Hormonal Swings

Posted by: dancer9

Hormonal Swings - 03/23/08 08:40 PM

Did you feel them? I am in early menopause and once again I am screaming about it. I am about a year and a half since my last period and have been through the WASH since my peri menopause was outrageous itself.

I know that some women float through menopause without blinking an eye but I am not. I've two things working against me I am told:

I had a tubal ligation.
I was a dancer, maintainging a low weight all my life,

My new B*tch is hormonal swings! Did anyone or does anyone feel them besides me? They are really not nice and I'm not pleased I must deal with them as well as amazing hot flashes that are finally getting a bit better.

Hormones anyone in menopause? How did you feel? I feel shaky and an adrenaline rush like crazy.

this must stop! They say that the worst is the firt two years, and all I can say is that I would not wish MY menopause on anyone!

Help me out?

Posted by: yonuh

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/23/08 09:00 PM

I can't say that I had a difficult transition, except for the hot flashes and night sweats. There were days when I had so many 'power surges' I just wanted to scream!! On the plus side, I didn't have to fight with my SO over the temperature in the house - I was always cold; he was always hot; now I'm just as hot as he is!! LOL

I did try the bioidentical hormones for a year or so; then switched to herbal remedies, some of which didn't work. I found that taking a combination helped more than any one by itself. All I can say, Dancer, is hang in there - it will pass.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/23/08 09:01 PM

Thank you so much, Yonah, for answering! It gave me the biggest smile to hear that it WILL pass!
I've no mother or sister to talk to so it helps me so much!

Thank you again,
Posted by: humlan

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/24/08 01:58 AM

Dancer darling..I want to give you this wise, old cronish kind of answer, at my venerable age of 60..but my head is all bunged up with this cold I have..and the space between my ears is more empty than usual

All I can tell you for certain is that we are alot of boomer women, your sisters, who are in the same rocky boat ..it´s all about being a woman, I guess. I have always had to contend with being temperamental and being surprised by some of my reactions to people and things happening. But now I also am "weepy" at the most unexpected times..and sometimes it is downright embarassing. So now I have to warn even my colleagues at work. "here come the waterworks, sorry" and at other times, I explode when I don´t really want to at all but it´s me..and I might as well get used to it. Makes me more human..humble..and understanding of others I guess a big dose of loving humor for yourself, may help?

You could also trying talking to your gynecologist and asking her/him for some advice? Whatever you decide..YOU ARE NOT ALONE..and it will pass (or you will pass JOKING). It´s all part of this wonderful thing we call life

Lots of cool hugs and love coming your way...
Posted by: orchid

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/24/08 02:46 PM

You'll get through this, dancer.
I have nothing to offer 'cause my perimenopause is pretty calm. I get shorter heavy periods and a hot face flash for about 5 min. early in morning ..maybe 1-2 times during my period. That's all.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/24/08 08:01 PM

My menopause happened on a Friday afternoon..Day before Valentines day.Having as hysterectomy and ooperectomy meant BANG... that was that.
As well as the pain the flushes drained me.People said give yourself a year..and yes it was a year till I felt together.Then overactive thyroid hit seemingly this can happen after hysterectomy.I had radio active iodine treatment and things went too low (thyroid) I was relived to have hrt and become balanced on thyroxine.This was a rotten time but with help from family and good friends things settled.My Doctor at the time was a superb lady who held meclose with all the changes.
I think too many things happening at the same tiime was a problem for me..thankfully all things pass.
The outcome for me was a deep understanding of middle years.Reclaiming one's power is a wonderful sense of womanhood.People who have an easy time can brush the reality of the experience away for those who experience issues.
Mountain ash
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/25/08 08:30 PM

Humlan, my dear, can I ask when you started this journey of no period?

