Clothes Tossing?

Posted by: QBall101

Clothes Tossing? - 06/18/08 06:18 PM

How do You go about or decide what to toss/give away/dispose of aka simply 'get out of your closet and life' when it comes to your clothing?
I spent 15 years becoming ill and thus from it FAT! As I got more ill, the clothes kept getting larger. Finally transplanted and fit again, now I can wear what I wore BC- LOL Before Children, what did you think? So, for the last couple years a new item here and there was about all I purchased, finding it too much fun to slip back in the pee-wee sizes of, (due to exercise) some fit some don't, most all are outdated & I'm up dating my new wordrobe with my 'new size' cuties.
Problem is, what to keep and what to dismss, dare I hang onto a few favs from all my previous sizes, just in case illness strikes again or a few favs from yesteryear in the hope that they come back in style. Jeans OK, jeans are least the 30 year old pairs go up to the waist! LOL Are there any Great organizational wizardettes out there with a sure fire way to cope with this daunting task?
Posted by: gims

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 02:52 AM

Go with the 6 month rule... if you haven't used it in 6 months (maybe make it 18 as a consideration to seasons), get rid of it... but, keep the age-old standards, i.e. a wool coat, black skirt that could be altered if need be
If you keep the bigger items, they may call your name, giving you license to grow back into them.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 03:15 AM

I have three sizes in my closet...and sad to say I wear them on a rotating basis. Yuck...but I'm glad I haven't thrown the different sizes away. If you have the room, I'd keep them.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 04:10 AM

Throw or give the ones that make you feel like a loser when you see them away and be comfortable. You have most likely earned the priviledge. I got rid of all my ridiculously skinny clothes long ago. If by some miracle I would become thinner again, I would deserve all "new" skinny clothes anyway, that my take on this question...
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 05:09 AM

You can do what I do. I go through my closets once a year and weed out
anything I have not worn in a long time. Goodwill loves it!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 07:37 AM

To me, keeping the "big" clothes is giving yourself permission to get big again. Why not? You have clothes to wear if you do. I would toss them in a heartbeat.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 08:31 AM

Throw away every single item that reminds you of what you used to be. Then start hunting for bargins and begin a new wardrobe for the new you. You deserve it girl.

By the way, jeans DO go out of style. You might consider buying new ones??????
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 09:00 AM

Great advice! I've also been doing the great 2008 clean-out and have been faced with similar thoughts regarding the closet. I'm dumping everything that's unlikely to ever leave the closet. I was shocked at the things I've been saving, knowing full well I'd never wear them again. I, too, have a few sizes represented there and am getting rid of everything that I can't wear today.
Posted by: QBall101

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 09:13 AM

WOW Thanks Ladies,
After reading your great ideas it seems from each of you I got a good idea, plus the motivation to actually "Get'er Done!" LOL
MY personalized plan from combining everything mentioned here is to:
Buy New Skinny Stuff, already had that in progress..I try to pickup at least one bargain everytime I go shopping. Size isn't my only ligit excuse, my new job requires business casual dressing.
Of the BIG stuff, since in reality (Health Reasons) I could start retaining fluids again at the drop of a hat, I'm keeping a few of the expensive & a few of the ultra comfortable lounge wear items ~ Bagged way in the back forgotten unless needed.
My really favs (that stand the test of time -like my black cardigan type jacket) of the big stuff I'm going to have altered..hence NO going back on purpose to the larger sizes.
TOssing ALL Looser clothes! Like the Wally world knit slacks with elastic waist bought cause that was all I could stand on my big me. LOL Not funny but at oe point I looked like a pregnant mid 40's fool!
The old jeans, keep for yard work and on the ranch riding etc..BUY more new styled jeans, I have several already, but may as well go whole hog and get a few more.

**OF what fits that I'm not wearing, TOSS!
All tossed stuff is going to the 'Doggie Store', it's a Thrift Store run by our local animal shelter and all profits go to help with care of the homeless's a No Kill Shelter so they really need it.
Ready Set GO! Thanks Gals, I'm going to go round up boxes & get in gear. Ya'll are the best motivators on Earth....
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 11:11 AM

Start from the skin out and buy nice undergarments.also less is more..mix and match..
I gave teaching clothes to a friend who was still working so that made space.
I have classics..will keep hold of them .
I have more casual wear but wish it looked I keep a quest for loose bottoms that dont look like jogging pants..That also have matching any advice.
Then if someone calls I can look like I have taken care without looking as if I have been to the gym.

