Peppermint is very soothing

Posted by: lindasusan

Peppermint is very soothing - 03/06/10 09:14 PM

Hi Ladies, I have found that having peppermint tea is very relaxing and calming before I go to sleep at night. I've been having such trouble getting a good night's sleep and don't want to take any of the over-the-counter sleep aides. ...just a thought.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/07/10 06:46 AM

Thanks for the hot tip. I know some of us definitely have trouble sleeping.

What are your thoughts on green tea?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/07/10 06:36 PM

I keep peppermint in my home all the time both the little candies for a sour stomach, works every time...
Also to mix with a tea bag of cammomille tea. The two together helps one fall alseep big time for sure.

I always have two green tea bags with my breakfast. Too many good things proved about green tea not to drink it. I make green ice tea in summer too.
Posted by: Lola

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/16/10 07:39 PM

I am not a tea drinker but, had vats of peppermint tea post-surgery for TAH/BSO because I was told that it offered immediate relief for the painful aftermath of hysterectomy, which is trapped wind. It helped and, I must admit that I could have sailed a yacht across the seven seas! Thanks for the tip. I must try it for when my insomnia bothers me. I'm the moment.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/17/10 02:19 PM

Hmm, I have a friend who has cramps. Do you think peppermint tea would work for that? Worth a try. Thanks!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/18/10 08:13 AM

Watch out for the peppermint, bad for GERD, if you have it. Just a thought.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/18/10 07:30 PM

JJ, the gerd does not seem to be a problem when drinking the tea.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/19/10 12:21 PM

I find the tea helps me to sleep. I drink the Black Chai and love it. Course, I could sleep standing up. I fin---zzzzz...oh, sorry.

They say that people who can sleep have a guiltLESS conscious. Bawwwwhahahahaha....that blows that theory all to heck and back!
Posted by: Di

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/19/10 03:10 PM

According to my essential oil chart, Peppermint is good for the following:

Cold Sores (1 drop on sore 3-5 times/day)

Back Ache (Neat or dilute 50/50 3-5 drops 2-4 times daily on affected area)

Arthritis/Joint Pain (Same as Back Ache, and alternating with wintergreen can be beneficial.)

Fever Dilute 50-50 apply 2-3 drops to forehead, temples and back of neck.

Fainting Inhale directly, 1-2 times as needed.

Sinus Congestion Inhale directly 3-8 times daily as needed. Gargle (2-3 drops with 4 tbsp water and shake) 3-6 times daily for 30 seconds.

Pain Neat or dilute 50-50, apply 2-4 drops on location as needed.

Nausea/Motion Sickness Dilute 50-50, massage 1-3 drops behind each ear and over navel 2-3 times/hour. Or inhale 3-4 times hourly as needed.

Sore Muscles - Neat or dilute 50-50, massage 4-6 drops into sore muscle, 3 x's daily.

And it's great to add directly into your Shea Butter so it can keep your skin healthy at the same time!
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/19/10 09:52 PM

Sheesh..I never knew's almost like...what ISN'T peppermint good for...very good to know..thanks Di!
Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/28/10 09:56 AM

Wow! What an interesting thread!

But I have a question - what's "the gerd?"

And sometimes I have a horrible time sleeping, and then I walk around tired all the next day(s). I'll have to drink some tea!

Kate (but really - what's gerd?)
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/28/10 11:46 AM

Acid reflux, personified.
Posted by: DreamrKate

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/28/10 06:02 PM


I've only had that a couple of times, but I noticed that when I cut out sugar......well not just sugar, when I was doing Atkins and pretty much eliminating sugar and carbs, I NEVER felt like that. I think (and I'm no doctor by any means so this only applies to me) that when you are tossing meat, and then bread which has yeast most of the time, and vegetables which decompose quicker than meat.....I just think of it as a big pot of simmering ickiness....because you've just tossed all of this in your nice warm stomach that's adding it's own bile and whatever to break all that stuff down, that a sour stomach is what you get. I know - a big run-on sentence to tell you what I think. But it makes sense doesn't it? It's like it's a big compost pile. When I'm on Atkins I never feel that because there' not a bunch of mixtures of stuff that creates acid and gas.

I know that not everyone believes in or goes along with the whole Atkins thing but I know that I feel better on it and I very rarely get a sour stomach. For some reason it's the sugar and yeasty stuff that do it.

That will be two cents please.

Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/28/10 08:54 PM

I agree with you diet of choice is The South Beach..which is very much like Atkins ...with a few additions like fruit ...the initial sugar withdrawal at the beginning of the diet is killer but once I get all of that sugar out my system I feel like a new woman...energetic...less hungry...the downside is...I LOVE sugar and potatoes and bread..all of the no no' when I feel depressed I fall off the South Beach wagon and right into a big vat of sugar...I have been bad(and sad) all winter but I'm going to climb back on the South Beach Diet wagon on April 1...wish me luck..:)
Posted by: jabber

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/29/10 06:23 PM

Love peppermint; have a dish of York peppermint patties on the
counter all the time; and have one with breakfast every morning.

Drink green tea frequently.

Gosh, I ought to be healthy as a horse.

Gerd? Now what's Gerd. Gotta look that up.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/29/10 06:25 PM

Oh! It's like an hiatal hernia, hey? I know what that is!
My adoptive mom had one of those.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/29/10 07:49 PM

The best I have ever felt has been on a slightly modified version of the Atkins diet. It is so easy to stick to, and I can lose 20 pounds in 14 days adhering to it, am not hungry plus my type II diabetes is gone. I eat out alot and it is no problem plus no one even knows I'm on a diet. They offer substitutes for sugar laden snacks and they are sinfully delicious. Wal*Mart carries them plus the shakes. This kills me to admit but my ex saw me on the plan and said, "hey I can do that." He started on Feb. 13th. and is down 31 pounds as of weigh in today...So I guess the proof really is in the pudding...
Posted by: jabber

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/30/10 09:14 AM

Wow, Chatty. That's a lot of weight to lose in a short period of
time. Congratulations to you and your ex!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/30/10 09:15 AM

How does it taste?
Posted by: Lola

Re: Peppermint is very soothing - 03/30/10 10:28 AM

The tea? Minty cardboard. The chocolate was much better.