Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/19/12 07:51 PM

Fiction authors of the world will be interested in this article I just read in the New York Times "Sunday Review" section.

In brief, it indicates that there is now scientific evidence proving that when we read a novel, the brain responds to the depictions of smells and textures and movements we're reading about just as if it is encountering the real thing.

And, our brain treats the interactions among the fictional characters we read about very much as the same as it treats real-life social encounters.

I find this fascinating -- and hugely impactful. Here's a peek at the initial paragraph:


Your Brain on Fiction
Published: March 17, 2012

AMID the squawks and pings of our digital devices, the old-fashioned virtues of reading novels can seem faded, even futile. But new support for the value of fiction is arriving from an unexpected quarter: neuroscience.

I hope all our fiction authors will read and weigh in on this... Who knew the works of fiction we read and write were this powerful? And what responsibilities - if any - does this new knowledge place on authors' shoulders?
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/20/12 04:54 AM

Like oral tradition we absorb others stories through novels and biographies .Indeed I read that one medical professor who taught young medics advised that his students read others that a mainly scientific education could be enriched by knowing how people albeit in books be moved by an authors words is an important part of my life experience.The weaving of words is
a wonderful talent.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/20/12 08:33 AM

Words are so powerful, IMHO! They can lift us. They can bring us down. And since reality is threaded within fiction, and spices the novels like pepper, it makes sense that the brain processes stories as if experiencing whatever events are manuscripted! And not only do authors have a responsibity to use edifying script, all of us have a responsibility to try and tame our spoken verbage.
Posted by: Sandy N.

Re: Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/23/12 01:58 PM

This is a fascinating article. Thank you, Anne, for posting the link.
Posted by: Sandpiper

Re: Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/25/12 11:04 PM

Interesting knowing that in this time, the pen still holds the most power. Who knew it would work on our brains through the stories we write and tell. That gives me hope that authors will learn from this and create stories that help our minds instead of garbage that destroys.

Thanks for sharing the article Anne.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Your Brain on Fiction - More Than You Knew - 03/26/12 03:48 AM

The way we favour certain authors and genres may be a factor.We can either be challenged or have our mind sets agreed with.I believe we are always growing unless we resist due to fear that we are out of a comfort zone...