Mountain ash
Posted by: QBall101

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 11:29 AM

A gal for comfort..those sets are so nice to putter in, a lot of them now are nice enough to run shopping in too. I like keeping basic go with all shorts & workout type pants around with a colorful assortment of Tees & maching socks, looks pulled together and yet comfortable. I have finally, started feeling like I'm worth a $40 bra! LOL A few months back I was on a undergarmet kick! So fun...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 11:55 AM

MA, love the idea to start with the skin out. I've always owned basic underwear and I'm stepping out lately an dlove it.

Funny thing is the difference between my daughter and I in this cattegory, and I think it's the same with the rest of their generation. They have the best underwear; all colors, prints, etc.

Funny thing, she has to wear a white shrit for work and has to go out and buy new bras because she has no white or beige ones. That's all I've ever had, well, mayb e an occasional black. How funny is that?

They ear pink tank tops with either pink bras or some other wild color like turquiose and they do it on purpose. What a hoot.

Anyway, I do what diamond does. I pretty much clean out each season. However, I was cleaning out our youngest son's closet since he's coming home soon, and I found all these nice wool dress clothes that' I'd been hanging on to. They are now on his bed and the next stop is green bags to go to Goodwill.

Does anyone here like getting rid of stuff as much as I do? I feel a total sense of accomplishment when I pitch things.
Posted by: QBall101

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 12:25 PM

LOL Dotsie,
Glad to hear you're stepping out w/ undies too. My last bra was a racer back, heather gray / hot pink trim! So comfortable and I too Love stepping out in that department. THe senior lady I cared for, last year close to 70, had the most colorful undie me to thinking? Agreeing..a day spent tossing 'stuff' is a day well spent, it's liberating.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 12:33 PM

I absolutely love underwear buying when I can. I "stepped out" of the humdrum years ago and went crazy with it! I have to wear such comfortable but drab things when I work but when I'm home or out elsewhere I have quite the array of sexy
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 04:39 PM

This is a bit off the subjecgt but did anyone else hear about tbhe woman suing Victoria Secrets because her thong panties damaged her? Yes its true, but not where you think. It seems she was trying on a pair and some decorative little plastic flower flew off, hit her in the eye, pemanently damaging her cornia. Whats next? Honestly!
Posted by: QBall101

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 05:31 PM

Chatty, what I want to know is where in the 'world' is there a place for a plastic flower on a pair of thong panties anyhow? ANd Way off topic, but have you seen pantiliners for thong panties? Now do tell IF ya need a pantiliner - please wouldn't it be wise to skip the thong panties!? Really OH BTW 3 boxes ready for the Doggie Store and counting...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 05:42 PM

The town I like shopping and abnking in has this good shop.We call it the tshirt shop..Fred Perry and all types on tshirts for men and ladies.Body warmers fleece and really good eaincoats.I have one which if I had a horse would keep me and the horse dry!!!cost a lot but less than in a big retail shop.
This week the buyer/owner had a stock of French socks. really good designer type.Fashion and style,I got some tried them daughter tried mine and ther following day I went and bought each of us a selection.These are retailing in high streets for seriously high prices and this man "did a deal" and they are £1 each pair.Trouble being that after this average chain store socks will be a let down.
Its an Alladins Cave shop...
Dont know if I should have posted this on the good news link..however they brighten my day.
This man buys loads of stock so can reduce the retail cost.He also goes to outdoor events where his stock is in demand.Its golf and walking stuff outdoorsy.No nice comforable trousers..but I keep looking.I like ballet type velvet bottoms..they kind dancers put on over leotards.

Yes Dotsie I carry goodwill bags to my car with gratitude knowing that these unwanted extra items will be appreciated..will make someone elses day.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/19/08 09:08 PM


Got you beat on getting rid of stuff . Took cloths up to the local hosptial for the nearly new sale at GBMC and then four bags off to goodwill . Then went shopping for new things that I needed after I ahd keep the old clothes some ten years and out of style. Went to Talbots at the mall and Coldwater Creek are having 50% off and all the stores . I just stuck to Talbots . I can't believe I had a linen jacket for ten years and when I had it drycleaned it go so stiff well that went out the door . I went to the outlet and purchase a new one .

Don't want to buy to much losing the weigh and only getting tops that just plum wore out on me . I hate clutter and have to get rid of it . I have comforter in the storage room that are clean in the plastic bag that are going to Goodwill . Wee.... it feels good to get it all cleaned out .

