Excess water weight gain!

Posted by: Dotsie

Excess water weight gain! - 05/14/03 12:24 PM

Sounds like a commercial! During my check up with my "female doctor" last year I told her I felt like I was bloated after I ovulated. She quickly whipped out her prescription pad to prescribe a water pill. I told her I am not into taking pills that I think can be avoided...thank you anyway.

I since started the Evening Primrose Oil and it helps a little. I also think it could help more it I took 2 more a day. Gotta try that.

Anyway, the other night I was talking about his with my husband and he asked how often I felt bloated. I explained that from the time I ovulate until the time I menstruate. His response was, "That's half your life!" [Eek!] Hmmmm, never thought about it that way. I guess it is time to do something.

Before I hit my doctor up for the prescription, I thought I would ask my friends in this community for suggestions. Well girls, what works for you, or am I the only one with this problem. [Razz]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Excess water weight gain! - 05/20/03 10:46 AM

DJ, is this the stuff you can o-d on by using too much? Does it tell you how much to use?
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Excess water weight gain! - 05/20/03 11:24 AM

I actually know of someone at work who used that cream and said that once they got their period they bled for 12 days. She said she would never use it again. I think with any hormone thing you use, it all depends on the person.