About six months ago, I started getting night sweats and getting up six-eight times during the night either to go to bathroom or with an anxious feeling. The doctor put me on HRT and water pills. This helped some. A few months later, she put me on a diet and I've lost some weight, plus I did an attitude adjustment. At the time all this was happening, I was drowning in self-pity for things. I finally put my foot down and started making changes in my life mentally and physically.

Today, I sleep soundly, I don't take any medications and I am happy. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and made myself do things that normally I was too shy or self-conscious to do. I am loving this year for the first time in a long time. I don't know if I was experiencing menopause, the doctor said my blood work showed I was, but If so, It is either over or hibernating.