Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story

Posted by: Danita

Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 05:01 PM

Hey all,

Last year, amidst the 2 months of ice and snow that kept me TOTALLY locked down - I THINK (or Celtic thinks) that I started a story line that everyone added to.

So...back by popular demand is.....


The story begins.............................

It is December 12th, the crisp winter air bites at my nose as I haul in all the Christmas cards the Boomer Babes sent me today.

My postman gave me a very dirty look as he hauled the 4 bags of mail to my doorstep.

I put on the tea pot for a cup of tea....................
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 05:48 PM

... put on my favorite socks, got my blankie and plopped down in the middle of the bags, anxious to investigate, but questioning myself as to which one to open first. I decided on the smallest bag, and I'm glad I did. Inside, I found a small box. It was about the size of a credit card, but I knew by the feel of it that something wonderful must be inside....
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 05:53 PM

I pushed the cover back. A small golden key lay on a white satin pillow.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 06:17 PM

I stopped and just stared at the key...where? who?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 08:08 PM

I turned it over and on the back was engraved the words "The key to happiness is
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 10:26 PM

...front row center at an Elvis concert at Graceland. But...
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/12/07 10:35 PM

...not Christmas men as you might think. "Christmas Men" turned out to be a code. ...
Posted by: Dee

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 12:27 AM

for something I could't figure out so I tossed the box full of useless men into a corner and grabbed the biggest bag of stuff...I pulled out a large red velvet envelope with my name addressed on it but when I read the card it was actually for another BWS member. Chatty Lady. The cards got mixed up. Wow...as I read on I found out something I didn't know about Chatty...I found that she really, really likes to....
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 03:22 AM

...help those in need. Starting from little homeless animals and those locked up in hot cars, to calling boomer sisters on the phone to just tell them she's thinking of them.

I pulled out another card. There was no name on it, so I began to read...
Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 07:49 AM

...why don't we all get together and spread some Christmas cheer to people who need it the most? What about if we...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 08:16 AM

all gather in one place and serve up Christmas dinner to the needy, share our love and good humor and all the while get to know each other face to face! The thoughts caused a huge smile but just then....a knock on the door....
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 02:23 PM

we have so many varied people and places at BWS...thoughts raced along...well, we could have it at dancer's in dry, warm Arizona...how about JJ's....it's nice there in Alabama...how about snow in Maine with Lady Jane? Oh, but think of the fun in Las Vegas at Chatty's? But wait, I know where....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/13/07 09:35 PM

LJ picked up the phone and dialed, I answered surprised and thrilled at her call. YES, I immediately answered, count me in, I'm game. Oh what a wicked idea you bad girl. I love it, and get goose pimply just thinking of going to...
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/14/07 03:47 AM

Yes! Yes! Yes! That's it! We'll take over the Office. So girls lets get out our little black dresses slip into heels, get our hair done, check on dancer's makeup tips,...and show those guys how to run this country!
On top of our priority list is:
Posted by: Dee

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/14/07 11:34 PM

especially when caught with an intern...the menu changed from cooked goose to....
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 01:49 AM

...a chaotic frenzy of words. The women were so engrossed in making changes to their holiday plans they didn't here the announcement coming over the emergency alert system. That is except for one boomer woman who had an overly sensitive set of nerves along with very acute hearing. She...
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 03:41 AM

heard that Monica Levinsky is lurking under desks in the oval office, and got a panic attack because she found out we ladies took over.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 07:07 AM

hmmm....could it be that Monica is really a BWS Boomer Sister??????????(insert music from "Psycho")
Posted by: Anno

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 09:25 AM

Monica, better known in boomer circles as Anno, (eeewwwww!) begged her boomer sisters forgiveness for her past transgressions and reminded them that she knew the "ins and the outs" of the oval office so.....
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 10:53 AM

So the sistahs said, "come on out hun...forgiveness is what we do..." and so then....
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 11:54 AM

...Monica emerged, wearing her blue dress, and ran screaming from the room because...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 03:53 PM

But M is a has-been, and is onto a new life making purses. Her youth disqualified her for the boomer party, so she went out to a RAVE party. Meanwhile, other boomers were receiving tons and tons of cards. By this time, the post person was no longer grumpy, but was cheered by the popularity of boomer women everywhere. So another boomer, named _________ started opening her cards, and here is what she found:
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 08:09 PM

