and the winner is:

Posted by: Dotsie

and the winner is: - 12/05/03 02:43 PM

Evie...with this entry:

“I wrap my hands around a steaming cup of hot tea and fire up the computer. Hopelessly addicted, I direct my browser to the Boomer Women Speak Forums, where unseen kindred spirits pour out their hearts to discuss relationships, children, careers, midlife crises, hobbies, faith, travel, and health issues. Having no real sisters of my own, I am so thankful for this haven of boomer sisters who help each other navigate the murky waters of our generation.”

Nipigon, Ontario, Canada

Congrats Evie! Thanks for your thoughts, emotions, and kind words. Your prizes will be in the mail next week.

Ladies, it was tough to pick a winner because I connected with each and every entry in some way.

I'll post all other entries as soon as I hear from everyone. [Wink]

I'd also like some feedback about themonthly contests. I'm trying to mix them up a bit. Any other ideas or suggestions?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: and the winner is: - 12/05/03 02:47 PM

YUHOOOOO! Queen here...I just want to say that I'm soooo proud for Evie! She really sumed it up for us, didn't she? What a boomer! What a girl! What a...a...wait a dang minute...I didn't win anything. What the heck am I so cheerful I remember! Go Evie...Go Evie!
Posted by: Evie

Re: and the winner is: - 12/05/03 04:11 PM

what, my Queen - no, "I taught her everything she knows"???? - you're slipping [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] [Razz]

thanks [Smile]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: and the winner is: - 12/05/03 04:39 PM

and oh yeah...I taught her everything she knows...

thanks girl...I'm a tad over worked here with all the village plundering and dragon slaying, yada, yada, just never ends when you're Queen...ya know?
Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: and the winner is: - 12/05/03 05:23 PM

Congratulations, Evie! I'm honored that you regard all of us as your 'sisters.' Send us a pic in your new shirt when you get it!

Posted by: Maggie

Re: and the winner is: - 12/05/03 11:50 PM

Congratulations!! Loved your post. You did a grand job of writing what this forum is all about.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: and the winner is: - 12/07/03 11:47 AM

Congrats, Evie! Well-said!
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: and the winner is: - 12/07/03 07:31 PM

hmmmmmm --- trying to come up with a different word than CONGRATULATIONS Evie [Confused]

yea !!
nice job !!
good for you !!
proud of you !!

naaaa -- CONGRATULATIONS says it all [Big Grin]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: and the winner is: - 12/09/03 09:41 PM

Congrats and thanks for thinking of us!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: and the winner is: - 12/11/03 03:13 AM


Well done. Congrats!!

Posted by: Evie

Re: and the winner is: - 12/11/03 01:32 PM

gee...thanks everyone.... [Smile]

your kind comments have been like a warm, fuzzy hug on this blustery, cold winter morning [Big Grin]