Beyond Scared Straight

Posted by: Dee

Beyond Scared Straight - 01/14/11 10:09 AM

I watched my first episode of Beyond Scared, truly an amazing documentary about putting troubled teens heading down the wrong path in with criminals who try to convince them to turn their life around. It's sad it has to take such an extreme tactic before getting some teens to wake up about their behavior, and for one girl, she's not doing so well and is in juvi. I was impressed with one girl whom I though was the biggest smart-alec becuase she really turned herself around, respects her parents and is doing well in school. One of the girls whose mother she saw in the prison broke my heart. However, she's doing really, really good and does not want to be like her mom and spend her life in jail.
Really good program...if you've never seen it, give it a try or if you have watched it, what do you think? Know anyone in your own family you'd like to see be scared straight?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Beyond Scared Straight - 01/14/11 11:20 AM

Sounds thought provoking Dee.We dont have this in UK.
What is running this week is...A top resturant owner Michelle Rouxe is offering an apprenticship to two young people.A group have been filmed going through tasks, The attitude from most of the group is bordering on lad has been dismissed..he was sarcastic and when a meeting was held between the owner and the lad he went straight to the group and mouthed off..he believed he had "a big personality"and laughed off any help that was offered.
I really hope this group settles and work at their bad attitude..they did improve as the gained confidence..we shall see as subsequent episodes are screened.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Beyond Scared Straight - 01/14/11 03:34 PM

Mountain Ash...sounds like an interesting show. Whatever happened to courtesy?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Beyond Scared Straight - 01/15/11 07:31 AM

I recall that past generations have passed remarks about the younger generation.And then no doubt we would wonder what the fuss was.
Standards vary but coupled with my dismay at the negative attitude most of the group in the documentry expressed there is a deep sadness that this seems to be the ethos...that these youngsters have inherited a world that has less jobs and therefor they dont get the stabilty of an apprentiship or secure workplace.
I joined the workforce straight from school indeed had a choice of work opportunities..soon I was part of a firm where personal and social development was absorbed as well as having my own salary.
In some ways these youngsters I descibe seem more sophisticated but behind the veneer there is a scared part which presents as devil may care..and of course failing again reinforces this.
Group work may show personal growth as the series unfolds..
My reaction was so strong.....I was actually looking away and squirming in my chair... having thought about how much I reacted lets me understand this is a sad situation in need of a solution.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Beyond Scared Straight - 01/18/11 05:50 AM

It seems a harsh way to get a teens attention and in all but one teen the inmates did a great job. It will be a weekly show and I will watch the men next week.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Beyond Scared Straight - 02/13/11 09:06 PM

I have to say I think the women convicts put on a better show then the men did. They were louder, uglier in their behavior and meaner all around. Those young girls about wet their panties and some probably did.
Posted by: chatty lady

Scared Straight 2 - 03/03/11 07:54 PM

There is another 'Scared Straight' with female convicts tonight at 10:00 p.m. Pacific time. I can't imagine living in a cell for years. I would however try it for a couple days/nights to see how it feels.