...she had tried to be a boomer sister...she was here....had we not known? She wondered if....
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/15/07 08:16 PM

she wondered if anyone knew her name! She had a name and a nick name and a screen name, but what was her real true name? She found many cards addressed to "the boomer sister who has no name" so it was up to the girls to name her_______________
Posted by: Anno

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/16/07 06:47 PM

Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/16/07 07:05 PM

... which the girls decided to shorten to "Mole." Mole wasn't exactly thrilled with the new nickname, but she knew the boomer gals would use it lovingly. Hey, she thought, it couldn've been worse.
She was now faced with helping in the planning, so she...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/16/07 07:59 PM

decided to seek love elsewhere, in the land of....
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/17/07 12:27 AM

Memphis Tennessee where she learned to play the piano and sing jazz. Life was good...things were looking up and she even ate a fried banana sandwich one day. Just when she thought life couldn't get any better, she was offered a job ...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/17/07 07:22 AM

to write a book about the BWS members...their lives, joys and sorrows...it was sure to be a best seller...but she thought, how can I...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/18/07 09:05 PM

I know I'll get Chatty to ghostwrite the book, she knows about every thing boomer, then I'll take the credit. But wait she charges for her services, wonder what her price would be to me if I ask real nice, oh Chatty can I...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/19/07 07:39 AM

...bother you to write a book about the Boomers? You could take your time and I suppose we could take up a collection to keep you going! I would hate to let such an opportunity pass because, as you know, the Boomer sisters.....
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/19/07 02:15 PM

their lives could fill several volumes, too. Chatty looked thoughtful and with a "Hmmmm", she replied...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/19/07 11:11 PM

"I know, I know here's what we will do....
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/19/07 11:15 PM

We have to start somewhere, so we will start with the Princess, and her mad crush on Sir Paul McCartney. We'll get all the other boomers who had a crush on a Beatle (and still do) confess their fantasies of what they thought their life would be like. We'll get all the girls to remember when they played "house" in the 3rd grade. You remember, each girl took a turn as to whom she would marry? I always got Paul. That was a given. So Chatty started making notes on those fantasies of being married to a Beatle, and the next one to confess was________ and I can't believe what she told us! She let out her secret, which was ___________
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/20/07 07:41 AM

...and the next one to confess was Lady Jane and I can't believe what she told us! She let out her secret, which was she, too, had a mega crush on Sir Paul but she was afraid Princess would get too upset and come after her, so...she let out her REAL secret which was....
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 12:19 AM

that Lady Jane and The Princess were going to duke it out over Sir Paul. But then, that REAL secret, which only Lady Jane can tell, was something that only the Chatty Lady knew, since Lady Jane had revealed it in the book that Chatty was ghost writing for Lady Jane. One day, Chatty spilled a latte on the confidentiality agreement Lady Jane had made Chatty signed, so Chatty forgot all about what was on that document. Chatty went to a pajama party with all her boomer sisters. Oprah had provided all the pajamas from Oprahs favorite pj designer. We were all so cozy in our pjs with prints of snow flakes, evergreen trees, and shining stars. The Princess had customized her PJs with sequins. Meredith embellished her PJs with beads. The sisters watched chick flicks and shared fashion and make up tips. As they were all propped on pillows, cuddled in blankets, they were eating popcorn and drinking Kahlua hot chocolates. Chatty started to tell us about this fabulous story she was ghost writing for Lady Jane's, and Chatty got so wrapped up in the story, that she inadvertantly let the secret slip. Oh my, her tongue had gotten so loose from the Kahlua! and here is what Chatty told us. Many of us now know, so anyone can reveal that secret, if she dares...But you must whisper, because you never know if/when the paparazzi are lurking...Go on, someone, please tell me, I'm dying to know....
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 01:50 AM

