articles wanted

Posted by: positiveliving

articles wanted - 11/11/06 03:54 AM

Hello ladies

I would love to hear from anyone who is interested in submitting articles to our online spiritual based magazine called Heaven Sent Magazine. You will find it here:

Please note that it is spiritual rather than religious, for me there is a huge difference, so we would love to hear from people who would like to write from their soul whether it is an article, you would like a regular column or you have some beautiful poems you wish to contribute. The deadline for the next issue is 20th December.

Unfortunately we are in no position to pay for your articles instead we offer promotion of your work, your websites, your books, your workshops, events etc.

Please note we are a UK based magazine too!! Very new but very positive lol!!!

If you wish to email me please do the email address is:

Thank you!