
Posted by: jabber

#2111... - 02/15/07 09:21 AM

I had two jars of Peter Pan peanut butter, which the FDA warns could contain salmonella. I've been in severe pain for a couple days. If the number on the top of your Peter Pan or Great Value peanut butter begins with 2111, keep the tops and return them to the manufacturer for a refund. And throw out the unused product! There have been hundreds of salmonella cases in 39 states! You can read up on this
on abc, cbs, and nbc news search sites.
I checked the net to see if there were any home remedies.
Accordingly, abdominal cramps will go away within 5-7 days, without treatment.

Prayers and blessings and ciao for now,
Bonnie Rose
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 12:52 PM

Oh Boy...that is not fun! My son had salmonella...and had to be hospitalized! If you should have it, just make sure you heal completely, or it can come back for no reason.
Truly hope it's just a stomach flu.
Let us know how you are doing.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 01:38 PM

hope its ok for you even though you had the potencilly contaminated batch just take care of yourself and i hope the others in the states are luckie and aidded more for your warning. I look out and see how you are doing later you will post eh and let us know what or how you are doing?

Posted by: meredithbead

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 04:23 PM

bonnierose, I'm sorry to hear this Hope you feel much better soon!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 05:50 PM

Bonnie, I heard this on the news yesterday. I hope you are feeling better. Peanut butter of all things. A massive recall they say. My son could eat it like icecream, but I don't care for it at all. I hope the message gets out to everyone before it's too late.

Posted by: Saundra

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 05:58 PM

Bonnierose, thank you for posting this. I didn't hear it on the news. I checked my PB container and am in luck - wrong #. 5-7 days is a long time to have stomach cramps. Get well soon.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: #2111... - 02/15/07 06:55 PM

Oh, sure, now I see it on the news and they're spinning in into a "what if for terrorists." As if we need to give them any ideas.
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: #2111... - 02/16/07 07:27 AM

I have a jar of this peanut butter..the Walmart brand..just opened it and ate some the other day, so far I'm doing ok other than a slightly upset stomach which may or may not have been from eating this, and hopefully I'm not going to get sick......my husband says I'd know it by now if I was going to. Anyway supposedly Walmart is taking the jars back and giving full refunds. I'd just throw it out and forget it but husband wants to return it. Since I'm heading out in a little while, I guess I'll head to Walmart after the gym and see if they'll take it back. My neighbor called to tell me about it yesterday but she only mentioned Peter Pan brand. Then we saw on the news last night about the Great Value brand being included and they give the 2111 code and sure enough......that's what was in my pantry.
Posted by: Laurel

Re: #2111... - 02/16/07 09:03 AM

I buy Jif so I'm ok.

What's up with the food companies lately? First spinach and now peanut butter. Can't even eat healthy and be safe.

Posted by: jabber

Only symptoms... - 02/16/07 09:50 AM

Severe cramps were the only symptoms I experienced. That's why I believe the tainted Peanut Butter was the cause.
Flu brings along other problems. The cramps are killers, though. I'm better today. So I think it's easing up. They're still there, but much less painful. I know: it went from spinach, to lettuce, and now Peanut Butter. What's next?
God only knows!