... when Lady Jane was just entering high school, she won a trip to Liverpool. An older friend was suppose to travel with her, but as it turned out she made the trip alone. It wasn't the best of situations, but having proved herself over and over, her parents trusted she'd be fine. It didn't turn out that way, however. She not only lost her itinerary before leaving the plane, she had failed to convert her U.S. dollars. Worried and alone, she didn't disembark after her plane landed in Liverpool. She sat in her seat, fretting over what she'd do next. Near tears she looked around to take in her surroundings, hoping to find a single source of aide. A disheaveled young man was gathering his things two rows behind her. Listening intently, she could hear him testing words to a song that seemed to be written for her situation, "Help, I need somebody, Help, not just anybody, Help, you know I need someone, he-e-e-l-l-p."
Jane jumped from her seat and without a pinch of dignity hollered, "Me, too!"
The young man immediately stopped what he was doing, slowly and cautiously turning toward Jane. He then...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 07:07 AM

smiled a dashing smile and asked if he could be of service to his pretty friend from across the pond? Well, Jane was so impressed with his chivalry that she followed him off the plane and into a waiting automobile. He told her his name was Paul and he was going to rehearse with his band, would she like to come along. Jane and Paul were inseperable for that week and she was the first love of the man now known as Sir Paul of the famous Beetles. Paul begged Jane to remain in England with him, but she was too young and promised until her return she would write everyday. Jane never returned to Paul and the rest is history. Chatty passed out cold among the questions coming at her in a rapid pace from all in attendance at the pajama party. She was too drunk to realize she had broken a confidence, but the next morning when she went down for breakfast, Jane came up behind her and said, I hope...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 07:54 AM

"...your hangover isn't as bad as mine!" The image in her mind and opportunity missed by a foolish young girl had Jane depressed. She didn't want to answer all the questions from others that remained that morning. She was lost in long ago dreams. But, hey, it was Christmas! It was time for the Boomers to get busy decorating Chatty's place and planning the semi-formal party for that evening....Still, Jane kept hearing "there were bells on a hill, but I never heard them ringing...no, I never heard them at all...till there was you"...
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 08:04 PM

Hearing footsteps coming up the hallway, Jane straightened her back and put on a smile, and it wasn't a minute too soon. Georgia with a satchel clutched tight so the weight wouldn't misplace her balance and Dotsie laddened with what looked like invitations entered the room. They both caught themselves staring at Jane, sensing her ruffled spirit. Georgia diverted her attention long enough to hoist the satchel up and onto the table positioned under the large plate glass window, then turned her attention back to Jane. Dotsie, who had taken a seat in the chair nearest Jane, turned her gaze to the doorway. There stood...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/21/07 08:37 PM

Dianne in the sexiest red leather knee high boots, with matching skirt, she was with Dancer dressed equally fine in a blue shimmering dress that showed off her lean, mean dancers figure. They were trailed by Anne with a pen and paper making note of the names of the single men named in the newsletter of Chatty's resort park. She held her hand to her forehand exclaimig in her best Scarlett voice, "I will never go manless again." Everyone busted a gut laughing. Just then in the front door walked Princess Lenore, Meredith, GodsLittlePencil, Sandpiper, Optimumsteps and Anno returning from the airport where they had picked up Hannelore, Celtic and Lola all coming to the weekend party. The giggles and comment were wild and everyone was so happy to finally meet when Queen JJ asked, hey....
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/22/07 04:40 AM

anybody bring some Orios?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/22/07 07:51 PM

Princess Lenora laughed, but then got serious. You see, gimster had revealed that LJ lost her itinerary on that fateful trip to Liverpool. PL, ever the jealous woman when it comes to her Sir Paul, wondered what else LJ lost during that week. PL wanted to party, but she was obsessing over the fact that LJ got to SPM before her, so PL was plotting revenge. Meanwhile, the boomer sisters started to assemble, with bags and bows, and shoes and purses, and as they arrived, in walked the Divine Miss Danita, for whom this story is written, and she stood in the doorway and gasped, "Oh My...." because...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/22/07 08:33 PM

Over the mantle was a huge banner that read: Welcome Danita the babe that got the ball rolling...She was now blushing as Vicki, Poppie, MsCoach, Lgood67334, Hotflashgal, AmyDoodle, Sandpiper, Yonuh and Nevadangel all gathered around her, all talking at once. Suddenly the door bell rang and since Chatty was in the kitchen digging out more snacks, Anne answered the door where on the porch she found Diamond who jut flew in from Hawaii, grass skirt and all. With her walking up the driveway was Dee, and Eagleheart and Kathy. Dotsie hurried to the door to greet all her devoted followers, most face to face for the first time. The phone was ringing so JJ grabbed it saying "Boomer Central." A male voice said, "hey lady,I gots a bus full of women here needin to find an address. I'm da driver so give it ta me slow, would ya sister?" Well, to imagine anyone speaking to her Royal Oreo'ness in such a matter, she immediately turned around and screeched for Chatty to pick up the phone and give this rude lunkhead directions. Mumbling to herself, Chatty said, "I heard that," Dianne said smiling as Chats grabbed the other phone...