If I can ask anyone, it has to be you, so open as you are about things!

thanks, sweetie!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/25/08 09:55 PM

Dancer, it happened sort of when I was 55..and I suppose the total total stop was within the past year..when I was 59. But then it´s only been very little and not often at all..maybe just 2 or 3 times. My gynecologist says this relatively later menopause period could be due to the fact that I had 5 kids and the last one at 42..she (my gynec.) refers to this alittle later child birth as a kind of vitamin shot..it gave me some youth a bit longer. HOWEVER..NOW I feel as tho I am rapidly decaying..so much has happened in the past 2 years..you know, like people aren´t answering..O, but you look so young for your age..anymore . There´s this silence and then maybe the next comment comes, such as..well, that´s life, I guess.

I am stiffer in the joints..rounder around the waist and the top part is getting baggy fast!!! Everything just kind of went POOF quite quickly over the last 2 yrs!

And I guess I better tell you that I use estrogen replacement in the form of gel that I apply once a day..I chose this because it doesn´t go totally thru my system, then. My gynecologist recommends it to me still..so I use it. I also have a "hormone coil" made from plastic that secretes hormones only in the area. I have this, at this point,to be sure that I don´t get pregnant..funnier things have happened..as you know. Again, this is recommended by my gynec. I started using it when I was about 50, instead of the copper coil because I had terribly heavy periods..I mean grose. These were partly genetical problems at the time. While I was having children..these problems did not appear too often..but when I really stopped having kids..they all came back with a BANG!!!

I have been getting hotflashes the past 2 years and some of them are quite difficult because I can feel sick while it´s going on..but I don´t have them too often..so they don´t bother me too much. I guess it´s the hormal replacement thing? Doesn´t have to be, as my gynec. tells me..

Sweetheart..there you go! You got anymore questions..just fire away..if I can be of help..I will..that´s what we´re here for right??

PS..maybe I am sounding sort of "cheeky" in this post..it could be because my son and his friends are watching, SOME KIND of MONSTER in the next room with all the metallica testerone music this entails (I am a big fan..as you know..so it´s ok )..BUT I do want to refer back to Mountain Ash´s post where she cautions that the time of menopause is not thing to belittle or take lightly..it is a process into another level of womanhood. SOOO..it´s NOT easy at times, Dancer..all the changes that are going on with me..psychologically and physically and spiritually..Perhaps I am developing spiritually..I hope so..but the rest of me is sort of, well, getting older. I can´t count on my body as I could before..and I have pains, stiffness..conditions that have to be taken care of..therefore more doctor appointments. And I wrote before..I am not always sure of how I will react to things..weepy or wild? SOOO..I DO understand that you are wondering what´s going on..and I am here.if I can be of help.

Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/26/08 01:03 AM

So, Humlan, you had your last period at 55? That's what I'm wondering as well. Thanks for being so open. It helps SO much! You are too cool, really.
Posted by: hotflashgal

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/26/08 02:18 AM

I still get my period although it is quite irregular. What I have noticed is WILD pms. Last week I could have chewed the head off of anyone who bothered me, and I was crying at the drop of a hat. I also notice that the hot flashes are worse right before my period too and sometimes I get very itchy. Night sweats are not a bother because I sleep in my sleepwear. Like others have mentioned, I too am rounder in the belly and it is harder to shake the weight. Yikes! Ain't this great???
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/26/08 02:32 AM

Oh, yes, the 'menopot' - I hate it! I have always had what you so nicely called a rounded belly - it's more pronounced now. Even when I weighed 108 lb my belly wasn't flat!!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Hormonal Swings - 03/26/08 12:29 PM

No, Dancer..I sort of feel that the period part of my life..reproduction etc..kinda shutdown really at 58 0r 59. Because that´s when the "aging" really got going..and I didn´t think of periods anymore..in any way..more or less. Eventho, I sometimes wonder if my wild mood swings, as also described by hotflashgal, are related to some hormal swings that I don´t know about? Or are they related to the moon cycle? Do I go sort of tense and out of balance when there´s a full moon out there? Our cook at the preschool, from Finland,swears that the full moon effects her moods and her sleep...

