Time's running out

Posted by: Dotsie

Time's running out - 11/26/03 01:05 PM

Only a few more days left to enter the November contest.

Three sentences about what the boomer forums mean to you , or why you are thankful for them...if you are?!
Posted by: garrie keyman

Re: Time's running out - 11/26/03 07:04 PM

Do we have till Thanksgiving day or till the end of the month (not that that's a BIG difference). I was thinking of trying to come up with something to say but just ahven't "gotten to it" yet.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Time's running out - 11/28/03 02:26 PM

Garrie, until the end of the month...just a few days left. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Micki

Re: Time's running out - 11/28/03 04:37 PM

I am thankful for the boomer forum because it provides a "safety net" of wonderful women who are there for you 24/7. We don't really "know" each other in our daily lives (well, some of us do know some of us...)but yet we are there for each other for any and all news, questions, problems, condolences, recipes and all of the other "sturm and dreg" in our little boomer lives. I appreciate having you all to turn to in anonimity, never fearing that anyone in my "real world" will find out anything unless I tell them myself. Long live BOOMERWOMENSPEAK.COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Time's running out - 12/01/03 02:45 AM

When I try to think, it makes me rhyme. Not sure why. Anyway...


Gee, I was just surfin in the middle of the night
and all of a sudden I lucked upon this site
so I stuck around
and got to know some of you
I read the posts and sent a few

Mostly I like it for the fun
knowing what boomers are doing
and what boomers have done
and those silly posts from the queen
help make the site a happening scene

Thanks for the site
Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Time's running out - 12/01/03 04:32 AM

Kate here~

It's only 10:33 p.m. at my house right now, so am I still in?

My three reasons about why I'm thankful for the Boomer Forum:

1. The women here give me invaluable insight and input to whatever is going on in my life and the lives of others. I know this input is appreciated by other members as well.

2. It's a wonderful place to meet women all over the world who were born in a similar time so even though we may be of different geographical locations and perhaps different cultures, there is a common thread that binds us together.

3. And finally, sometimes it's easier to share things that are close to the 'quick' of our beings with people who are similar yet remain somewhat faceless in the same way it's easier, at times, to spill your guts to a complete stranger than it is even to your best friend. There appears to be no judgement here; different views perhaps, but I've seen no harsh judgement.

Ta da. And there I am, I've entered a contest.