In the livingroom Robin, Bonnierose and Di were discussing business's. The laughter could be heard for blocks. Then a long black limo pulled up and you'll never guess who arrived in style from Moscow, waving her arms saying...
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/23/07 06:41 PM

I am Mrs_Madness and at last I have found my permanent home! I've been waiting for this sign for a long time, and it's here. It is beautiful, look at...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/23/07 09:48 PM

that huge bus, hey everyone they're pulling in here. Chatty, Dotsie, JJ and the others crowded out on the porch to see what the commotion was about...

The bus driver opened the door and the chatter could be heard for blocks. Stepping off the huge double decker bus was AvolonBlondi, Bluebird, Louisa, Casey, Chickadee, Cookie, Lionspaaw, Smilinize, CountryGirl, DaisyGal, Orchid and MountainAsh were teasing DJ and MustangGal about the sexy drivers attention.

DonnaJ, Dreamer, Emyjay, PamK, Katebecca, Prill, Humlan, Kathleen and Jane Carroll stepped off last. Oh wait, here comes Saundra carrying a box of fancy free toothbrushs for one and all.

The limo and the bus pulled away leaving the gang behind with everyone talking and hugging and the happy tears flowed freely. Knowing there were even more women coming Chatty stood up on a chair and asked for everyones attention. We will all be staying at The MANDALAY BAY Resort. This evening they will be dispatching transportation for us all. In the meantime eat, drink and be merry because tonight....
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/24/07 12:59 AM

Meredithbead is challenging Chatty to a crazy song & dance contest on top of the piano. We're selling tickets to the spectacle...
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/24/07 03:45 AM

Immediately after this announcement, the room was so quiet you could hear the snow falling in the mountains of Colorado. It was a moment to record in history, so many boomers and not one sound. Then as soon as the house quietened, it came alive again, everyone talking at once. Other challenges flew throughout the room. Laughter followed dares, which precipated even wilder dares. The night was not yet old and the women had barely gotten to know each other, but there was a magic in the air that only good friendships could make.

Dancer, who had found Chatty's music collection, inserted a CD into the player, kicked of her shoes and started moving to the soft background sound of Ricky Nelson's Never Be Anyone Else But You. Playfully weaving in and out of the crowd to the rythm of the song, she was across the room in but a minute. She ended her frolicsome performance with a curtsy to JJ, who had opened her satchel to pull out a nearly empty package of Oreos and some ...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/24/07 06:09 AM

good old Southern made whiskey. The tinkling of the glasses sounded like a tabernacle orchestra. Danita was now dancing with Dancer while others way across the room were clapping to Meredith and Chatty making spectacles of themselves up on the Piano dancing, while the crowd clapped to the rythmm of Mustang Sally ride...Just then something no one ever expected to see....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/24/07 05:58 PM

the widows that lived in this retirement resort. They were out in force searching for their missing studly Santas. It had taken them months to find just the right single dudes to play the part for their parties, but then as they were trying on their costumes, POOF! they were gone. The women were really ticked and out for revenge. Anne was lucky because when the group of angry women heard the wild music from the street and saw Chats house was a-rockin, they passed right by it. Anne sighed with relief as she stuffed her sack of men into Chattys walk in closet. She whispered to the men inside as she closed the door tight...
Posted by: gims

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/25/07 09:24 PM

... She told them to be really quiet and that she'd be back in a flash, but she had something else to do first. She ran down the hall and out the front door just in time to see the widows getting ready to round the corner at the end of Chat's block. With little thought, she took off running, skipping every so often, thinking it would help her uneven pant. Finally she reached the women, who had stopped and watched as the booming crazy lady nearly fell into their huddle. Anne327, being the kind soul that she is, breathlessly invited them to Chatty's house. She didn't tell of her magic bag escapade. That would be her secret.
But, she did tell them...
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/26/07 03:53 PM

No, she did not tell them, until....
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/27/07 07:42 AM

