Another newbie

Posted by: yonuh

Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:01 AM

Hi everyone. I have been 'lurking' for a week or so and reading the forums and have decided to join in the fun. I am in Tucson, AZ, which I love, except in summer! I recently took early retirement from the university here and am working for myself - finally - after some 40+ years of doing someone else's bidding. I have to say it's pretty scary on my own, but I feel so much more relaxed and in control - yippee!!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:04 AM

Well yonuh, welcome!! Scary is ok, when it's the exciting kind! It must be SO hot where you are. Have you lived there all your life? Roam around and check out all the cool topics we have.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:07 AM

Welcome! I just left your web site and I love the pic's. You'll find plenty of animal lovers in here, so I know they'll enjoy your site. You were the photographer, right? You really did a nice job.

On the working from home thing...I retired after 25 years and yes, at first it was scary and I was just sure I would starve...if you could see me now, you would know that would take a long time to happen...(teehee...)

It becomes easier each day and you will learn to relax with your new career, and also to have fun with it, and more relaxing...more fun...layer after layer. Till pretty soon you will be saying to anyone who will listen, "why in the heck didn't I do this soone?"

Welcome again, and the best of luck with it all. You're going to love it here. I guarantee it!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:11 AM

Welcome yonuh, I too retired in the last year and low and behold seem to be working harder than ever before but loving it more and more because I have the worlds best boss now, ME!!!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:11 AM

Checked out the website, too. Interesting business you have there. Loved the animal pics, especially the birds. [Smile]
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 04:44 AM

Thanks all for the great welcome! Yes, I took all the pics on my website myself. I am still an amateur when it comes to photography, but taking nature pictures is a passion of mine, one that I pursue when it isn't summer here. And yes, it's hot here - it's been over 100 for a couple of weeks already.

I have so many ideas for businesses that I couldn't settle for just one - I always wanted to do everything and couldn't understand why people kept telling me I had to pick just one thing. So now I'm not going to limit myself at all. I'm good at what I do, and I'm going to celebrate that - finally!! [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 05:24 AM

Welcome yonuh! Glad you could join us...this is a great group of women.

Posted by: Dianne

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 07:18 AM

A Zonie! That's what they call people from AZ. I lived in the Phoenix area and Prescott for many years. My sister lived in Tucson. Love the foothills there!

So, you worked at U of A, right? Great school.

Love your site. A life coach, huh? How interesting. I've been thinking of hiring one lately. Just in the thinking stage right now.

Welcome. Glad you found us.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Another newbie - 06/18/06 06:22 PM

Thanks, Dianne! Your site is great - we need more women to be educated about domestic violence, especially the young ones. I have heard some stories from women I've worked with about their experiences and try to tell them what's really going on. My marriage was an abusive one, too, and it took me sooo long to realize it. Glad I'm out of it. I'm afraid that the abuse is more pervasive than we know.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Another newbie - 06/19/06 07:18 AM

No kidding! Four million reported every year and they say only a small percentage are reported so it gives you an idea how awful it's become.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Another newbie - 06/19/06 12:27 AM

Four million, discusting!!! Four would be too many in my book.... [Mad]
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Another newbie - 06/19/06 01:16 AM

What a lot of people don't realize is that spousal abuse can be verbal, emotional, sexual, as well as physical. I'm willing to bet that most people think of domestic abuse as only the physical attacks when it can be lots of other things. Marital rape is a huge problem. So too is one partner isolating the other from friends and family and using control tactics without actually physically attacking - these can be danger signals before an actual physical attack.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Another newbie - 06/20/06 06:15 AM

Yonuh, welcome. You snuck in while I was away. I visited your site. You certainly have lots of interests. I wish you the best in your retirement. It's fun to see what boomer women are choosing to do when they branch out on their own. I love the energy!
Posted by: bdd0303

Re: Another newbie - 06/20/06 06:50 AM

I to am new to the site as of the weekend and I love it already. Everyone truly seems to care about each other. Your web site is interesting and the pics are great. A hearty welcome from a newcomer!!
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Another newbie - 06/20/06 04:10 PM

Welcome Yonuh! Glad you joined!
Hope you enjoy it here! I loved the pictures on your site too!

Arizona... so hot right now!!! [Big Grin]
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Another newbie - 06/21/06 07:38 AM

Dotsie, I'm so glad to finally 'meet' you and happy you have recovered. And thanks to all of you for your warm welcome. I already feel at home here.