Just some more thoughts for you!
Posted by: Cookie

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/13/08 08:07 PM

Some days I think my hormonal swings are driving me crazy....and it is a short drive!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/21/08 09:23 PM

I was lucky enough to be blessed with a 'breeze through' menapause, no swings of any kind...But the full moon does affect me terribly, my sleep becomes extremely erratic when the moon is full... I also am figidety, finding it hard to sit still during a full moon...we've had one the last three nights.

Now if my nails and teeth start to grow and I become hairy allo over, then I might worry but until then, I'll chalk it up the being sensitive to the universe. Howwlll!!!
Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/28/08 04:19 AM

I haven't lost my period,(I'm 51) it just keeps getting worse.
Heavy in fact so much so that I can't go to work on these days for fear of leakage. I'm usually up four times in the night having to change. Very frustrating.

I have no pain but the depression (not bitchiness) is so bad that I find I have no will to to do anything even to live. I spent the entire weekend doing nothing. Usually I'm busy out gardening, studying, house work etc. Also visiting with friends. During this time I totally isolate myself.

Now I feel guilty that the weekend is over and I've got nothing done.

I feel very depressed for a few days before and during my periond and then when it is almost over I get some relief. I'm on anti-depressants but they don't work during this time. I find the overwhelming depression quite scary.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/28/08 12:31 PM

Kate, do you find that the depression has gotten worse since your Dad died? I don't know if there's any data to back me up, but I strongly suspect that grief alters our entire system, not only mental and emotional, but physical as well. I know that my periods over this past year have been the worst ever, but don't know if it's age-related or just coincidental that it was also my worst emotional year as well. Do the two go hand-in-hand? I wonder if the grief alters our chemical makeup (i.e., seratonin, etc) so much that it then creates imbalances elsewhere in our body.

In my own journey through depression, I've found that sometimes it does help to know the reasons for the depression...the grief was overwhelming this past year, and the sadness almost intolerable at times. But knowing where it stemmed from somehow lessened the fear of it and allowed me to be more patient with myself, knowing that with time, this terrible grief would diminish and eventually pass into just a dull ache of missing.

It's interesting for me to realize as I write this that as my grief has subsided from that overwhelming tidal wave to this dull ache, so too have my periods eased off...they were off the charts as far as heavy flow and profound fatigue go throughout most of 2007, but the last two have been much less disruptive...just as my grief has become much less debilitating. Hmmm, coincidence?

Your grief is still fresh and overwhelming now. Maybe there is some correlation, maybe it's making your period-depressions feel even worse.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/28/08 12:55 PM

I still have night sweats and mood swings. And I'm at the beginning of the boomer age. For years I took Rejuvex. Then they took it off the market. Why I don't know? It helped me a lot, for many, many years. I know ladies older than I that still have hot flashes, etc. Like heartbreak, we learn to live with it. Good luck there, dancer. I do a great deal of exercises and have been able to keep my weight at a reasonable level. Therefore, I don't think that's a factor. Perhaps, some women hang onto menopause sympthoms and some don't?
Prayers and blessings,
Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/28/08 10:45 PM

Eagle Heart, you may have something there. I am under quite a bit of stress at the moment too which doesn't help.
My son being an addict, my job (company is for sale)
my house, my landlady is going to sell, and I just broke up with my long distance boyfriend without giving it much thought. Now I'm greiving from that too.

The grief from losing my Dad is huge and maybe because of that I get even more depressed.

This last period was so bad and I was so depressed that I was quite scared about my thoughts. I just wanted to check out. I may have to take a higher dose of anti-depressants during this time as I don't want to go through this again.
It's not fair to my kids to have a Mom who can hardly get out of bed. They worry the poor things and I don't want them to have to deal with this.

Eagle Heart, you have had so much loss in the last little while. Not sure how you do it but I guess we just have to deal with it.

I feel much better today and my period is now over so I really think hormones play a big part in this too.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/28/08 11:22 PM

Kate, I know - oh, how well I know - how very hard it is to keep one's head above those waters...but the bottom line is that you have to...if not for yourself, then for your children, because, to be blunt, if you do (or any parent does) "check out", it's almost a 100% guarantee that at least one of the children will do the same...so if for no other reason, you have to stay strong enough to crawl yourself through this for their sake so that they too will crawl themselves through, rather than check out.

