Do the pants go on my head??

Posted by: yepthatsme2

Do the pants go on my head?? - 09/06/05 03:03 AM

Do the pants go on my head? Yes, the pants will need to go on my head, if my face keeps breaking out.
My face didn't break out this much as a teenage.
Suppose it could be much worse. Read an article on formication yesterday. Thank goodness I haven't had that symptom.

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Do the pants go on my head?? - 09/06/05 03:39 AM

Brenda, I posted on that exact same topic a few months ago. Got lots of great ideas, especially Chatty's suggestion to use olive oil on my face - it does help, but not when the acne is really bad, as in burning hot and itchy. Unfortunately, despite trying various ideas, the acne continues to be an embarrassing problem.

I did go to the dermatologist and get a prescription for a face lotion, but even it doesn't appear to solve the problem. I've tried eliminating various foods from my diet, including fluoride, red peppers, cola drinks, hot spices and caffeine, and that sometimes appears to alleviate some of the pimples. But the random disappearance and appearance of the rash makes it impossible to pinpoint any one cause. The red blotchiness just doesn't respond to any one thing consistently.

The only pattern I've noticed recently is that it's worse just before my period and goes away when I actually have my period. So for about four days of the month, my face is relatively clear.

That makes me suspect now that it's hormonal. Which hopefully means it might disappear post-menopause.

[ September 05, 2005, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: Do the pants go on my head?? - 09/05/05 06:39 PM

Seems, like the olive oil would have the opposite effect, but at this point I'm willing to try just about anything. Even applied a smidge of caladryl to each site.
So bad, the kids have noticed and took to kidding. Not good!
Bad part is, I can't remember the last time I had a monthly....scary.
