internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing?

Posted by: Anno

internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/20/07 06:51 PM

Oh my, our city went wireless, and so did we. Unfortunately, the signal didn't work for us, and (love him, but) the partner pulled stubborn on me and decided he could "fix" it.

He couldn't, we went without, and guess what, I am still living and breathing and the world wide web existed just fine without me.

Ladies - how much do you depend on cable, internet, wireless, etc? Did you enjoy your time away or grieve it? Do we all need an occasional vacation from our computers, tv's, electronics?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/20/07 08:49 PM

The only one connected to my hip is the computer. If I miss a few days (which I sometimes may on weekends due to work schedule) I'm all "omigosh, what if I missed something really important, like the $1000 jewelry order or the book contract or life-changing news from a friend?" -- as opposed to the virtual cartons full of junk mail that I usually find.

A year ago when my hard-drive crashed, I went to the library every day for 3 weeks to connect, until I finally got this situation fixed.

I don't watch that much TV and don't get too miffed if I miss something. No cable, no cell phone, no other devices.

On the road, I've often relied on local libraries or pay-per-view internet. Don't have a laptop although it's on my "someday sooner-than-later" list.
Posted by: gims

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/20/07 08:56 PM

If I could only get weaned from TV, and can't get reception where we are without cable. I have to have it on for background noise, even when I sleep. The computer is a come and go thing. Sometimes I hate it, other times I can't live without it. The cellphone I carry is strictly for emergencies (at the command of DH).
There are times I wish I could get away from ALL of it... even the land line and front door. Those times seem to be becoming more frequent. BUT, too many are in need and we have to be available. If something were to happen and we weren't there to help, the repercussions (mostly mental) would be too hurtful.
Posted by: Anno

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/21/07 10:11 AM

I actually loved not having phone service, but missed my internet. TV is something I use like you use, Gimster. I love the background noise - a distraction, I suppose. But I also do not mind when it is off.

I have been trying hard not to read the paper or watch tv news because of all the negative information. I find I don't miss it, but feel a bit uninformed about the world and it's goings on.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/21/07 10:52 AM

The only thing I can't do without now is the internet. When my computer acts up, I'm ashamed to admit it but I go into a panic! I suppose because so much of my current life is computer based. What did I ever do without it?? I tend to sit in silence all day when working. I could live without tv and the phone if it were possible. I'm with you, Anno in that my choice would be to NOT watch the news for awhile. I can't get away from it because if hubby gets home in time for it (news) it's always on...both local and national...just hate it! It bothers me and that's why I could do without it for awhile. I'd also like the phone to go away but in my case, it wouldn't be good for business!
Posted by: HelenGallagher

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/21/07 11:35 PM

I work with computers and the internet every day, so it's part of me. I had fun during a four-day summer power outage, but was quickly back to my old habits. I think time management is key for all of us online, just as it is with all our other work and household tasks. There's so much fab inf online -- it will be there again tomorrow, or whenever your connection pops back on.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 02:12 AM

I prefer sitting at my computer at night over watchng TV. I don't think it matters what kind of screen you sit infront of, as long as you enjoy it. When I'm in the internet, it's like having the largest library in the world right at my fingertips. And I obviously enjoy the interaction at this forum. I have noticed one thing, though, if I'm surfing around till right before going to bed, I don't sleep well. That's when I go down to the living room couch and cuddle with Hubby.
Posted by: Lola

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 02:41 AM

My laptops, as my desktops, are necessary tools for work, to connect with family/friends and research. I use it for all others as everyone does. What I find greatly annoying at home though is that recently, someone's been in the shadow of my wireless network.

Music is constantly on in my house. The main TV is on a timer which comes on at 6 P.M. because I don't like coming home to the sound of silence in my house when I am in London.

I lug two cellphones with me all the time. Calls to my home landline is forwarded to one of them so that I don't miss any.
Posted by: Anno

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 07:36 AM

Lola, what do you mean, someone is in the shawdow of your wireless?

When our network was down for so long, I "borrowed" my neighbors wireless a few times (I did ask, however) and I felt guitly each time.
Posted by: Lola

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 02:44 PM

Plain and simple wireless theft, Anno. Strangers who sit in their car with their laptops outside my house. In this country, unauthorised access to a computer system to perform a function with intent to secure access to any program or data, knowing that the access is unauthorised, is a crime. The offence, on conviction, carries with it a maximum sentence of 6 months imprisonment or a penalty of £2000, or both.

Although my security advises intrusion at all levels, there is always a risk that confidential data could be hacked. As I have posted previously, I use my laptops for work, which is why I am cautious and do not hesitate to call the police or consider litigation when I suspect that someone is riding my system when I am online.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 02:59 PM

We have an alert here due to lost discs.
In transit discs went missing.Things is it is Government information on every one who claims child benefit.Bank details insurance no.bith date etc. in fact indentity theft would be easy if the wrong person has these discs.
Lots has been said in the media but imagine how 25 million people must be concerned.
Its a scandle of massive proportions.
Mountain ash

Mountain ash
Posted by: Lola

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 03:06 PM

Hi, Mountain Ash. There is actually a suspicion (grapevine gossip) that these have been stolen "to order". With looming plans for identity cards and NI details on a free for all, we are looking at a high possibility of long-term fraud. Whilst access to funds may be password protected, fraudsters are actually sitting on a golden goose! Quite worrying.

