Brown Rice Oriental Stir Fry

With just 5 Ingredients and 15 minutes, You can make Dinner a Success.....

2 bags of Success (10 minute) brown rice
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveigned
OR 1 pound chicken skinned, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 bag (16 ounces)frozen stir fry vegetables
1 cup stir fry sauce (found in Oriental dept of grocery stores)

Prepare rice according to simple package directions. (White rice can be used if you prefer.)
While rice is cooking, heat oil in large skillet. Cook shrimp or chicken (or both) for about 7 minutes or until done.
Fold in stir fry vegetables; continue to cook until vegetables are done.
Fold in stir fry sauce. Heat through.
Serve on beds of brown (or white) rice.
Serves 6