I know this is going to sound impossible, but you just start doing it, and it will begin to work in you: start focusing on "what IS" good in your life; you might only be able to see the sun, a flower, or a beautiful tree, or the mountains in the distance - if only for a moment each day, focus deliberately on one good thing that IS good. I used to have to do it through my tears and clenched teeth, because just thinking about something "good" would send me sobbing back to bed because it reminded me of all that I'd lost and that didn't feel good at all.

Slowly but surely it began to take root. I used to really work hard on focusing on positive thinking and gratitude for even the smallest things - like clean water to drink, hot water to shower in, two good legs to help me roll out of bed, eyes that could see that flower in someone's garden, the women here (that's a biggie!) - it takes some work to turn our minds away from "what's not" (because it hurts so much that it's not there anymore) to see "what is", but you have to start somewhere. A wee thought each day will make more of a difference than you can imagine right now.

That's what kept me going, honestly, forcing myself to focus on my blessings (what IS) and ignoring all that "is not" anymore. Very difficult at first, because the losses are enormous and the emptiness unavoidable...but I just started filling that emptiness with those good things, the "What IS" instead of what wasn't and could never be again.

That doesn't mean to not grieve...it just means trying to counter the profound sadness with some measure of positive focus, if only for a few moments each day. Grief takes its time to work through, mine is nowhere near over...will it ever be over? I do allow myself to feel the pain and sadness, but I also practice gratitude and positive focusing everyday too.

Your life is so full of stress and difficulty right now...no wonder you're exhausted and depressed. But try not to let "what's not" be all that fills you...try to fill some of that emptiness with "what is and what's good", because there is good around you...people, nature, resources, us, God...and don't be afraid to find help through this, maybe a therapist, minister, grief counsellor, someone to help you through this rough patch of road you're on.

I'm keeping you in prayer and heart. I really care, and always hope good blessings will surround and comfort you.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/29/08 12:12 AM

I'm sorry for all you face. I just wanted to let you know that I heard your post.

Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/29/08 05:18 AM

Thank you Eagle Heart,
Thank you dancer9

I am going to go to the doctors again to let her know what this past weekend was like. It was scary. Most of the time I am ok. Before my Dad passed away I would handle things quite well and was fairly easy going and hopeful. I guess because I'm still in grief mode the depression I feel at this time of the month is exaggerated.

I appreciate your taking the time to share with me Eagle Heart. I will try to focus more on the good. I did have a grateful list somewhere. It's time to write another one.

Many thanks
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/29/08 12:44 PM

Kate, you know how much I care. If I sometimes come on too strong, it's because I know that quicksand too well, and I know how quickly it can reach up and grab us by our mangled thinking and suck us into a precarious place that takes so very long to crawl back out of. I know how hard it is, especially when you add grief to the mix. And how almost impossible it is to see any light and goodness when we're walking blind in that dark fog. But it does help, eventually. It's a good idea to check in with your doctor, and don't be shy about telling her just how dangerous and frightening it was for you.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/29/08 08:37 PM

Kate, Eagle gives the best advice, doesn't she?

I wasn't even grieving when my moods changed during peri-menopause. I shared how intense my moods were and everything else that was going on with my cycle, and my doctor put me on the pill. It's worked like a charm.

I know this is controversial. I won't stay on it forever, but for now a low dose of the pill has just enough estrogen to keep me happy.

Perhaps this is another option.
Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/30/08 02:39 AM

Thanks Dotsie,
I will talk to my doctor about this. I never could tolerate the pill when I was younger though so it may not work for me.
Still it's another thing to discuss with her.

Posted by: Bobbi

Re: Hormonal Swings - 04/30/08 06:07 PM

Ah, "Cool Hugs", I like that. Hello sister/friends. I'm new to this site and am in the throws of menopause. I've been doing tons of research and am finding some natural herbs that are helping me. It's great to be on a forum with such yummy women.
Thanx so much! Bobbi
Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/02/08 01:38 AM

What is really weird is that I feel so much better today, the day after my period ended. They are getting longer and heavier.

