Hi everyone,
For those of you remember me from last year when so many reached out to hold our family up in prayer during the illness and subsequent death of my 3-year-old grandson, Jordon (on August 4, 2004...believe it or not, if he had lived, Jordon would have been 5 years old yesterday! It was a tough day for my husband, our daughter, and myself - especially since we're now separated by 850 miles from her. I just re-read each and every one of the posts from last year (and printed them all to keep a permanent record) and it was very therapeutic for me. I wanted to thank you all again for your loving and caring hearts that helped us get through those awful days. I'm envisioning Jordon right now, having matured by another year, walking hand-in-hand with the Lord in heaven. Charlie and I moved to Palm Coast, Florida in May and our daughter expected to follow shortly but she realized that she would not be able to leave her friends and her support group back in Maryland to make this move. We are grateful that she has this group of friends to continue to hold her up. Last night, several friends (including a couple of Jordon's little buddies) gathered to have dinner together on what would have been Jordon's 5th birthday. If you could, would you please offer up a prayer for our family - that the Lord would bless us with His peace and comfort and that I would find some friends here in Florida and one more thing - that He would provide me with a job that would fulfill all of our current needs? I would appreciate it so much! Thanks so much,