09:33 PM were naughty.