yellow light bulbs?

Posted by: Dotsie

yellow light bulbs? - 12/09/03 01:45 PM

Does anyone else in here use the yellow light bulbs to keep up with the posts? It's a great way to do it. You all know about that don't you?
Posted by: Lynn

Re: yellow light bulbs? - 12/10/03 10:24 PM

No, I don't but I am happy to learn!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: yellow light bulbs? - 12/10/03 11:21 PM

I do, but sometimes I only get through half the posts at a time, so one time I'll start at the bottom and the next time I start at the top. I can figure out the other half (what I haven't read yet) by the last time and date I posted. Then, I'm way too organized.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: yellow light bulbs? - 12/11/03 02:35 AM

Yes, I like to use them, its a quick way to go through the posts.
[Smile] Thanks,