Can I play?

Posted by: Anonymous

Can I play? - 03/21/09 08:43 PM

Hi all - I joined a few minutes ago, haven't really found my way around yet. I wanted to say hello from Ocean City, Maryland. I'm no longer working, and in a state of shock that after decades I have nowhere I have to be every day! (What WILL I do with all the pantyhose?)Pleased to meet you!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 08:45 PM

P.S. I forgot to ask how to add an avatar. I followed the instructions but nothing shows up. (80 X 80 was the size) Thanks.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 09:31 PM

I haven't a clue Hevyn, someone else did my avatar but never fear someone will jump in and help you soon I'm sure.

Welcome to our house and of course you can play. You will find that this place is addictive so your free time may be spent surfing the threads. It's fun, informative and a challenge. Plus you live in the same state as our fearless leader, Dotsie!
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 09:34 PM

Hi Hevyn,...hi Chatty...I think we are live here together...!!!

Have you tried putting your aviator in Photobucket? From there you copy the link and insert it into your profile.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 09:52 PM

Hi sweetie pie and yes we sure are. Saturdays are usually pretty quiet though. What new?
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 09:55 PM

I just wrote a silly poem in our poetry thread.

I'm staying home this weekend, got a bad bronchitis. Missed out on my son's b- party. But that's okey...I had the house to myself, and that was nice for a change.

Hevyn, sounds like a cool Boomer. Now what can she do with all those pantyhose? Stuff pillow cases?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 09:58 PM

I know of a woman here who rips them into strips, braids them into front stoop welcome rugs. It sounds wild but they look really cool.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 10:03 PM

I've seen those...or maybe I smelled them. lol, eek

It's 11:00 pm here...and I am going to bed now. nighty- night chatty...see you tomorrow.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 10:09 PM

This woman uses bleach so they appear tye-dyed, and of course washes them...BAD Edelweiss!!!

Nope not a shower or a bath. Back in those days the bathrooms were not the size they are today. I can put four adults in my master bath shower now, and at least two good size people with room to spare in the garden tub. Bathrooms are luxurious these days but not way back when.

Sleep tight, and good night!!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/21/09 10:46 PM

Thanks Chatty & Edelweiss. I did have my picture in Photobucket & typed the URL in on here, but all that shows up is the "x". I'm still fairly clueless when it comes to computers. I sometimes wonder, "What was so wrong with my IBM Selectric with correcting tape?" Just sayin'.

I appreciate the welcome.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Can I play? - 03/22/09 08:50 AM

Of course, you can play! What to do with all the pantyhose? Wanna play "banks and robbers"? LOL! Welcome to BWS, Hevyn.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/22/09 01:09 PM

Hevyn, welcome. I can't beleive you live in Ocean City. For those who don't know, that's a huge vacation spot for Baltimorans.

Did you live and work there before you retired?

Here's how you can fill some of your days -

Walk the boradwalk and eat some Thrasher's french fries for the rest of us.

Walk the beach at sunrise.

Visit Candy Kitchen and eat some fresh taffy for us.

Go to the outlets in Rehoboth and do some shopping.

Sit at the inlet and figure out how the bay meets the ocean with such tremendous force.

Grab a bench on the boardwalk and watch the world go by.

You're a lucky duck to be at the beach and retired!

Glad you're here.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 03/22/09 03:11 PM

Welcome Hevyn. Glad you joined our fun group.

What are doing with a tub in your garden? How many people can you get in your shower? That sounds naughty. Teehee...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/23/09 07:15 PM

Hi Lola, jabber & Dotsie. I'm very glad to be here.

Dotsie, Hon, I appreciate the suggestions! I do the bench on the boardwalk thing, often sit near a restaurant that has a reggae band performing on their deck. We were living near Wilmington, Delaware when we both lost our jobs (worked at the same hotel & it closed) & my husband had a job offer at a boardwalk hotel, so we took a chance and came here. No regrets at all! I never dreamed I'd be able to walk to the ocean. Well, better go get some Thrasher's Fries & Taffy, as instructed.....
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/23/09 07:51 PM

Jabber my shower as I stated would fit 3 comfortably and 4 if you squeeze closer together. They call it a garden tub because its under a huge stained glass window, is oval shaped and very large, two people could have lots of fun in there. Compared to the old days when a bathroon was almost too small for 2 people to be in at the same time, tiny shower and skinny little bathtub.

