Anyone ever do any "visual journaling"? I never even heard of it but Google it and you'll find lots of sites.

I saw an ad for a journaling group close to home. "Journaling group?" I thought. They get together and share their journals? Oh, horror! [Eek!] But I'm meeting up with them this Sunday.

Most of the people are more into this visual journaling than they are into writing. They spend some time discussing what they have been doing since they last met and one hour working on their journals with glue sticks, magazines, pens, etc.

I don't know exactly what I'm going to bring or talk about. I mainly signed on because I want to meet some creative women close to home. I kind of threw together a spiritual journal that I've been keeping on "God thoughts" and threw in some pictures from magazines to try and fit into the group. [Roll Eyes]

I'm actually looking forward to this. It should be interesting (or embarrassing).