I watched a very interesting documentary on the rise of obesity in the world. The argument was that this phenomenen was linked to globalisation. I must admit that it made me think and consider. It demonstrated that an average serving of chips has increased in calorie value over the last 20 years three fold. The same can be said for the hamburger. The link to globalisation comes about with the rise of the fast food chains throughout the world and the impact of this convenient and cheap foodsource. A further interesting point was made in that without processed food the world's population would not be able to be fed, so the fact that we process food means that we can get more food throughout the world. I know that for me fast food is definately convenient. I work full time and often do feel too pooped to make a full on meal. There are however many different options for me to make better quality meals, that can still be easily prepared. What are some of your tips for decreasing our waist spans? And why do you think it is such a problem worldwide?