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/20/08 03:19 AM

Do you connect your elation at donating with the fact your weight has gone.And the fluid..
M mmm.I ponder
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/20/08 11:21 AM


Do you connect your elation at donating with the fact your weight has gone.And the fluid..
M mmm.I ponder

Mountain Ash,

I am not sure what you mean ! I never mention fluid loss . I really feel it is a good thing to donate after all clothes do get out of style after awhile . We do need to refresh our cloth at some time .

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/22/08 02:36 PM

Hi Rennee
I was replying to Qball..who mentioned fluid might return.
I didn't make that clear..Sorry.
yes I agree its a good thing to donate.
Mountain ash
Posted by: LGood67334

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/22/08 11:54 PM

I love, "Throw away the ones that make you feel like a loser." What a positive message this sends out to the world...and in to the soul. I was delighted to find it.

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/23/08 03:48 AM

Throw away the ones that make you feel like a loser

Yes..I agree.

On Saturday my daughter and I went to the big shop she usually buys from.She goes on holiday next week and picked some new tshirts capris etc.I went too just for a look see.

It was a dull morning but the sun came out as we arrived.Of course we stayed longer...lots to see.
I had pulled a long cardigan over a nice paisley skirtwhich is a subtle green and good long cardigan matched..Totally suitable for my size and looks good USUALLY. But it was unsuitable next to the summer clothes racks..and the other shoppers.Who were wearing casual summer tops and sundresses.
There were plenty I kept seeing myself.

I won't disgard my skirt and the cardigan (almost coat like) is a good basic garment.But I will think twice about what I wear and where I wear things.Image is important to the wearer .So sometimes its not our clothing but the situation we are in.
It was the wrong choice that day.So layers and a bit of forethought are necessary for me.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/23/08 11:53 AM

Mountain Ash,
YES, I would connect the Elation of tossing in part to the fluid being gone. It was the most miserable time in my life. I actually could feel my feet 'slosh' when I walked (which wasn't too far). Looked a good 18 months pregnant with a litter! LOL Before my sugery while still awake I noticed all the doctors/nurses etc had on waders, in my frame of mind going under I was thinking OMG I'm being operated on by chicken plant workers! We have Tyson's locally and all their plant ppl walking into work have on thse same knee high water boots. LOL
AFter wards when my Dr inquired how far into my surgery I could recall I mentioned, "y'all had on chicken boots" etc...Bless him he was so confused. Leading to fliud, when they sliced into me 38 pounds of fluid gushed out of my abdomen alone. So dang Tootin' I'm elated at being 105 pounds lighter than my sick me. LOL
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/24/08 03:50 AM

waders...your frame of mind pre op.
That time when we have had some sedation prior to an op...I just bet nurses will have some stories..funny how you connected the chicken factory.

I remember post op..looking at ice cream on a plate and believing it was "lovely" did not want to eat the square blob..a type of ice cream I would never buy..

makes me wonder what drug users actually see, and believe.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/24/08 04:00 AM

do you might sharing how and when the fluid came..and what outcome health wise now.
I have an older friend who has ("lymp problems") thats all she says..a lovely woman in her sixties who was a local politican and memeber of many forums.This health issue restricts her mobility.Its just a thing she does n't share and I have never asked.I see her a wonderful person who has done so much for society.She would be on panels to interview senior teachers and staff.Always knew how to pick the right candidate.She being housebound is a loss to many as well as in a personal sense for her. One thing I can say is that she shows such compassion and interest when any of us have a health problem.
Mountain ash
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 10:57 AM

Mountain Ash,
My fluid was due to liver problems. Long story spanning a few years of terrible health-recovery-illness returning & finally a Liver Transplant in 05. At one point just days before my transplant, I was actively I fought BOY did I fight. Literally I heard the nurses telling each other at shift change (thinking i was asleep), "She's on comfort Care", OK I have medical experience I knew what that meant. LOL I sat right up in bed, turned on CMT at midnight ordered jello pudding and and rocked the whole ward! Anyhow, the entire ordeal is a whole new topic...Today, I'm pretty much fine, probably not as fine as I profess, but I will not allow anything to slow me down..just a personal motto, but for me "to give in (to the I don't feel like it's) is to give up". BY all rights I shouldn't be here. I now consider Pain as 100% proof that I'm alive! I take meds every 12 hours for antirejection and run with the big dogs. LOL Fluid isn't a problem as long as I keep a high protein diet, exercise and drink lots of water...However it could come back at any given time if the internal balance of my system were to get too far off. I do have monthly complete blood workups + a check on all liver fuction and the level of meds in my system at time of next does, and annually go far beyond a routine physical. At this time I'm having a potassuim problem (too high) readjusting meds, hoping to get it under control. I've had or will have by weeks end 4 extra labs done this month. I am feeling a tad out of wack, but life goes on. My outlook is good mentally and physically as long as I play by the self and medically induced rules.
I do promote organ donation and comfort new or waiting transplant patients, talking about transplants my own or in general isn't a problem for me. I answer all questions open and honest.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 11:40 AM

