Getting used to last place

Posted by: Di

Getting used to last place - 09/04/12 08:07 PM

DH has always said this after his kids are gone, then the grand kids come along. He says "We need to get used to being last place now". His says the phone does not ring enough for him!

So, since I have no kids, for me it's the friends who become grandmothers. Three years ago I was reconnected with my best, childhood friend...after 23 years. It was wonderful! NOW? She's a new grandmother and I don't even hear from her. No pics..nothing.

So, what to do? Nothing? Something? Stay back and let her be?

Posted by: yonuh

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/04/12 08:50 PM

You could try reaching out with an email or phone call or a card. If she responds, great; if she doesn't, then you'll at least know where you stand.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/04/12 09:45 PM

That's a good idea, Yonuh.

Di, I may have kids, but I don't have grandkids, and I'm not sure that I ever will. My daughter is married but she and her husband work nights, due to working for a newspaper -- and she is the main breadwinner, as he's been laid off a couple of times and currently works part-time. (Which means they have enough money to get along, but without her being FT, there is no health insurance.)

She's not willing to have children while they both work nights. I'm not even sure she wants to have children unless one of them can stay home to be a FT parent -- she seems to have decided this as a result of having been parented by three parents who all worked full-time day jobs...though by the time the kids were in middle school I was working from home -- so I really don't think they were all that ignored!

Anyway, my son is not married - and no prospects for that on the near horizon. He's recently broken up with the last woman he dated -- though they are still friends and co-workers.

They are 34 and 31 -- and I know people are marrying and having kids at later ages these days -- so you can see why I am starting to realize that grandparenting may not be in the cards for me - at least anytime soon.

Thus I'm experiencing a bit of the same thing you are -- my friends are all sharing pix of their grandkids - and I can't reciprocate. Can't even show off a grandpet (LOL!)

My impression is that MOST of my grandparent friends recover a bit after the newness of grandparenting wears off. And then we can talk about other stuff.

In the meantime, I stay in touch - often via Facebook where I get to see the shared kid pix -- and make an effort to be interested in the pix and stories about the grands... It works out quite well.
Posted by: Di

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/04/12 09:56 PM

I do not think this one will "wear off". Her daughter is 32 and she still dotes over her! (she's an only child, and most like the baby will be an only granddaughter.

Posted by: orchid

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/06/12 08:32 PM

I don't feel the sentiment at all (wanting a grandchild to look after /shower my affection) probably because I chose not to have children.

My dearie actually has 2 grandsons, with the youngest born just 1.5 months ago and the other @10 yrs. old. I have not seen the youngest in person since I was busy visiting my immediate (large) family and a father with cancer, whom I only see all of them, once a year. I live in a different province, several thousand kms. away.

However I have enjoyed/continue to enjoy being an aunt: I have 7 nieces and nephews from 3 sisters with the youngest at 2 yrs. old and eldest @ 26 yrs. old.

So there are other ways of enjoying young children ..Di, ever thought of having a soap bubble blowing contest/game with a local nursery..?
Posted by: Di

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/07/12 12:09 AM

Thanks Orchid. We are so busy with our business that extra things to do just cannot fit into our already-allocated time slots.

What I do miss is talking to my dear friend is all. Not much to ask, is it??
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Getting used to last place - 09/07/12 01:56 PM

Because of your circumstances, I'm not sure if you want to hear about kids or grandkids or whether you are interested in 'friend' time.

The reason I mention it is that sometimes people can connect by asking for photos, checking in on Facebook, etc. It might be a little difficult to get your friend one-on-one right now, though.

I have 4 grandkids and love them dearly. BUT I still need to eat and visit with friends and the like. So I have kept up with my friends. I don't even show photos unless asked, but I'm kind of private that way. I do hope your friend will respond with some sort of call or chat-- even if it's one of those Facebook ones.