Hi Everyone: I'm so glad I found this website. I learned about it from the Womenheart.org site that I joined after my heart attack in Nov. 2003. (Also a wonderful website)I'm the girl who took the 50 mg. Imitrex for a migraine and had a heart attack 35 minutes later. Wish I could have taken 4 tylenol instead! I am 57, married for 39 years with 2 wonderful grown daughters. I will be a first time grandma in May. I am very excited!! I work for the Girl Scouts in a large council in NY. We service 17,000 girls and 5,000 adults. We do so much more than sell cookies and camp! Our motto is "Where Girls Grow Strong", and that is exactly what we attempt to do. It is an amazing organization. I wish everyone knew all that these girls do like traveling the world, community service, the arts, science, technology...I could go on and on. Anyway, I have been there for 19 years as a full time employee and love it. Most of my dearest friends are from my career. Since my heart attack I look at life very differently. I take one day at a time and enjoy every one of them. I still have lots of other stresses in my life like an elderly mom who is 90 and a husband who still works 65 hours a week but I think I am handling it pretty well. If only my hair loss problem would let up! Those heart meds and menopause really do a job on the hair. All of you seem so nice on this site, I look forward to being a part of it. Thank you,