Wow, what's next??

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Wow, what's next?? - 07/19/10 03:09 PM

From CNN:
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wow, what's next?? - 07/19/10 10:11 PM

A dining room floating on pop bottles? Now how relaxing would
that be?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wow, what's next?? - 07/19/10 10:30 PM

I for one find it intrusive and frightening to be tracked and have our privacy be none existant...

Wonder when they will place chips in all our heads when born to be able to really track our every move. If this is progress. I'll happily take a pass...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Wow, what's next?? - 07/20/10 10:23 PM

Okay. I deleted this post because I figure ya'all don't need
to hear me bellyache about stuff that bugs me, when everybody
has some irritation or another. I get bummed and then spout
off, when I shouldn't. whistle Just blowin' off steam, gals.
Forgive me please!!!! LOL...