Hey, what are Thrasher french fries? Is that the business name or what?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 01:03 AM

Hi Chatty - Thrasher's French Fries has been on the boardwalk in Ocean City since 1929. They fry their potatoes in peanut oil & they have a rather distinctive taste. (Seagulls will hover over your fries as you walk along - they get alot of dropped ones.)In my opinion they really over charge - but no one seems to mind standing in long lines all summer long.

My, your garden tub sounds lovely. Must be nice to have a roomy B-Room.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 01:50 PM

Also, about the french fries - they are served with vinegar instead of ketchup. They are my favorite junk food at the beach.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 02:57 PM

Ew...ew...ew....vinegar instead of ketchup? And you all think my sandwich of peanut butter/mayo/pineapple is strange? Helllloooo?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 03:54 PM

Try it - vinegar and a bunch of salt. Oh my!
Posted by: Lola

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 06:31 PM

The Brits also put vinegar in their fries (or chips as they call it here). They even have salt and vinegar flavoured potato chips (crisps as they call it here). LOL! I've just done a "tomayto tomahto".
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 07:17 PM

You knowwwwwwwwwwwww....come to think of it, my favorite chips are Vinegar and joke. I never thought about them as potatoes....HOW FUNNY!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/24/09 09:40 PM

Oh my yes Hevyn, having a large bathroom is wonderful until it comes time to clean it. Twice the room, twice the work...It's never just all good I guess.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/25/09 12:09 AM

Yes, I've noticed that Chatty!

Lola, my mother was born in Sheffield & she couldn't believe people here would pour ketchup on their fish & chips. Every time I ask for vinegar with them I get a strange look, but that's the only way I'd want them.

Dotsie, I wonder if the economy will have an impact on O.C. this summer? Quite a few restaurants have tanked.

Hope everyone's having a good evening. I like it here.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Can I play? - 03/25/09 06:19 AM

Hevyn..."Heaven". That's how I read your name. Neat.

I was born in NYC and could not believe people here would pour vinegar on their fish and chips. I like mine with mayo and I got the strange look. LOL!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/25/09 01:03 PM

Hevyn, I'm hoping more people will travel locally and OC won't take a hit. Wouldn't that be nice?

Lola, Utz makes a salt and vinegar chip. It's yummy, but you can't eat too many without sucking the insdies of your jaws. Wew, that vinegar is strong, but yummy.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Can I play? - 03/25/09 04:38 PM

Welcome Hevyn

Dotsie are you talking potato chips or french fries. I love salt n vinegar potato chips but drown my french fries in vinegar...and brown gravy if I have some made.
Mayo? Now theres an idea Lola. I'll have to give that a
Posted by: Lola

Re: Can I play? - 03/25/09 06:13 PM

Yep. Doooooooo iiiiiiit, Chick. Let's you and I be contrary to the ketchup and vinegar folks. LOL!

Yep. The vinegar in some of the brands here are strong enough to disinfect or take your tonsils out, Dotsie. LOL!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/26/09 01:41 PM

chick, Utz makes the salt and vinegar chips. Thrashers make french fries that we pour salt and vinegar on, and eat like pigs. I love those dang things, but only get them when I go to Ocean City. There is no Thrashers here in Baltimore, and it's a good thing.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/26/09 09:53 PM

I have never tried a french fry with vinegar and salt. Doesn't sound very good but I am going to try it out and see for myself.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/27/09 02:23 PM

Be adventurous chatty!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/27/09 08:34 PM

LOL!!! Dots, I certainly will. Ever tried french fried sweet potatoes, they are sweet and to die for!

When we lived in Illinois my youngest son Mark who was probably eight at the time and I use to stop at this fast food stand in Antioch, Il. and get a burger and fries. Well one day we were sitting with the guy who owned and operated the place and my son pops up and said, "you know what I bet would be good." The two of us looked at each other then at him and asked, "what?" He said if you made french fries from sweet potatoes. We both just kind of laughed it off but the next time we walked in, there on the menu was Sweet Tater Fries.

