Has anyone that is on the backside of menopause experienced memory loss? I am 49 and menopause (I think) is just about over. I knew I had lost memory (short-term)but was attributing it to high stress because of bad marriage/divorce.

Last week I got an e-mail from someone I dated as a freshman in high school, he asked me if I remembered certain things from high schol--I don't remember any of them--even after he filled in details! I am really starting to worry about this.

This morning I was re-reading some old journal entries, some things I don't remember at all, some things I remembered once I read them.

I was told that memory loss, even not being able to remember your phone numbers some days was part of menopause so I dismissed it all as a part of the process and trusted that it would come back. I am now past the oh-my-God-I-can't-remember-my phone-number days but long term memory is clearly not back yet.

Does anyone have any info on this? Will it return? Anybody else experienced this?