Here's a link to the scandal Mountain Ash and I are talking about. It involves my grandchildren, Celtic's child and 24,996,000 others in the UK.
Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 03:14 PM

I would miss the internet nowadays...but we don't have TV by choice (7 or 8 years now I think. Living in a remote part of the world is wonderful...but I don't want to be completely cut off!
Posted by: Lola

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 03:16 PM

CountryGirl, how come you don't have access to TV in your area? How remote is your area anyway?
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 04:32 PM

Lola can only a wireless computer be illegally conected to an unauthorized person? How you you tell he's online with you? That is really awful. Is there any way to avoid it, like getting a hooked up computer instead of a wireless?
Posted by: Lola

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 05:00 PM

I believe it's only confined to wireless, Hannelore. I get pinged by the security installed in my laptops, then I was instructed by our ISD fellow at the firm on how to encrypt (?) to find out who has logged in. Physically, it's quite easy to spot these people because sometimes they're right outside the property, as I said, sitting in their cars. Other times, they could be within a mile-radius of the hot spot.

My desktops have a separate connection from my broadband hub. But, as they are in fixed corners, i.e. study and bedroom, I obviously can't enjoy the mobility laptops offer. Wireless theft has been a problem in London since the '90's although at that time, it used to be restricted to companies. The problem has, however, encroached on residential premises and subscriptions. The price we pay for progress! We have actually formed a neighbourhood watch against these sort of activities. There's really no way to avoid wireless theft but, prosecution hopefully provides a deterrent.


I have CCTV in my property which is hooked up to one of the channels in my TV, so it makes it easy to spot these people from inside my house. Then, I call the police to investigate.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 08:22 PM

I try to make sure I am not computer dependent. The funny thing is that I didn't know how to use a computer until about 8 years ago because as a working dancer and singer, there was no need to learn about them! I didn't know how to send an email, for example!

The computer, the internet, scares me in some ways. I think at times it is "too much information." It also stops me from concentrating on a good book or hearing a good piece of music. ( I stayed away from MTV so that I could hear songs and when I directed videos I had no preconcieved ideas from anyone elses work.) I do not watch other dance, for example so that my choreography is fresh. Too much information.

I like it for things like this site:
To be able to talk to people without the problems that can come from race, class, how a person looks, etc.. I've been able to get to know and understand people I never would have without a computer. I just would never be in the same place as some of the people I've met are! THAT part is fun and good, I think.

Otherwise, it does scare me a bit!

Posted by: orchid

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/22/07 10:48 PM

Provided I'm not trying to keep in touch with my partner each day when he takes an annual long bike trip himself, I can be away from computer/Internet for a few consecutive days and not feel I missed anything.

But after that, I feel my entertainment and learning is missing.

You gotta realize that I didn't live in a home with a TV for about... 20 years. Then last 5 years since living with my partner, we have a tv at home.

During tv-less years, it was the Internet where I got my news, some learning and entertainment.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/24/07 11:34 PM

As I posted in another forum, our DSL was out since Wednesday (just got fixed today.) So what did I do with all of that extra non-computer time?

Wednesday afternoon we shopped for more food. We didn't need a thing but it seemed like a good activity to kill time.
Thursday we went out to do laundry. The rest of the day we cooked. At night, Whozzis watched a movie and I read a book.
Friday/Saturday I spent a total of 5 hours ironing. Haven't ironed at all since June so there was a closetful to be done. Went to the gym Friday. Lots of little errands. Packed my car for tomorrow.

Other than the few shows we taped, I didn't watch extra TV because, frankly, there was nothing I wanted to see.

Oh yeah -- and El Hub spent way too many hours on the phone trying to figure out what was happening with the DSL. So I got to chop a lot of vegetables while he dealt with tech support. Truthfully, I think I got the better end of that deal.
Posted by: Anno

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/25/07 11:26 AM

Meredith, I would rather do the chopping, too!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/25/07 11:44 AM

As far as the internet goes, I can't live without it. My business is virtual so I am either online or checking email most of the day. I take a break at night and try not to come near my office, but sometimes I will if I've taken a chunk of time during the day to do something other than work.

I could certainly do without TV because as someone else said, there's not much to watch that interests me. My husband and son who is currently living home, love sports. I only watch with them if there is absolutely nothing else to do. However, when my son isn't home, I will occasionally watch just to keep hubby company.

Due to Comcast's stupidity, we were without a home phone for one whole month. We only had our cells, and I've got to tell you, other than being ticked with Comcast for lying day in and day out, I enjoyed the phone not ringing. Our house hadn't been that peaceful, ever. Only the people who knew our cell numbers could get in touch with us and that's all that really mattered.

So - I can't live without the internet,
can live without phone land line,
but do need a cell,
and can live without TV.

What else do you do while you are online? Do you play games, work, video chat, etc.?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: internet withdrawl.....a good or a bad thing? - 11/25/07 11:38 PM

BWS of course
lots of web surfing -- SO MUCH information out there!
and MORE information -- can't help myself. I love having all of this at my fingertips.
I belong to one online writers' group
email, email, email
5 websites. doing large updates on jewelry sites the next few days.
reading about marketing my websites
for fun, I play moves on 6 online scrabble games during lunch every day I'm home.