Gawd I'm glad to know you. If you are an inspiration, who is?

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 12:00 PM

I agree, Qball rocks. You'd never know all she's been through when reading her other posts. I totally applaud you for taking such good care of yourself. Amazing how the human body works, isn't it?
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 12:33 PM

Ah Thanks JJ & Dotsie,
Most all women are inspireational in some way. I feel you both inspire me, your attitudes, the work/play you do here and how you take your time to build others in need up, provides comfort and a distraction from what ailes us..That's inspiring ladies. When I was hospitalzed and running to doctors or in hospital every few days, the one thing I kept in mind and told them all was "Nobody ever Really died laughing", hence not even at my lowest point did I stop cracking jokes or laughing even if it was only at myself. LOL At my post Transplant phsyco evaluation I had to stop and get serious cause the Dr thought with such illness how can this woman still be cutting up so, no doubt a wacko. After explaining to her my attitude she had a full turn around of my mental state. I still refer to my hospital days IE: Designing women spin, my "unfortunate Incarseration", & minutes before lights out in the final operating room my anatheseoligist asks 'are you ready?', I replied "Let's Get 'er Done!" and fell asleep smiling so they tell me. THe experience was rough, but the lessons have been well worth it all.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 02:06 PM

But you had a could have given in to "why did this happen to me" BEFORE or even AFTER surgery, but you have chosen to embrace life. BOTTLE THAT could be a millionaire over night.

So many people will chose to focus on what tragedy has happened, what lost they've experienced, or what bad, rotten luck they've had...over and over and ad nauseam.

But not you. You show others how determination and the Will to LIVE, enjoy life, experience it, love it, embrace it, all of these things can move your spirit and your soul.

They could sure learn from your experience and your outlook on life. Thank you!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 03:13 PM

Q ball
I am in awe reading your story.Between the lines I feel you suffer pain yet think of that as proof postitive.

Continue to be the wonderful woman you are.
Love and blessings
Mountain ash
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 04:53 PM

JJ & Mountain Ash,
Thank you for letting me know that my good intentions are coming through. Yes, it would be so easy to fall into a pitty party. But who wants to go to one of those? I talk so often to those just hit with the news that they may need a transplant and they are going through the quite typical "NO way-not me" routine. They are so scared that it leaves me wondering if they heard the message or not. Life after transplant is different, medically more difficult but that's over shadowed by the Thrill of being Alive! As a recepiant we are encouraged to write a letter to our donor's family. At first the pen and paper look like the most daunting objects you've ever been asked to use. I'd catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and just stand there - looking into my eyes as if trying to find my donor, like they would look back at me from the inside out. Finally one comes to grips that there is another person's organ learning to reside in you & that that organ's donor family needs to know how appreciated it is, how well you intend to care for it. Quirky mix of emotions you celebrate life while they morn a loss. Which leaves a transplantee with very little room to feel sorry for themself. Right you are there are still days of discomfort, it's got to get really bad for me to actually call it anything but discomfort. LOL I've had pain, what I have now is just uncomfortable occasionally. So be it I suppose I do embrace feelings good and bad. As you say they are proof positive. Sorry I swipped the clothes tossing topic. I tend to dive into transplant chat a bit deep. BUt do appreciate the interest shown in my experience and hopfully the whole image of transplant.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 05:12 PM


I'd catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and just stand there - looking into my eyes as if trying to find my donor, like they would look back at me from the inside out. Finally one comes to grips that there is another person's organ learning to reside in you & that that organ's donor family needs to know how appreciated it is, how well you intend to care for it...BUt do appreciate the interest shown in my experience and hopfully the whole image of transplant.

