Dancing with the Stars

Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Dancing with the Stars - 09/30/06 08:52 PM

Has anyone been following Dancing with the Stars? I decided to watch it this time and I am enjoying it.

Viveca Fox is one of the celebrity dancers. She had mentioned she wanted to participate in order to show other 40 something women that we can still cut it. I am paraphrasing because I forgot her exact words. How could I not watch it now?

Is anyone else watching it?

Posted by: Anno

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 09/30/06 09:06 PM

I don't watch, but adore the quote. Stand up women, we are the ones who are beautiful.
Posted by: 49erDonna

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/01/06 01:20 AM

I watch the show and love seeing the various dances. It's amazing to see how much they improve. Vivica is really showing America that we 40+ can still cut it!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/01/06 09:05 AM

I love the show. It's about the only thing I watch on tv. I've watched the other two series as well. I felt so bad for Ashley last week. I didn't think Harry was all that good, but she has had some bad breaks on the show and I felt bad for her. I love Cheryl. I think she is about the best of the professional dancers. I do go online and vote every week after the show. Not sure who I'm for yet. It was a toss-up between Mario and Joey until they started breaking the rules. Now I'm not so sure.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/02/06 05:18 PM

I have watched the show since its inception and never miss one. I think Joey is a natural and doubt he will ever break a rule again and don't believe it was intentional unlike Mario whos done it two weeks in a row. He best be careful though because the judges aren't taking it lightly and he nearly was in the bottom two with the public last week as well. I love Vivica Fox, she is a Boomer, and a trooper to the max. You are right that Sheryl is the best and most gorgeous of the female professional dancers. This is such a great show and one can hardly watch without becoming addicted to it. Its wholesome, entertaining and fun for the whole family.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/02/06 07:07 PM

I love the dancing, but I also love the clothes. I agree with you Chatty about Joey. I don't think he'll make the same mistake twice. Mario on the other hand.....he's counting on the audience vote and ignoring the judges totally. I like the extremes he goes to, but last week he ticked me off as well because I felt he has no regard for the opinions of the judges and he's just doing an "in your face" to them. I gave most of my votes to Joey last week. But, it is a great show and very entertaining to watch. I like Vivaca too. The country one, Sara, is growing on me now. I think she is pretty and sweet and she did extremely well last week. Can't wait until tomorrow night to see what they do next.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/03/06 08:56 AM

I have to say Louisa, that I like Emmett the ex football player, what a gentleman he is. He tries really hard too, and for someone that big he is doing a super job. I look forward to Tuesday nights when its on and then Wednesday for the results....Did you see Mario's nude scene on Nip/Tuck two weeks ago? What a body he has. Oh and every week so far the comedian George Lopez has been clapping away in the audience, wonder if Mario is his son?
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/04/06 10:28 PM

Show's getting interesting. Mario sure came back last night. Joey was terrific too. Willa did such a lovely waltz. I was glad to see tonight that Cheryl & Emmet made it, surprised that Jerry Springer is still in, not surprised that Mario is in the #1 slot again, and really surprised that Viveca is out. I expected Sara to be the one to go tonight. I'm glad she's got another chance. She've very sweet and pretty. Most of her problem last night was tripping over her dress. I think anyone who can dance in the shoes they wear deserves to win

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/05/06 09:32 AM

Can you believe the women's bodies? Zero% body fat!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/05/06 07:24 PM

I bet if you danced for 6 to 8 hours a day, everyday you would have zero body fat too. Sheryl says she eats anything she wants but smaller portions and if she ever stops dancing shes worried about her frame blowing up. Shes so beautiful. I nthought for sure Sara would go, she is my least favorite with Willa not far behind her. I think we are seeing another more positive side of Jerry Springer.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/05/06 09:52 PM

I like Sara and Willa, but I don't think they can dance better than Mario or Joey. I don't like Mario's dance partner but they do well together. I don't think Jerry really should have lasted this long, but the public is voting for him. I didn't think his waltz was that good, just touching.

Chatty, if I did that for a few hours just one day, I wouldn't have to worry about fat, just a final resting place.

Posted by: Bathbuddys

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/06/06 02:19 AM

LOL Louisa resting place?....come on I am sure you can boogie with the best of em'.