...they all arrived back to Chatty's. Each were taken aback by the sight of the seemingly wild party inside. Chatty was demonstrating her table dance and there was wild laughter everywhere. Anne convinced them to stay for awhile as she introduced them to the others. They couldn't get over Dianne's bright red suit and shoes. This was evident as they looked knowingly at each other as they surveyed all these women. Anne thought the tale of the magic bag might make them smile and lighten up but before she could begin her story...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/27/07 02:33 PM

hahahahahehehehehehe....yeah, we all laughed. We knew exactly what Anne was thinking and where she was going as she slid behind the walk in closet door and closed it. She was checking out her prey....we glanced at each other knowing what the thoughts were. But just then a loud shriek that sent our hearts jumping....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our "Boomer Babes Holiday" Story - 12/27/07 05:36 PM

Poor dear Meredith took a nose dive off the piano and landed on Sandpiper, who fell against Anno, who slammed into Danita,...and so on, and so on. It looked like a game of giant dominos going on.

In the meantime across town, they were making ready all the rooms on the 12th. floor for the invasion of the Boomer babes. These rooms were so beautiful, some even had jacuzzis in them. The Manager told Arthur, Jake and Paulo to ready the tour busses to go across town to pick up their guests.

The phone rang and Chatty was told to get the boomer babes ready as the busses would be there shortly. It was hard to hear him and even harder to get the attention of the BB's so Saundra grabbed a pot from the kitchen and a big wooden spoon and banged on it until you could hear a pin drop.

Chatty jumped up on the piano again and this time told the ladies what was occuring. You have one half hour to grab your stuff and head out into the front yard. The busses are coming to get you all. Tonite is a party in The House of Blues just for us and I'm ....
Posted by: jabber

Mandalay Bay... - 12/28/07 09:26 AM

seeing the greatest party Las Vegas ever saw! And so it was!
Boomers enjoyed unplugged entertainment at The House of Blues Music Hall, called Mandalay Bay. Sandpiper, Anno and Danita picked themselves off the floor and were spinning to the best dance hits The Spazmatics could offer. That night, our boomers' experienced the ultimate dance party plus rockstar karaoke, backed up by a real, live rock band. Chatty was on the dance floor swinging; and, she managed to stay off The House Piano all night long.
Rock and roll you disco babes, you!!!!
Posted by: jabber

But wait...! - 12/29/07 09:49 AM

Where's Meredith? We haven't seen her since she started that human landslide. She wasn't on the dance floor.
She wasn't in the little girls' room. She wasn't at the bar or any of the tables? Now that I think of it, she wasn't on any of the buses, either! Has anyone seen Meredith...?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 12/29/07 07:18 PM

Meantime back at Chattys place there was Meredith sitting at the dining room table with the widow women from the park that had followed Anne looking for their men, they were engrossed in looking at some of the most beautiful jewelry they'd ever seen. Meredith had brought some of her creations with her for the Boomer Babes to buy, at their insistance. One of the wild women spotted the stuff and now the money was flying out of their hands to buy up these treasures. Meredith picked up the telephone and called Dotsies cell to explain to her why she was missing and about her fabulous luck. One woman wanted the jewelry right out of Meredith's ears, she was laughing hysterically when she told Dotsie....
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/02/08 02:07 AM

Okay, I hear my name... (and I've been MIA due to a surprisingly decent week in web orders. Usually it's quiet until mid-January)

It wouldn't be the first time that someone has bought some gorgeous jewels directly off me Although some things are NOT for sale!

OK, back to the story...
Meredith was moving jewelry so fast, she seemed to have three arms. When Dotsie answered her phone, Meredith was babbling about a combined craft fair/talent show/literary salon/
and of course, for Anne (and several other ladies) -- a charity auction featuring the talents of the captured men,

Did I say talents????
Posted by: jabber

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/02/08 09:41 AM

And those captured men, were--of all things--Chip and Dale
strippers. Hey, talk about auctions, now that was an auction. The bodies on those guys were way too distracting.
The jewelry was beautiful, but so were those male bods!
HeeeeeeeeHaaaaaw; oooooogle, ooooogle, ooooogle!

