Bipolar Artists

Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Bipolar Artists - 02/12/06 03:56 AM

If you're looking for an online support group, and are creative in some way, such as crafts, writing, jewelry, knitting, quilts, computer design, or whatever, have I got a group for you.

We provide positive support and a place to vent, without judgement.

I've been a member for as long as it's been online and I enjoy the commraderie I share with other fellow artists who also happen to be bipolar.
Posted by: ladybug

Re: Bipolar Artists - 02/12/06 05:29 PM

Thank you Vicki. My friend Gene who is bipolar is a fine watercolor artist. He doesn't have a computer at this time (needs extra funds for it) but when he comes over I'll have him check out this great website. I know he could use some extra emotional understanding and support.