I cannnot go through another one like the last one so am going to go to the doctors for sure. Today I have all the same problems, grief, job issues, house issues, personal issues and was able to handle them today. These problems didn't even seem that bad.

It's hard to believe that last week I was a crying mess, sleeping all the time and full of anxiety over my situation.
It's like I have two personalities and I don't like it. It was really scary.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/02/08 04:26 PM

Katebcca, I had your symptoms before I started menopuase, that is, before my period stopped. I am in my forties but my period stopped a year and a half ago.

I had such heavy periods that I would soil my clothing despite all the protection I used! They were scary and awful. I didn't ever get a DX on it but I just lived through that and stayed worried.

After those massive periods, my period started to go for days and days, like it never really stopped. Finally, the end of the saga: They stopped! I went from having those frightening periods to none!

I hope you feel better soon and don't worry too much, they may not find much as with me!

Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/02/08 05:39 PM

I will be 52 this year and still get my monthly period.
The flow is terrible, so much so that I can't go to work on some of the days. The first one is ok but the 2nd, 3rd and 4th are brutal. I can't sit down without flooding everywhere and have to change even during the night at least four times, put a large towel on the bed etc.

I thought my period would have stopped by now. Even with that, the part that worries me the most is the incredible depression. It's hard on my kids. I go from making dinner, cleaning up the usual mother type stuff to not being able to make dinner, clothes piled all over the house, dishes not done and me in bed not able to get up. Plus there is the feeling that I just want to give up, no hope, everything is horrible and I have a huge dark rain cloud hanging over me.

This is the worst part.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/02/08 05:56 PM

Kate, you will be seeing a doctor soon, won't you? What you describe along with the depression is not necessarily normal....or it could be for you. Please, please see someone who's in the know with women our age and describe it all as you have here. Maybe you should be checked for other things like fibroids. Have you had this problem for a long time or is more in recent months?
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/02/08 10:00 PM

I'm so sorry for what you are feeling! It sounds that, yes, a doctor is in order ASAP! The hormonal swings I suffered with those REALLY heavey periods were hard on me and I remember feeling and really needing to BREAK things to feel better! It was a hard time but I was on an antidepressent! Are you getting help of this kind?

I'm worried for you, very worried.

For me, they found one small fibroid but told me it was "no big deal," and told me to keep up my iron, calcium and such!

I was left to handle most of that part on my own! I was scared at times.

Please let me know what your plans are or what a doctor says.You should not be suffering so!

Posted by: katebcca

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/03/08 01:26 AM

Thanks dancer,
I had an ultra sound a while back and have fibroids too.
The doctor said they go away when your period stops.

Thanks for your concern and I am going to go back to the doctors first thing next week. I think I may need to see a specialist. My GP is good but I think the anti-depressant thing is out of her league, she even told me as such.

Will let you know how it goes.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/05/08 05:53 PM

Please do.
Posted by: Bobbi

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/14/08 03:55 PM

Hi ladies - I've learned that the constant fluctuating levels of hormones, as we probably all know, definitely have an effect on our mental state. These hormones control the seratonin levels in our brain, which is the chemical that manipulates mood. If the seratonin drops so do our moods. I've found that eating small meals during the day, getting some good walking in and other exercise, staying away from caffeine and alcohol have really helped me. I got some acupuncture last week and it really helped.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Hormonal Swings - 05/14/08 07:11 PM

Kate..how are you doing? It´s been awhile..not pressing you in any way..just sending lots of hugs and letting you know that we are here..
Posted by: Bobbi

Re: Hormonal Swings - 07/23/08 09:45 PM

Hey Ladies, here is the link to a FREE e-book on menopause that two sisters have created. It is full of great information. http://menomavens.com/downloads.html
Hope this helps, Bobbi
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Hormonal Swings - 07/24/08 01:54 PM

Bobbi, thanks for sharing. Do you know them? Are they physicians?