Health Benefits of Music (For Everyone & for ALZ)

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Health Benefits of Music (For Everyone & for ALZ) - 10/09/14 04:58 PM

“I still want to make music. I don’t want to twerk, but I want to be relevant,”

~~ Annie Lennox, during a recent interview about her upcoming album.

The former member of the 80s pop group the Eurythmics needn’t worry. We Boomers still actively include music in our lives -- even though it may not come to us in the same formats (No more 8 track tapes, cassettes, and very few 45s or LP albums are sold these days.)

But the fact that we Boomers still love our music is now being proved to be a very good thing -- we now have access to research which proves the health benefits of music.

Among the points discussed in the link above, is evidence that music can:

• ease pain
• improve sleep quality
• enhance blood vessel performance
• reduce stress and anxiety
• relieve symptoms of depression
• elevate mood
• increase workout endurance
• improve cognitive performance
• relax patients before surgery

And, on a related front, there’s growing proof of the effectiveness of music in managing the devastating effects of dementia.

Alive Inside ” an independent documentary that tells the story of social worker Dan Cohen’s efforts to use musical therapy for those suffering from Alzheimer’s and other neurological ailments, scored big at the Sundance Film Festival in January, taking home the audience award for top U.S. documentary.

The film provides evidence that music has the ability to engage the part of the brain not affected by dementia.

According to neurologist Oliver Sacks, music brings back a sense of identity to dementia patients. As a result of this research, Cohen’s musical therapy is now being used in over 600 facilities worldwide.