
Posted by: Maggie

website - 12/17/04 09:12 PM

Just wanted to let you know that my website is up and running. If any of you would like to put your link on my site send it to me and vice versa.
As I was reading through the posts today. I found myself laughing, crying and just enjoying them. Hope all turns out well for everyone.
Oh, here;s my site:
Thanks, Maggie
Posted by: Songbird

Re: website - 12/17/04 09:27 PM

Nice shop, Maggie! Best wishes for your crafts. Crafting is one of my favorites! Oh, If I had more time [Cool] . Handmade greeting cards are very popular nowadays. Yours are gorgeous!
Posted by: Maggie

Re: website - 12/19/04 08:11 AM

Thanks for your nice remarks. You are so uplifting I hope you know how much we appreciate you.
Here's hoping you will have some time for crafts in the next year.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: website - 12/19/04 08:39 AM

I just got my cards today and they are GORGEOUS!! [Big Grin] I got the bug design. [Cool]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: website - 12/19/04 04:22 PM

Maggie! wuhoooo! How I missed this post I'll never go girl. I LOVE the cards and the picture of the coop. It's adorable...Does the trellis have something growing over it that blooms in the Spring/Summer? I love it! The cards are beautiful and I can't wait to order a set. Will you have some of Hubby's work on there eventually? I would be interested in seeing his too. Good luck on your web page and the success of the coop. If I'm ever out that way, it will be one of the first stops I make!

Love ya, JJ
Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: website - 12/19/04 04:40 PM

I just visited your site. Wonderful! The cards are beautiful. That's good you set up PayPal for payment - makes it so easy to spend money, doesn't it?

When my kids were little, I did a lot of counted cross-stitch and embroidery. About the only sewing I do now is mending. [Roll Eyes]

Thanks for sharing the link! - Donna
Posted by: Dian

Re: website - 12/19/04 07:54 PM

Lovely! I am adding you to my website under
Women Entreprenaurs - With you and Meredith, I was inspired to start a new page, and it should be up in the next couple of days.

Anyone else make things? Have a Website?
Send me your information.

Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: website - 12/19/04 11:03 PM

Wow Maggie, they are Beautiful! Thanks for letting us know. I love greeting cards so you can bet that I will be buying.

Cheers and Blessings,
Posted by: Maggie

Re: website - 12/20/04 05:16 AM

Thanks, Meredith,JJ,DonnaJ,Dian and optimumsteps for your kind words about my site. Thanks too to Dotsie for the encouragement and letting us put these here. Welcome optimumsteps not sure I've seen you yet.
Thanks Dian for putting my link on your site and I will put yours on mine or will have my webmaster do it. He's done a great job.
Yes, JJ, the trellis will be covered with a plant in the spring but at the moment I can't remember what Ruth and Phyllis owners of the shop put there.They were cutting back a hydrangea this fall but that wouldn't climb I don't think. They have a tiny miniature golf course in the back.
Thanks again!!
Posted by: Songbird

Re: website - 12/20/04 06:53 PM

Maggie: Thanks for your words of appreciation. This boomer site is a blessing for me as well!

Need some professional help from the Artisan here:
About the greeting cards: Do you have info on how to copyright the design? Can you just send a copy or the actual card and what form do you use for it? My sister and I are considering copyrighting our handmade designs ASAP! Thanks!
Posted by: Maggie

Re: website - 12/21/04 04:51 AM

Since I didn't use my own designs I didn't copyright. I also wasn't selling the designs or the molds. I am selling what I make using them.
I wish I could help you with copyrights. I am sure there is a site here on the internet. When I have done calligraphy in the past I did check with a lawyer to see what I could and couldn't sell.
Good luck on your venture it sounds wonderful and I admire anyone who can do their own designs.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: website - 12/21/04 05:07 AM

Wow, I gave up to soon and then remembered their are some books out there that can help you.
I can't find mine at the moment but I bet the library or a bookstore can. Creative Cash by Brabec is one. She used to write a newsletter and then she has written books and I believe has a website. There is another one that has a lot of papers to copy in it.
Hope this helps.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: website - 12/21/04 05:44 AM

I am using molds for my cards but I am not selling the molds or designs. Just what I make from them.
Copyrights. Creative Cash by Brabec may help you and I believe she has a website. I would type in Creative Cash or brabec.
The library is a good place to find the information about copyrights or a bookstore. I've been looking for a book I had that had papers like that in it but of course I can't find it when I want it. This book I believe was written by artists for artists.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: website - 12/21/04 06:08 AM

Thanks for your info. I did visit the US copyright website and found some info regarding the greeting cards. Here's the link for the registration form with instructions, should you need it: Form VA(Visual Arts)