He said after we left he called his wife and she went and bought some sweet potatoes, he tried it and loved them himself so he added them to the menu and they were selling really well.

So from then on Mark and I got our fries for free, all we could eat too!!
Posted by: Sportsfan

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 03:17 AM

Hello all. Glad I've found a place to land. I'm reading the posts and lol. I needed this. You all are a welcome relief for me, and I love the positive encouragement. I will check this out weekly.

Thrashers - I like the Old Bay seasoning. I try to get a few of the fries before my teenagers down them. And yes, I'm in Maryland too!!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 10:22 AM

Weekly she says'll be here almost every day. How do I know...'cause we're addictive.
A warm warm welcome to you. You'll be so glad you found us Sports.
That brings up a question. When and where are we meeting next Ms Dotster?

Chatty I invented wedges(large fries) Loooong before they came out. MY bro in law said I should patent them and I laughed.I was just too lazy to cut the potato into smaller strips!

I also invented ear cuffs cause my ears got cold when I walked. I had the prototype....And the patent papers ready to fill out when I moved to the USA. They are going for 19.95 pr in Canada now.

oops looks like they are cheaper at this site.

You know what they say...(me slapping forehead) I shoulda got a patent!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 12:47 PM

Or you could of had a V8...

Chatty, we've been making sweet potato french fries down here in the South for as long as I can remember...and you're right...they are to die for!

I also love the fried pickles.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 01:04 PM

I knew what you were talking about; just had to kid you a bit.

I love fries with vinegar.

I'm still not sure 'bout that PB, pineapple, mayo combo.

Lola, "tomayto tomahto", "potato, potatoe"; chips, crisps: cute!

I'm jealous of that Ocean City location you have there. Enjoy.
Enjoy. Enjoy. Sounds like a little piece of Heaven, Hevyn!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 06:07 PM

Yes, Jabber, it's lovely from Oct. to June, but then - not so much! The June Bugs (as they call the graduating seniors) descend on us and take over for the whole month. Of course, living in a resort town you just have to put up with the annoyances and enjoy the good part. If we could have a private place away from all the chaos it would be ideal, but we're in a condo right now.

New York State - that's probably where we'll end up when my husband retires. He's from Greene & my family was from Buffalo long ago. I love it there.

Chick is right, Sports - I am new, too, and find myself checking things out every day. Still haven't found my way around yet, but must make an effort.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Raining and dismal here. frown
Posted by: Kathryn Magendie

Re: Can I play? - 03/28/09 09:26 PM

LAUGHING at the "smell" comment on the panty hose! haw! *grin*

I HATE panty hose and haven't worn them in years --well, except at a wedding last year, and I do wear opaque tights, but they're "looser" feeling....

What did I see someone had done with panty hose - dang it all, I can't remember, but it was pretty crafty/handy!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/29/09 12:28 AM

This gal washes/bleaches them and then cuts them into strips and weaves them together, like braiding and makes front and back porch welcome mats. They are quite pretty when finished.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 03/29/09 02:32 PM

So your family background is from these parts, hey. I live in
the suburbs of Buffalo and have my entire life. I'm out near
the Buffalo Bills, Raplh Wilson stadium, area. In fact, my brother, a retired politician, works for the Bills. And he loves
it. His town is where they are. My town is ten miles east of
there. But Western New York owns our heart and soul. The older
I get, the more I hate the snow and cold, however.

Fried pickles???? I never heard of fried pickles. Sweet potato
fries, I've done. But fried pickles? Now wouldn't that just
flip your bippie!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 03/29/09 06:05 PM

Jabber, that's so cool. My mom was born in England but grew up in Buffalo. My dad grew up in Tonawanda, but we are talking ages ago. They moved to the Wilmington, Delaware area when I was little-but we use to visit his parents every summer, visited Niagara Falls & loved it. Not liking the snow so much now - would you consider relocating?

Chatty, I can't believe I'm actually contemplating making the pantyhose welcome mats. Found the instructions online. Somebody stop me!!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 03/29/09 11:22 PM

Welcome sports. I'll be looking around the other forums for you. Glad to see another Marylander.

