If you love Italy...

Posted by: Erica Miner

If you love Italy... - 08/11/05 07:29 AM

Hi Everyone,

I posted this in 'Announcements' - but then it occurred to me that you travel buffs might like to know about it, too. Hope it's okay to do that, so I'm taking the leap. Check out this brand-new article, replete with gorgeous pics, on the LifeinItaly.com site:

If you're looking for nostalgia about a previous trip to Italy, or for inspiration to just get up and go, this article will float your boat right across the Atlantic.


Posted by: chatty lady

Re: If you love Italy... - 08/29/05 04:11 AM

I heard on the TV the other evening that the Italian government has given aid and comfort (surgery via the Red Cross) to four terrorists. Their spokes person stumbled and bumbled his way around the facts that they did this to get lower oil prices for the Italians. Our government is now involved and are going to ask our citizens to boycott trips to Italy. Sad state of affairs.

[ August 28, 2005, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]
Posted by: mammajude

Re: If you love Italy... - 08/30/05 01:27 AM

I can't get the Italy website to open?? any other suggestions??
I just watched the Movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" for the 5th time.. I want to go to Italy so bad I can taste it.... ha ha