Oh ladies, I used to go out dancing 2 to 3 nights a week and I did get an opportunity to learn ballroom dancing which is a blast, but very hard to do. I used it also to country western dance.
I was in the dance company in college and it is true, if you dance as much as I did, you too can look like that, but let me tell you now I wish I would have tested a little more often as the knees are going, the hips hurt and other joints that I didn't know I had....lol
I also have made up for the body fat that I didn't have then...
I have gone from 132 at 5'7 to almost 200 and let me tell you, I have a need for a restin place.....lol

Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/06/06 07:16 AM

I always loved to dance. After my divorce I went out dancing 2-3 night a week. That's actually how I met my second husband. I didn't do much that could be considered ballroom dancing. I was addicted to the Electric Slide My knees never gotten over it. I did do some ballroom dancing in the early 70's. Took lessons for a while. It's not as easy as they make it look. I couldn't do it now. I'd like to do some dancing. I need to move more and get off the pc which is what I'm addicted to now. The Paso would give me a heart attack. I like to watch.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/06/06 01:43 PM

The only dancing I do now is down the hallway on the way to the bathroom, after waiting too long to get up and go pee...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/07/06 10:29 AM

I think I have the hub talked into taking dance lessons. He didn't say no so there is the possibility!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/07/06 06:59 PM

The pee pee dance! LOL! Chatty, I dance to that too, just as soon as I arrive home from the long drive home!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/07/06 07:44 PM

We went to the theater last night, the Opera House in Boston, to see All Shook Up. I made the mistake of having coffee with dinner before the show. (I didn't know I was going to the show, but that's another story.) Well, of course I had to go after about two songs. Not wanting to get up and disturb people and hike up the aisle from the 6th row and not wanting to miss any of the play, I held it for an hour and a half until the intermission. Need I say how badly I had to go by then? I was almost afraid to stand up. I danced my way up the aisle in record time. Had no idea the bathrooms were downstairs. I had to go down two flights of stairs and through a large area where people hang out during the break. I prayed all the way that there would be no line. Luckily, there were a lot of stalls and no line. When I came out, the line went all the way down the hall, and back to the stairs and then some. I don't know how I got there before all those other people, but I was grateful. I think they must have all been in the balcony.

Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/13/06 07:06 PM

You are all so funny! I can relate to the pee pee dance, especially when I laugh pretty hard!

I was really disappointed that Vivica was voted off. But I must admit, her dance number didn't do anything for me. That particular dance with Bon Jovi music was really out of sinc.

I've been voting for Sara, again because I empathize with her. She is a mom of three children and touring and still manages to find time to learn new dances? Wow!

I must admit the last routine Jerry did was hilarious, talk about pee, LOL.

It's really tough, they are all great!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/13/06 09:16 PM

This is getting so difficult now it makes me stressed. They are all so good and try so very hard, even Jerry Springer. Through this show I have developed as new respect for him I never had before. I hate to see any of them leave...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/14/06 04:46 AM

I just heard tonight that Sara, the Country & Western singer is leaving the show. She said she is getting a divorce and its real messy, she has some type of restraining order out against the husband and says she will come to the show to explain why she is leaving. I wonder if they will bring Willa and Max back to even out the weeks and couples, cause now they'll be short two....Humm, interesting.
Posted by: Pam R.

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/14/06 10:06 PM

I'm a big country music fan (even though I live in NY and we don't even have a country radio station any longer)and I love Sara Evan's music. I know she is not the "best" dancer on the show but I really like her. I feel so bad that she is going through such a difficult time in her life.
P.S. I got lucky last year and had tickets to the Country Music Awards at Madison Square Gdn. in NYC. GREAT SHOW!!!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/14/06 10:15 PM

I'm not a country music fan, but I liked Sara on the show. She is so sweet and although not one of the better dancers, she tries so hard. The night she did Boots, she was great. I was shocked to read that she had to quit the show and what is going on in her life. It's a shame she had to quit the show.

Last night we went to see Trisha Yearwood. My husband likes country music. I'm not a fan and she didn't manage to convert me either, but she put on a good show. She does have a couple of songs I know and like and she sang them, so I was glad of that. It's a small theatre so our seats were very close to the stage.

Posted by: 49erDonna

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/15/06 12:25 AM

I too was shocked to read that Sara left the show. I hope everything works out for her. It sounds like she's going through a tough time.

How neat to get to go see Trisha Yearwood. From what I hear, her shows are good.

I am a late-bloomer country fan. With the exception of Kenny Rogers, I never used to listen to country music but I am really becoming a fan. i like the stories that the songs tell. My favorites are Faith Hill and Martina Mcbride.

Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/16/06 10:01 PM

Has anyone read the comments on aol about Sara and her husband? There's a story too where he says he denies it all. He sort of tries to blame her for some of it and for bringing it into the public eye. Save the children and all. I don't belive him. I think he's doing damage control now and trying to save his sorry butt. Was he worried about the children when he was with their nanny? I hate to be judgemental, but I think he's lying. I'm so sick of these creeps. Tomorrow night they are going to have an interview with Sara about leaving the show on the show.