I love sweet potato fires. I had the best ones ever, just last week. Oh my. Anyone tried roasted sweet potatoes.I'm going to toss chunked sweet potatoes in olive oil and bake them. I'm dying to try it.

Hevyn, I know about senior week. My two sons, and thankfully, not my daughter, went to Senior Week in Ocean City. I'm so glad those days are over. Are you right in the heart of OC?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/29/09 11:39 PM

Well Hevyn, my friend sells them for $15.00 each and sells all she makes usually. Thats not bad either when you figure the materials are free, we have all given her our old panty hose. She has a box in the church store with a sign, "Put any new or used panty hose here." She says she has plenty of them.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Can I play? - 03/31/09 10:46 PM

I love the fried pickles. Didn't think I would, but if you love fried tomatoes, you would love these.

Hevyn...where did you find those instructions? I couldn't find any. I was just curious as to how it was done. Are you really going to do it?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 03/31/09 11:18 PM

Try dipping bread & butter pickles in flour and egg and frying them, the sweetness in the pickle is amazingly good with the crunchiness.
Posted by: mimi

Re: Can I play? - 04/01/09 12:19 PM

Hi All,
I'm new to the forum and not really sure how to use it. If I see this gets posted, I'll know I did something right!
Glad to be here. I'm advertising my web site, on this site. Check it out, if you're single.
Have a good day,
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Can I play? - 04/01/09 01:05 PM

Hi there Mini! We're so glad you've ventured over to the forums. Girls, Mini is a member of the NABBW, just so you know.

Mini, you did it right...and welcome! When you get more comfortable with the postings, jump in and tell the ladies here more about yourself and your biz, if you would like to.

Again, so glad you are here. Enjoy yourself...have'll just love these women. That's a guarantee!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 04/01/09 02:08 PM

mimi, Hi! Glad you jumped in here. The more posts you do, the
easier it gets: Like everything else. LOL...Watch that jawjaw,
however. She's a clown!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 07:45 AM

Hi to all the new ladies!

I don't get fish and chips very often, but when I do, I use the tartar sauce for the french fries. That and salt. I hate ketchup. Vinegar for the fish.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 01:14 PM

That's interesting. I never heard of putting tartar sauce on
french fries or vinegar on fish. Good thing we all like something different or they might run out of condiments.
Say lady, do they have any oranges in Orange County? Sorry. Just a feeble attempt at bein' funny! chuc, chuc, chuckle...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 05:53 PM

I'm glad to be back - had 'puter issues. It seems better now.

It turns out I don't actually have the pantyhose mat instructions. I had found a newspaper story about a Maryland woman (Gail Rudisill) who makes rugs out of plastic bags, tube socks, and pantyhose. No actual instructions, though -so I'll have to look further.

Dotsie, we are in "Downtown" at the end of 28th Street near the Bay.(Do you know where Buxy's Salty Dog is? We're at the end of that street.) We are getting ready to move slightly out of town -hate to do it, but we have dogs & they need space, plus claustrophobia is setting in.
Posted by: queenmotorhome

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 08:30 PM

I am new NABBW member and want to play as well. My code name is queenmotorhome, which comes from the title of my novel entitled: Hope you'll check it out. Go to website of same name. Patt Fero
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 09:51 PM

Hey Patt, good to see you here. I hope you'll jump in the other topics and join in the fun. Heading to check out the site now.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 10:26 PM

Welcome QueenMotorHome, what a marvelous handle. I just came from your site, and your book sounds like such fun. I would love to order it, but I want a signed copy which is for my collection of BWS and NABBW members books. PLease PM or email me with the particulars and I will send check and my mailing info., if thats okay with you.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Can I play? - 04/02/09 10:53 PM

Welcome Queenmotorhome.

Jabber, this whole area used to be orange groves. Then they cut down the trees for tract housing (where I live!) Still some oranges in Orange County, but much of the citrus trade has moved south or east for land.

Every type of citrus grows here. Prime season is January through April. Then it gets too hot and dry. Citrus like water.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Can I play? - 04/03/09 01:58 PM

Ms. M,
That's neat. I was being funny but, apparently, hit on something
by happenstance. Take care.

Welcome, Patt, aka queenmotorhome!

Hevyn, "Salty Dog" is the title of a country song, which WB likes.