Who needs talent, when you look like that?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/02/08 03:53 PM

Meredith surprised us all when she showed up at the Mandalay Bay the next evening with photos of the auction. The Chippendale dancers who were being auctioned off, were all modeling Merediths jewelry. You wouldn't believe where she had pieces exhibited, I never thought I'd see a beaded bracelet where...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/02/08 04:38 PM

..."the sun don't shine." Various responses from the boomers were quite a memory of that night. Dotsie blushed, JJ roared, Chatty clapped and cheered with Hannelore right behind her. LadyJane just laughed hysterically, as usual. What a night! Meredith didn't know quite what to think of her jewelry then. It's time for the farewell dinner now. Everyone was saddened to see it all end but there will always be next year. Everyone was cooking and chatting away. Chatty did the main dish and told everyone else what to do. Then a loud knock at the door hushed everyone....who could it be?...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 06:51 AM

It was Mrs, Hughes, she'd been invited by JJ to come and join the fun. She did her stand-up comedy for all the gals for an hour, we were all sick from laughing. Some of the ladies didn't know who she was because they hadn't read about her under the thread ANNOUNCEMENTS Chatty posted...It was almost time to retire for then night because everyone was leaving early the next day, we all said our goodnights and suddenly there came a shriek from Chats bedroom, it was Anne who had finally...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 06:56 AM

found the man of her dreams...she was there (dare I say?) with the chippendale dancer and startled Chatty so much that Chatty came running out where the others were all saying goodnight....everyone froze at her shrieks...Chatty breathlessly screamed..."Guess what..........??????"
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 07:50 AM

Little did Anne know, she could have had a V-8! Anne comes out smiling like the cat who ate the canary. Suddenly, there a knock on the big, wide front doors and the Divine Ms M strolls over jangling her beads with each footstep. She puts her hand on the doorknob and starts to open the door when ...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 09:17 AM

Oh my gosh, there in the foyer were the chipmunks, Chip & Dale. They were dancing on a chippendale dancer's semi-comatose body. Mr. Bicepts must have drank too much wine.
Talk about jewelry? He had body parts pierced that caused pain just to think about them being punctured...Places
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 12:20 PM

...through his lips just where Anne put them when he said the WRONG thing! However, Anne seemed smug about it. It didn't bother her a bit...after all, the bum deserved it! Now how are we going to get rid of all these chipmunks plus the semi-comatose chippendale guy? So nurse Jane dialed 911 for the chippendale and Chatty, who loves her animals, got a net for the chipmunks. Soon the place was cleared out. Time for the final party tonight before everyone has to go home. This one would be the best! Who will sing? dance? tell jokes? "I know!" yelled Bonnierose above everyone's chatter.....
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 12:29 PM

However Mountain ash arrived,having a friend who had a private jet she brought the whole pipe band.Complete with drum major who had a twirly baton which hypnotised all those present.
Along with the band Dougray Scott and Ewan McGregor with Mountains Favorite musician Phil Cunningham made a a celidh (A party to non Scots)Mountain cleared the floor and got every one up for an eightsom reel.Ally Cunningham Phils partner had stowed away on the plane wanting to meet all the ladies so the most marvellous party with Ally and Phil playing music.The slow Scottish aires the jigs and reels made everyone dizzy.Except Mountain and dancer who found that the "older the fiddle the better the tune"was indeed true.
All the others loved the Scottish music..
Mountain ash
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/04/08 07:12 PM

The following morning Chatty could be seem as a small speck on the runway waving a teary good-bye to all that came to Vegas that April week. What a way to end the biggest, wildest party Vegas had ever seen. One they'd never forget.

Dotsie and JJ were sitting in the rear of the plane with pad and pen in hand already planning the fabulous getaway for next year.
The other women all drank champagne and toasted Vegas and the wonderful time they had, recounting the happenings and laughing hysterically.
A good time was had by all, but wait where was Anne? Just then the pilot came on the intercom saying, "will someone please come and remove this wild woman from my co-pilots lap?"


(0r was it?)
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/05/08 06:31 AM

Amen. And so it was the end....but only the beginning of many more to come!

Posted by: jabber

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/05/08 09:23 AM

The moral of the story was never get so drunk, you can't tell the difference between a chippendale and Chip & Dale!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/05/08 11:02 AM

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/05/08 11:04 AM

Before you sign this story off...do give the 24 members of the pipe band a mention.All that talent...plus musicians and actors.
Mountaina ash
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Writing our Boomer Babes Holiday story.... - 01/05/08 11:07 AM

Good Bonnie, good summation.
Take a Bow! Ta Da!