I keep thinking of the judges on the show and her dancing. They have been trying to get her out of her shell and it hasn't been easy for her. I don't think she's the type to be aggressive enough to make all that up for the sake of publicity. If she was, she would be a more aggressive dancer. I hope her lawyers do a dance on him if he did ANY of this.

I guess this has riled me up tonight.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/17/06 09:19 AM

Donna, I am also a late blooming country fan. I saw Kenny Rogers years ago and he was such a great performer, but he was one of the only country singers I ever liked. Then my son started going to school in SC... Then my daughter began listening to country too. Now I love it. The kids have given me a couple country CDS. They are now some of my favorite gifts.

Sorry, I don't watch Dancing ...
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/17/06 11:00 AM

If she has a restraining order out on the hub, it isn't hard to read between the lines, is it? These guys always deny it. Was he thinking of the kids when he did whatever it was?

I'm a country music fan. Love Big & Rich.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/17/06 03:36 PM

I agree with you Louisa, I think he is lying. It's amazing what some people can do and be convincing. I will say, I could tell by how she looked that something was the matter with her. She looked like someone trying very hard to cover a tired look with the costume, smile and make-up. Anyway, there was something off about her appearance, and I just took it she was tired. Now we know.

I feel bad for her, I was voting for her because I could tell how much passion she had for dancing and wanting to grow into it.

Ironically, I am not a C&W fan. I have tried to be, because the artists are such good and down to earth people. Now bluegrass music is a different story. I love that!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/17/06 04:20 PM

I just hope she stands up for herself and funny Cathi you would say that, I was telling someone just two weeks earlier that Sara's eyes, or rather behind her eyes, there was something that didn't look right, a sadness or fear!!I figured maybe it was the contest but then that didn't make any sense either, she is a seasoned performer. I guess we can just wait until tonight and see. Me, I love country, it is most of what I sang professionally.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/17/06 10:30 PM

It sounds like she is standing up for herself or the story wouldn't be news. I can't believe how the show is standing by her. I think it's great, but then again it may be for the ratings. I've seen tonight's show but won't comment yet in case some of you haven't seen it yet due to time differences. This guy is a slime and it will all come out in the wash.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/25/06 12:55 AM

Wow, what a show tonight. I swear its hard to stay in my chair while watching this show. I think the last 4 couples should be a 4 way tie. I don't mean Jerry, although he has done very well for his age and talent. But I'm pretty sure he will be leaving tomorrow night.
Posted by: flossie

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/30/06 04:35 PM

Jerry Springer is doing David Letterman's top 10 Monday night....you've probably already had Monday night!! Tuesday morning here at the moment.....did Jerry get kicked off?

Just a bit off the topic here, but is Jerry married and to the same wife?
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/30/06 05:23 PM

Yes, Jerry got kicked off last week. I'm not sure if he's married but it sounds like he is. He talked a lot about family. They had his daughter on the show the night he danced the waltz. He talked about dancing at her upcoming wedding.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/30/06 05:36 PM

I don't want to cover this thread but have any of you seen the movie, Flags of our Fathers? My uncle was in that war and said it was so horrible that he prayed every day to have a arm or leg blown off so he could leave. My cousin has done a documentary on it with interviews of the survivors who are in their 80's now, her father included. It looks like Tom Hanks is going to do the narrative.

I'm not sure I could sit through this knowing he was in this awful war. Just wondered what you gals thought of it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/31/06 06:46 PM

Yes poor Jerry bit the dust but left as a gentleman, head held high. I think many of us saw the real Jerry Springer and came away respecting him, I know I did. Not sure whether he is still married. He sure is close to his daughter. Can't wait for tonight, making popcorn and settling in to see the dancers do their magic. It is really getting hard to have to vote anyone off...phew!!!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 10/31/06 07:06 PM

Me too, Chatty. It's getting harder to pick. I'm so torn. I think Monique will go this week. It's going to end up a race between the 3 men. But, the dancing gets better and better, doesn't it?

Posted by: Pam R.

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/01/06 10:38 AM

Wow...I can't decide who I like better between Mario or Joey! Boy, can they dance? I can't find anything at all wrong with their steps so it is odd when the judges point out mistakes. Time will tell.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/01/06 11:22 PM

I just loved Joey and Edyta's tango with the Adam's Family theme. Last nights and tonights show was superb. I was glad to see Willa comeback and sing. I never heard her before and she really has a nice voice.

So far, I am rooting for Joey and I have voted for him the last two times. But, I am just watching and I will vote for whoever I enjoy that particular night.

I am so glad I don't have to judge that competition, it is a toughy. They are all fabulous!

Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/02/06 12:11 AM

I'm so torn between Joey and Mario. Mario really is the best dancer, but I like Emmet too. He also has the NFL voting for him, so he could win. I did feel bad about Monique, but as good as she is, she hasn't been consistent. It is so hard to decide. I just love the show. Last night was great. I loved the tango too, and Mario's waltz was awesome. I did not agree with the judges on Emmet's fox trot and I thought his other dance was good too, but Mario did two excellent dances. They are just outstanding.

Posted by: nevadaangel

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/02/06 02:57 PM

I love watching Dancing with the Stars,
Iam rooting for Mario, and this week, I thought JOey and his partner were very good.

If you girls ever get a chance to see a live preformance called Forever Tango, go and see it I have seen it twice now teh group comes from Argentina, and the dancing is awesome and so are their costumes!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/02/06 09:41 PM

Moniques is gone and now the real hard part begins, choosing between Emmett, Joey and Mario. I really like them all but am voting exclusively for Joey. Why? Because Emmett is a super star of sports and Mario is just 21 and already better known than Joey. Joey doesn't have much of a career since he's an adult now and I would like to see him win this. He is working so hard.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/03/06 08:23 PM

I am with you Chatty. I remember Joey when he played in Blossom. When Sofia was in the 2nd grade she would watch Blossom, which is a teeny bopper type sitcom, before she had to go to school. So I ended up watching it too. Joey was quite younger and had hair then. His character was like Jesse's from Full House.

But I had no idea he could dance. I like his style of dancing. He has had the opportunity to dance to some classics like "Singing in the Rain" You just do not see that anymore.

Anyway, Joey is going to get my vote. I like his partner too, she is a great dancer and they complement each other.

I voted for Monique once, a few weeks ago, because she was great that particular night. I liked her partner as well, there was something about his personality that seemed very kind.

Okay, I think I've gotten really into this, LOL. What I want to know is how does one get a chance to get into the Slim Fast Dance Challenge? That would be awesome and I could only admit this to you ladies here. Well, I don't have to explain how free I feel here to express myself, LOL.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/03/06 10:30 PM

Google, www.SlimFast.com and see what you can find.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/08/06 05:59 PM

Well tonight we find out which of the three best of the best dancers will be going home. I will be holding my breath. All my buds and I are voting for Joey for the reasons I stated above. Too bad it can't be a three way tie...I think these have been the best celecrity dancers so far. Did you hear they are going on a 38 city tour and will be appearing and dancing. I would pay to see that but am not sure which citys they are visiting yet, no one has said.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/15/06 09:24 PM

The show was just awesome. I won't say more due to time differences and some may not have seen the results show yet. But, it was very exciting.

Chatty, you can see what cities they will be touring on www.abc.com

They are coming near here to Worcester and to Mohegan Sun in Feb., but it's the 3rd and the 5th. My husband will be at the Super Bowl so that's out for me. Also, my daughter is due Jan. 30. I can't take the chance of booking that. If she goes a day or two late, I'd have to stay home. I'd rather be here to greet my baby.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/16/06 03:16 AM

The dancers will be here in Vegas on Dec. 30th. I will go see them but only if my friends have room in their private box. You've seen on the show how wild and loud the crowd gets and I have no desire to be in the middle of all that mayhem to see anyone. The tickets are $55.00 for up close and personal seats and $45.00 for the rest. The sky boxes are rented seasonally so it wouldn't cost me a dime. What a great show they've all put on, great entertainment...
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/16/06 06:00 AM

It was a great show. I was glad to see Emmit and Cheryl win, although I loved Mario. It was just too hard to choose. I really think Mario thought it was in the bag. Tickets at Mohegan are either $85 or $95. I forget what it said. As I said, it's not good timing for me to plan to go anywhere and I'c also have to get a room and stay over. It would also involve a day off from work. I'd do it if it were another time, but not right when the baby is due or Super Bowl weekend when my husband can't take me.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/16/06 09:09 PM

You know, I have never watched this show but wish I had. I love dancing and would have enjoyed it. Is it Wednesday nights that it comes on? Same night each week? Or is the season over? Help the ignorant here!
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/16/06 09:32 PM

The season is over. Last night was the final show. It was on Tuesday nights and then on Wednesday for the results of the night before. The only two nights I watched TV.

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/17/06 06:35 AM

It was one of the most entertaining shows ever on TV and it made you feel good just watching it. I will miss it like crazy until next season....Not much to watch now.
Posted by: Louisa

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/17/06 07:22 AM

I'll miss it too.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Dancing with the Stars - 11/17/06 10:26 AM

No reruns?