meeting Danita!

Posted by: Dotsie

meeting Danita! - 08/20/05 04:38 PM

Another boomer meeting!

I just got a call from Danita. She's in the Baltimore area. We're meeting tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait!
Posted by: Sher

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/20/05 09:58 PM

I'll give you ten bucks if you say to her, "I taste burnt panties".

She'll explain it to you.

Enjoy yourself and say hi for me!
Posted by: Songbird

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/21/05 02:50 AM

Enjoy, Dotsie! Have a blast.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/22/05 02:35 PM

Sher, ten bucks please. I met her. We got frozen coffee drinks. I tasted mine and said, "This tastes like burnt panties." She laughed and knew I had been taling with you. It was a great way to start our visit.

I met Danita yesterday and she is delightful. I can't get over how much fun it is meeting women from the fourms. We already know so much about one another. It makes visiting a breeze.

We chatted for almost two hours and there wasn't a moment of silence. She's adorable and fun loving. Also, a real woman of faith. I'm sure we'll get together again.

Any other boomer meetings? I know Dee met the queen this weekend.
Posted by: Dee

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/23/05 03:15 AM

DA Queen was awesome...So sweet and easy to speak with. I hope any of the Boomer ladies to head this way (to the Mobile area) call so we can meet...the coffee (or tea) is always on and the front porch swing has a lovely shade by the live oaks.
Tell me about Danita, Dotsie.
Posted by: Danita

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/22/05 09:01 PM

I'm still in Maryland...packing my bags for home! yippieee! 2 weeks without my man (AND my dog) is about 13 days too many. I just purchased "white diamond" perfume which he (DH (not dog)) just loves (and I hate) to wear after I step off the plane (don't want to subject anyone else to it (sorry if YOU love it!))

BURNT PANTIES, Sher! You are such a jokester. Took me by surprise! LOL

Meeting Dotsie was like meeting a long lost sister. She is so beautiful - she just glows and oozes joy! She is defintly a contagious woman - no wonder this web site has the success it does. The heart of this woman is VERY apparent here!

Missing you all....can't wait to get home to take time to catch up!

Posted by: Sher

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/22/05 09:12 PM

LOL. So glad you guys enjoyed yourselves!
Posted by: Danita

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/23/05 02:51 AM


every time I see monkeys - I think of you! LOL!

I also get the taste of burnt panties in my mouth from time to time - and of course I think of you then as well!


what is the deal with tasting burnt pennies anyway? I figure it's a sign that I'm going out of my mind !!!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/23/05 05:09 AM

okay...what's the deal with burnt panties? Can someone enlighten me?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/24/05 01:08 AM

Yes, I want to know about burnt panties too. I have no idea what I was talking about.
Posted by: Danita

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/24/05 02:42 PM

Sorry Ladies - don't want you all feeling like "mushrooms"! LOL

I had the opportunity to meet sher at her business expo last year.

We were all at dinner and she said (now, read this outloud with a thick southen accent to get the effect), "I've been so stressed all day, that I've had the taste of burnt panties in my mouth (pennies is what she was TRYING to say).

I burst out laughing, and was rolling on the floor peeing my pants. I'm thinking, "hmmm, must be a southern thing!"

So, thus evolved our joke. Also, just so Y'all know...sher LOVES monkeys (let's do a monkey campagin - and all send her one...wouldn't that be a hoot!)

Since then, on stressful days, I HAVE tasted burnt pennies in my mouth - I just figure her psychosis (or however you spell that) has oozed into my body! LOL

And that, my the rest of the story!

Posted by: Dee

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/25/05 12:08 AM

That is funny...we do talk a little different down here in the son (who does not speak southern) called the other day...I mentioned that I had gone to Sunday School...he stopped and asked me to repeat school...he cracked up laughing...I asked him what was so funny about school? He then repeated it the way I say it...he even asked me to spell sounds like skoooooo....he asked me where the 'L' was...being a smart ass I told him the 'L' was silent. I could go on and on...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/25/05 01:59 PM

I love the accents here in TN. Very Southern Belle. The stronger the accent, the better I like it.

When I owned my DQ sometimes people would come in and ask for a vaniller cone. Where did the "r" come from?
Posted by: Danita

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/26/05 03:46 AM

The "r" came from Maine -- I'm sure of it!

They have wayyy tooo many "r"s in their words!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/26/05 01:14 PM

My sister is from Baldemore, hon. She's moved all over the South. Every now and then when I speak with her, I hear this southern stuff rolling off her tongue. I just love it. I wish I had a Southern accent. This Baldemore stuff is for dem birds...that's Oryol Birds, hon! You know...our profeshnal baseball team?
Posted by: Fiftyandfine

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/26/05 04:15 PM

Oh my, my, my. I LOVE the southern accents too. [Big Grin] "profeshnal baseball team" Love it, Dotsie.
One thing I've noticed here is that any man can sound like Elvis. That's because ville is pronounced vull here, just like the King used to talk.
I met the forman of the construction team around here when he told me to "Git over heeyah and take a look at this frawg." At least I waited until I got back into my house to burst out laughing. It was too cute. As a recent convert to the South, I just can't imagine living anywhere else, ever again!
Posted by: Sher

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/26/05 10:51 PM

How wonderful that my legacy is the taste of burnt panties and monkeys.

Even Oprah can't say that!
Posted by: Sher

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/28/05 06:56 PM

I just got an ecard from Danita that totally made my day. A monkey wearing angel wings that said, "Sher...I think I taste burnt panties..."

Thanks, Danita!!!!
Posted by: Danita

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/29/05 12:52 AM


Posted by: jawjaw

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/29/05 12:13 PM

What accents?

Posted by: Fiftyandfine

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/29/05 07:01 PM

Oh right--this question from the queen who chose a screen name that forces us all to "speak southern!" [Roll Eyes]
JJ, don't take away my tender teasing about the accents. You wrote to me once (some time ago, via another website) and I made myself read your e-mail out loud in what I hoped was your "accent" because it made it all so-o-o much better! And FYI, I still read your website "southern style" --even the Trixie parts. [Big Grin]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: meeting Danita! - 08/29/05 07:55 PM

How cool is that? A convert...or as we say here in the South a connnn-vert.

We also make every single word two syllables whether it needs to be or not. (i.e. Ann should be pronounced Ann-in)

I love the teasing. When I visited California years ago, I was on the phone with Mom and a girl walked by and said something. Mom said, "wha-ought did-a she-e sa-ay? (using Southern accent here, could you tell?) I said, "She said, I am soooo not happy." Mother fell in the floor laughing and called all of her friends and told them about it. That was the funniest thing she had ever heard. She will still use that line on occasion. What a lovable melting pot we are, eh?