I am thrilled to announce that Georgia Richardson, aka, Queen Jaw Jaw has made a royal appearance at Creative Writing - Sell Your Fiction .

The Queen is second (though never thought of as number 2 by any means) in my series, Secrets of Successful Authors, where we delve into the minds of creative writers to learn their writing tips and tricks.

Georgia's article is jam-packed with vital information every writer should know, warnings for newbie writers, some of the Queen's own writing tips, and of course a big dose of her charming humor.

You can read her three part article here:

Secrets of Successful Authors Featuring Georgia Richardson (Part 1)

Secrets of Successful Authors Featuring Georgia Richardson (Part 2)

Secrets of Successful Authors Featuring Georgia Richardson (Part 3)

So grab yourself a bag of Oreo's, a cold glass of milk, click on the article links, and enjoy! After all, it's not everyday that we get a peak at her royal highness's innermost thoughts.

Want to know who's up next?
Bertha says you'll just have to wait!

Edited by TVC15 (04/13/07 12:57 PM)
Where I've been lately