Foremost, I must thank you for sharing, QBall. I am also extremely grateful that by Divine Providence and the thoughtfulness of the Donor, we have been given the wonderful opportunity to know you. I pray that you continue to be well. Many only just browse these forums but, I am extremely confident that many come away feeling stronger from what is shared here, such as your experience. You inspire.
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/25/08 06:37 PM

Thank You Lola,
Those words really touch my heart, I wish there was a way to let my donor family hear them too. But that is a big drawn out process I've yet to go theough other than my letter at 6 months post-transplant. Thank You for the Prayer and Well Wishes. The Friendship of everyone here is such a warm feeling of support & genuine caring, a Blessing indeed for each of us.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/26/08 07:54 AM

Q ball
you did as many do..we start discussing a topic and wham the right question gets a reply like you shared.

Clothing is a way of communication.I so remember a duster coat and little suit I wore in the mid sixties.It was so right for me.A disabled older lady knocked her window to tell my Grandmother that me going out wearing this butter yellow coat did her heart good.
Other outfits also through the years hit the right place.
Getting harder so I stick to classics.

I was dainty..walked well being a dancer as a hobby.And importantly had a sense of belonging.

I arranged a fashion show for students a few years ago..part of the deal was the staff would choose an outfit. The store I had contacts in helped me choose and I did my best (right undergarments.. carrying a hat..knew how to walk and time my pace) next day one collegue during debriefing said that before she started talking she had to commend me.Seems that she saw another side of little me.
so Grandmas let little people dance and be aware of posture..alas my feet can play up ..shows if I overdo my activities.but if asked I could still present the persona of the girl in the butter yellow coat.

What outfit do you all remember as being the right one and at what event ?
Mountain ash
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/26/08 10:04 AM

Mountain Ash,
What a lovely story & no doubt you can still be that lovely young girl/woman in yellow. It's such a bright happy color. Well suited for a bright happy lady as yourself. You are so right posture is very important, I often got comments on my posture during my "unfortunate incarseration", because even being wheeled around in a chair I'd sit straight and square shouldered with my head high. LOL Even in those flattering hospital gowns. Too No matter what I tried to wear something to control my bed-hair that coordinated with my socks. LOL I recall when the gals came to transport me to my transplant asking that they hurry and get the hair cap on cause I knew my hair was a mess & didn't want to be driven through the halls looking a fright. Stunned they tell me my hair is the last thing I should worry about, to which I said "everything else is in God's hands, we talked, but he can't do a thing about my hair, cap please". Right outfit for the occasion? Most current in my mind is the dress I wore to my son's wedding. Not that many excuses to get as gussied up as that out here in the country, so it was so fun to don all the glitz and glamor and shine!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/28/08 01:28 AM

Q-Ball, what an inspirational journey! We are all blessed to have technology that can transplant organs to those in need. I'm not a donor candidate but hope that others will hear stories like yours and decide to donate.
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/28/08 07:40 PM

It is amazing what technology has done for our lives, in so many ways, however medically technology is postponing what would have been certain death even just a few decades ago ago in some cases.
I had always been a donor card carrier, but after recieveing an organ I figured that booted me out of donation. It didn't! LOL I guess my organs are now pre-treated with anti-rejection medication. LOL OK Doctors have never said that! It just sounds logical in my mind.
i'm not preaching sign that card...cause I have no clue what stands between you and being a donor. but the list of parts from the body that can be donated is long. Research is now testing useing bone marrow from a donor and implant some of the marrow along with a liver or lung etc..and somehow, over time the patients getting marrow and an organ can be weaned off these high dollar meds. All this came about after my transplant. anyhow, if you interest in being a donor and thinking not, is a self thought idea due to some health might ask your dr and be surprised what you may have that is useable. Very personal choice indeed,
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 06/29/08 02:44 AM

Q-Ball, I'm a cancer survivor in remission but not considered cured. Because of the possibility of metastasis, doctors do not want any part of me! Maybe my eyeballs, but definitely not organs.
Posted by: Q_ball

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 07/21/08 01:02 PM

You are a walking miracle too. Hope the cancer is & stays sound asleep in remission. Eyes are good, can you magine someone who's never had more than a hint of light in the sunshine seeing for the first time. I apologize for replying so late. too busy catching up on all the new posts, LOL that's a reason but not a very good excuse.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 07/21/08 03:49 PM

Someone must have a need for your heart of gold.
Posted by: judym

Re: Clothes Tossing? - 08/01/08 12:01 PM

WOW you all amaze me with your courage and strength, and still managing to keep a weather eye to the small bits of life. You ladies are really STRONG and so deserving of every good wish and prayer!