Hello from Arizona

Posted by: Bookie

Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 03:33 AM

So very happy to have found all of you.
What wisdom! What Power! What Vision! Thank you Dot you are an inspiration.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 03:51 AM

Welcome Bookie,

Did I miss reading your intro?
how do you like living in Arizona?

Posted by: Jersey Girl

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 05:24 AM

Hello Bookie. Welcome to BWS. [Smile]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 10:46 AM

Welcome Bookie... its always so nice to see/read new faces/words here. Be warned... this place is very habit forming... but in a good way!


Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 02:37 PM

Habit-forming is right...I can't pull myself away some days. Thankfully my hubby likes the changes he's been seeing in me since I found this place and actually encourages me to get on the computer now...although come to think of it, those are the times when he wants to watch something really gross on TV...or when I'm a bit perturbed with him...hmmmm.

Anyway, welcome Bookie! Hope you make yourself at home here and enjoy the warmth of being here.
Posted by: The Power of Addicted Lov

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/19/05 02:52 PM

Welcome Bookie!

Another Arizonian! What town or city in Arizona are you from?

Posted by: Bookie

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 03:52 AM

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm in Lake Havasu City where I just returned from my daily 4 mile plus walk in the park along the lake.
The hot hot weather(as you may know it gets up to 120 degrees here) appears to be subsiding. The crisp morning air and looking out over the blue water as the sun peeks up from behind the mountains is so refreshing and rejuvenating!
I am definately a morning person. I can't stand the thought of sleeping through the beginning of a day. Just think of all the things we'd miss. Like the last few mornings... I've stared in awe at the enormous full moon as it slips away making room for the sun. Incredible sight!

And now before I begin my workday I can spend a little time with all of you.
Posted by: The Power of Addicted Lov

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 02:27 AM

Hi Bookie.......

WOW, Lake Havasu City is one of the hottest cities in Arizona. I have been there a time or two myself. I have lived in Arizona since 1974 with the exception of moving to New York to attend college (among other things.)

Like you, I love the mornings here. Before the sun rises. My husband and I both wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. on the weekends. I know.....crazy. But this is when we get most of our work done. By noon, it's too darn hot!

Posted by: smilinize

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 04:08 AM

I've only been to Lake Havasu once, but it was a very interesting place and brings back memories. I used it for a scene in a novel.

I was driving cross country and somehow got talked into driving to Lake Havasu. Boy that's a long drive and if you want scenery, you have to love sand and cactus. Also very hot. Stayed in a hotel with a gold leafed carriage in the lobby and jet skied on the lake. Interesting experience.

It must be an interesting place to live. It seems so much a world of its own.


[ September 20, 2005, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 02:08 PM

Okay, I've never been to Arizona, but these postings are very enticing. We have enough air miles to fly anywhere in North America, and were wondering where to go. I'm putting Lake Havasu on the list!
Posted by: Pam Kimmell

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 02:17 PM

Welcome Bookie! Glad you found us here on Dotsie's great website. I've only been to Arizona once - on vacation for two weeks with my hubby. We stayed in Scottsdale and drove up to the Grand Canyon - saw the Painted Desert - all those things "tourists" do when they are "out west".....loved the entire experience. I know nothing about Lake Havasu but from what the other ladies have said and your description - sounds like a BEAUTIFUL place! I too am a morning person - I get up around 4:30 or 5AM (thanks to my cat Sam!!) and enjoy the quiet before everyone ELSE starts their day. It's my best "writing time" too.

Anyway - welcome and enjoy exploring the forum - it's a great spot to talk about anything and everything.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 02:38 PM

Bookie, I love what you have to say in your signature. That's perfect!
Posted by: Bookie

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/21/05 03:04 AM

Originally posted by smilinize:
I've only been to Lake Havasu once, but it was a very interesting place and brings back memories. I used it for a scene in a novel.

I was driving cross country and somehow got talked into driving to Lake Havasu. Boy that's a long drive and if you want scenery, you have to love sand and cactus. Also very hot. Stayed in a hotel with a gold leafed carriage in the lobby and jet skied on the lake. Interesting experience.

It must be an interesting place to live. It seems so much a world of its own.


Posted by: Bookie

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/21/05 03:49 AM

The London Bridge Resort is where you stayed when you visited here.
Many years ago Mr. McCulloch of McCulloch Chain Saw paid a few million dollars to bring the London Bridge over from England and piece by piece reconstructed the Bridge right here in river city.
You are right about needing to enjoy desert and cactus to live here. Ironically, I don't like rocks and cactus and I miss the green surroundings of the Northwest and Utah. But my husband does not tolerate the cold very well.
After six years I have become accustomed to the hot weather..."it's a dry heat" but this year I have really suffered since I have entered the wonderful world(yah right!) of menopause!
If it were not for the beautiful lake, I would not be able to live here.
Havasu was established in the 1960's and population has grown rapidly - up to about 50,000 now. A great place for Snowbirds and Tourists however we lack so much. For department stores, we have a small JC Penny, Dunlaps, KMart, WalMart and a lot of restaurants! Whoopee! Needless to say we have to go to Phoenix or Las Vegas to really go shopping. Las Vegas is about 2 1/2 hours away Phoenix about 3 hours. It is very expensive to fly in and out of Havasu so we usually drive to Vegas and fly out there.
If any of you decide to come to visit, please let me know. It would be great to meet you in person.
Havasu is full of some very interesting people and I'm sure that with a little digging you could come up with some great material for your books and writings!
Like every city, Havasu has its great attractions but also has it's problems...especially political!
Just went through a recall election and booted out the Mayor, Vice Mayor and council members. My opinion...we just went from bad to worse! Makes me wonder if maybe some folks have been here too long and their brains have been fried by the 120 degree temperatures.
Well I can feel the soap box inching under my feet so I better get to work.
Have a great day everyone!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Hello from Arizona - 09/20/05 04:15 PM

I remember the London Bridge in Lake Havasu, but had forgotten the name of the hotel. Thanks for reminding me.

When I was in London, the Londoners called some bridge "the London Bridge." I said I thought the London Bridge had been moved to Arizona and they laughed at me. They said somebody made a lot of money by selling the guy in AZ a bill of goods and the real London Bridge was still in London.

I just wondered if that is true. ?

I think I read that the lake is manmade and even the palm trees are imported. But Lake Havasu is a beautiful place and such a surprise after all the driving through nothing to suddenly come upon such a big blue lake. And the horizon seems to go on forever.

Keep cool.