I'm usually quick to ask for prayer, but I'm dragging myself in here today because this is so fresh it's hard to write about. [Frown]

While at the dentist yesterday morning, with nitrous oxide swimming in my nose and ear phones drumming my head, I thought I heard that a friend's son was killed in Iraq.

It was the longest hour and a half in the dentist chair I've EVER experienced.

As soon as my head cleared I phoned another friend to learn that indeed it was our friend's son who had been killed.

I just spent Saturday with her at the writer's conference. She organized the whole day which was an amazing gift for writers.

I exercise next to her at Curves and have heard all the highlights about her son. I recall her talking about getting to see his departure, the phone calls, the virtual shower she planned for his Captain's wife who is here in the states, the fact that he hadn't seen his brother's new baby, etc.

My mother's heart is torn and shredded. I can't imagine what she's feeling. [Confused]

PLEASE pray for this family and all the other families who are losing loved ones in this war.

One of the reasons I didn't want to post was Kathryn and Sherri would read it. [Wink]

I'm so sorry, but this is life during war time and it hurts.

I visited my brave friend at her home this afternoon where she is seeing family and friends for three afternoons. He will be buried later at Arlington Cemetery.

Words can't express the emotions flying around her home. I can't seem to get any more words out right now.

Please pray...

[ November 17, 2004, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Dotsie ]