Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood

Posted by: orchid

Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 07:08 AM

Yes, the Olympic torch will be running through my neighbourhood
in Vancouver on Feb. 11 & 12 in two different locations! shocked

Actually on those days, it's making many different stops in a wierd loopy way, and 80% of the time is never far away...less than 5-10 kms. away.

I've seen photos of torch relay crowds. blush Just mind-boggling..that will be around home. crazy

And yup, I have some more recent Olympic related personal stories in both blogs below. It's kinda fun trying to organize and make use of our many photos.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 09:12 AM

Now if only the snow would come!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 04:11 PM

Wow, I bet you could have rented your home for a ton of money! I know they do that in Saratoga Springs, NY during August, their racing month. Also in Annapolis for the Naval Academy graduation.

Looking forward to following the Olympics through you! I feel like I have a bird's eye view. Thanks orchid.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 04:13 PM

The Netherland bike rental is one of the stories that won't hit the big news here, but is fun to learn about. Thanks.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 04:14 PM

Your post about Harry is so thorough!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/08/10 10:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Dotsie
Wow, I bet you could have rented your home for a ton of money! I know they do that in Saratoga Springs, NY during August, their racing month. Also in Annapolis for the Naval Academy graduation.

Looking forward to following the Olympics through you! I feel like I have a bird's eye view. Thanks orchid.

Actually some people are trying to rent their homes at too high rent rates. I do know of 1 woman who is renting out her downtown condo. She's staying with parents in suburbs (but she works downtown).

For us, it's just not economically feasible. We would have had to rent space to store precious possessions, live in a hotel (our friends would not want us slumming around nor do they have the space for us. My family lives in Toronto, which means more money for plane flights). Hassle plus cleaning home before and after renter(s), just not worth it for 2 wks. of Olympics.

Latest news is Arnold Schwartznegger is one of the torchbearers. Sorry, I fail to understand why the Governor of California should be doing this,especially in the final end point city, Vancouver. So many deserving Vancouverites should be considered instead.

Now I'm in a lousy mood.

Thx, for feedback Dotsie. I'm trying to keep my blog articles shorter. smile
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/09/10 04:42 AM

Orchid...how exciting for you...I have been reading some of your blogs...just fabulous!!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/09/10 03:00 PM

orchid, I'm looking forward to learning more aobut your twon during the Olympics. I enjoy watching the local footage.

I wouldn't rent our home either. I find it odd when people can do that. I wouldn't want strangers living in my home, but I know people do it for the money.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/09/10 04:19 PM

A photo shoot by a reporter of Vancouver skyline. Yea, I live somewhere among that forest. laugh


Last night, shortly after crafting my last post here, there were really loud bangs and popping:

They were doing trial Opening Cermony fireworks. Just huge pink and white fireworks bursting all in a row behind the Stadium, so the fireworks looks like a backdrop. A total surprise to us and I was shrieking ...which I normally don't do.

Unfortunately our cameras were not ready.

We were at home ..caught by surprise. But could see out from our window
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/10/10 04:00 AM

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/10/10 07:17 PM


Hoping this link will be live now.

Love the photo of the sky line. Wow, with the mountians in the background, it gorgeous. Looking forward to learning more about your town during the Olympics.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Olympic torch relay-my neighbourhood - 02/10/10 07:17 PM

Darn, still not a live link. Sorry about that. I cut and pasted it.