When was your last Planetaruim visit?

Posted by: Edelweiss2

When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 09:03 AM

If anyone needs an idea what to do on a rainy afternoon; how about a day at the planetarium?

I did that with my Mom yesterday, and we absolutely loved it. The last time I was in a planetarium was when my own sons were around 12 years old…( about 1000 years ago.)

We weren’t choosey, we joined a class of school children for a children’s show called; “The Secret of the Cardboard Rocket.” It was so impressive…3 D and all. Jeez, the kids today have a ball with the modern technique. I “relearned” so much. The trip through the stars, visiting the planets was breathtaking. And once again we humans are reminded that we are just a speck of a grain of sand;…not even that,…in this immense universe.

Did you know that our world fits 1000 times and more in Jupiter?….Gee…I had forgotten that. And did you know that our astrology signs don’t match into the star conciliations anymore? Because the moon has moved, - we are actually the sign/month ahead of us.

Just want to say, if you have a chance, - go visit your planetarium again. It was wonderful to relax, meditate, and push all those “wee” problems back into perspective.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 01:03 PM

Yes, I visited about 1000 years ago too. How nice that your Mom and You can enjoy that time together HL. How is she these days? Sounds like shes as chipper as ever.
Posted by: gims

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 01:22 PM

I haven't visited one since our children were in Jr. High. I'm like you, loved it. Is the one you and your mom visited set up so that you lay in lounging chairs and watch the reproduction of the heavens laying on your back, the whole domed ceiling engulfing you with planetary delight? We forget so much. And, that's interesting about the moon moving - wonder what effect that has on astrocasting (NW?).
So glad you and your mom had such a good time. Everyone needs to do things like this often.
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 01:34 PM

Chick thanks for asking about my Mom. She is slowly becoming “less”. So those precious moments that I can share with her are all the more valuable. I have her on a waiting list now for an old age home. And most importantly, she wants to go there too. So the time is right.
By the way Chick, I sent you a PM. Have you received it?

You know, Gims, going to a planetarium with my mother never entered my mind before. I just happened to see an advertisement. Yes, it had recliners, and we felt like we were flying through orbit;…as if the entire room were tilting. Mom loved it. She held my hand during the entire show.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 01:37 PM

No PM. My box is not full. I rarely get a PM so I am looking forward to it.
Posted by: Edelweiss2

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 03:36 PM

Chick, That's strange. I wrote and sent you a pm. It wasn't important; Maybe that's why you didn't get it. lol
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 03:40 PM

EW, glad to hear your mom is still able to get around and do interesting activities with you. Keep making the most of your time with her.

Your post reminds me that the elderly can and should be doing these outings. It adds so much to thier lives. I think it's time to get my dad a wheelchair.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 06:13 PM

2001 in NYC, at the Rose Planetarium (formerly Hayden Planetarium, when I went there as a kid.) We both got black shirts with glow-in-the-dark stars. His shirt had his astrology sign constellation. Mine had the universe with an arrow pointing to our solar system "you are here."
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/13/08 07:47 PM

Yee gads, it was in the Chicago Planatarium on Lake Michigan back when I was a freshman in high school.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: When was your last Planetaruim visit? - 11/14/08 09:45 AM

I've never been to a planatarium, which surprises even me, because I've always loved space and astronomy. I spent many many nights sleeping out under the stars, gazing up at them and pondering the beauty and majesty of the universe. I was also a huge Star Trek fan for most of my life.

I'll have to investigate what's available here locally and go have a look. What a great idea for a lovely outing with hubby and/or grandchildren.