Boomer Women's World Newsletter October 2006
Dear Dotsie,

NABBW has members from 40 states - plus Canada, New Zealand, and England!

"The things we call impossible may be only one more step away from where we are right now. Don't stop trying too soon. " --- Joan Chittister, Becoming Fully Human: The Greatest Glory of God

I had the tremendous pleasure of meeting Marianne Gray, editor for me* Magazine while I was in Winter Park, Florida. I was truly blown away by her tour of the Menopause the Musical, me*Magazine, and MTM Uncorked (Women Who Wine) headquarters. Jeanie Linders has created an empire for midlife women and it's all fabulous. I experienced creativity like never before as Marianne showed me through their facility and introduced me to all the remarkable women (and two men) who do what it takes to keep a show, magazine, and wine club thriving.

I'm also happy to share that two NABBW associates have been asked to write for me* Magazine after their articles were read in this newsletter. I always take pleasure in learning how membership in the NABBW helps women personally and professionally.

On a more personal note. I'd like to thank everyone for all the well wishes, cards, e-cards, emails, and flowers. My knee continues to heal, but at a very slow rate (in my opinion). Perhaps that's why I chose the quote at the beginning of this newsletter. I believe patience is one of the lessons I need to learn from this dark cloud. However, the silver lining has been watching and receiving all the kindness, goodness, and love in others. Now if I could just get this knee bent enough so I can drive and start doing my share for others!

My prayer is that you use the information in this newsletter to feel connected, encouraged, supported, educated, and empowered at midlife. I know I do.

Boomer Women's World is adding advertising opportunities to our newsletter. Please contact us if you are interested in seeing your ad in this newsletter. We have also added a Boomer Review section where we will continue to review books, products and services for the NABBW members. I hope you will grab a cold drink, sit back, and enjoy reading this issue that contains all topics of interest to baby boomer women.

Onward with grace,

Join NABBW and receive an extra book for free! Sign up here today and receive a FREE copy of the BABY BOOMER'S ALMANAC, by Tim Brolus.





I continue to witness women encouraging women in our Virtual Village every day at http://www.boomerwomenspeak.com /forums/ ubbthreads.php. Won't you join us? The sixty- plus forums connect, encourage and support baby boomer women at all stages of life!

REFER A FRIEND for NABBW MEMBERSHIP and receive a FREE copy of the BABY BOOMER'S ALMANAC, by Tim Brolus.


ADDED BENEFITS We have created a user-friendly version of member benefits on the Members Only page at www.nabbw.com. Check it out. Email me at dots@boomerwomenspeak.com if you've forgotten your password.


We currently accept ONE article a month from our members for inclusion at www.nabbw.com. These articles will be added to our site, but will not be included in our newsletters. Newsletter articles will continue to be written by NABBW Associates only. This is an added benefit that we chose to consider due to the number of requests we've had from our members. Please read the guidelines below and be certain to follow them.

' All articles should be submitted as WORD attachments with1' line spacing and must include a TITLE. Do not put the article in the body of the email.
' The subject line of the email should contain NABBW Article Submission. Articles that do not include this will not be accepted.
' Please include your complete name, or pen name, a 2-3 sentence bio, a web address, if any, and email. Your email address will not be visible unless you request it to be shown. Please do not send pictures or banners.
' Word count is limited to 1000 words.
' All articles should be educational.
' All subject matter or topics should be in tune with the boomer women issues of today. Absolutely NO profanity, racial slurs, degrading, or politically-based work will be accepted.
' Book excerpts are not acceptable.
' ONE article per month may be submitted.
' Notification of acceptance will be sent within one month if your article has been chosen.
' We WILL NOT provide editing for your work. Please send your best and final edit only. Articles that need editing will not be published.
' Writers retain all rights to their work and can submit simultaneously to other sources.
' Send all articles to: dots@boomerwomenspeak.com
Please resubmit if you have sent articles in the past.


Want to send flowers to a friend, or popcorn to a family or business? NABBW is now offering member discounts at www.1800flowers.com and www.thepopcornfactory.com



Dianne Schwartz
For October, Boomer Women Speak forums is proud to have Dianne Schwartz, Author of Whose Face is in the Mirror, and expert on Domestic Violence, as our guest author. Dianne has become the crusader for women everywhere who've suffered domestic abuse, giving them a voice against domestic violence.

She will answer questions, offer advice, and provide proof to the world that you can heal from the violence, you can begin anew, you can survive AND most importantly, you are not alone.

You can visit Dianne's web page at www.eadv.net to learn more or visit www.hayhouse.com to purchase her book from Hay House publishers. Join us at www.boomerwomenspeak.com. all this month while Dianne provides the answers to all of your questions about domestic violence! She's been there, done that, and now she's talking.


Coming in November!

Allison Bottke,
God Allows U-Turns,


Enter our October Writing Contest and win great prizes!

Deadline: October 31, 2006
Entry Fee: none
Prizes include:

Baby Boomer Almanac, by Tim Brolus

What Happens Next? A family guide to nursing home visits and more, by Chloe JonPaul

Inspiration To Realization, compiled by Christine Kloser

The Frugal Book Promoter: How to Do What Your Publisher Won't, by Carolyn Howard- Johnson

A Boomer Women Speak T-shirt

$50.00 cash

Tina Turner? John Wayne? Steve Erwin? T.S. Elliott? Jack Wolfman? Cher? Rosa Parks? Oprah? Who is your fav? Tell us in your own words . . . We want to know!

If you had the chance to meet the one celebrity, alive or dead, that you've always wanted to meet, who would that be, and why do you want to meet them?

(Celebrity status involves TV, Movies, Radio, Athletes, or Singers ONLY)

In essay format, give us your story of WHO you would want to meet, and WHY. Please read and follow the guidelines and good luck!

For guidelines visit us at www.boomerwomenspeak.com
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.