Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin...

Posted by: Toni

Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 01:24 AM

Maybe I'm slow but just recently I've tried something that one of the former "Charlie's Angles" does most everyday. Her first name is Jackie--can't remember her last name.

Anyway, this sounds goofy but here goes...Every morning before she takes a shower she applies petrolem jelly to her face. As she showers, the petroleum jelly softens and smoothes the skin. Then after coming out of the shower, she takes off some of the petroleum jelly and then gently washes her face.

I've been trying it for a couple of days and it really works. My face is smoother, my makeup goes on better and the wrinkles are less noticeable.

Has anyone else ever tried this? It really does seem to be working well. Let me know if you've tried this and if it's working for you.

Just an idea. Took me years to try it out!
Posted by: Evie

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 04:01 AM

I don't have a whole lot of time in the I just spread the petroleum jelly on my toast and have it with my morning tea [Smile]

......I'm kidding, really [Razz] ......
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 04:05 AM

Interesting! I'll have to try that one [Cool] I'll get back to you on this one later [Smile] .
Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 03:09 PM


That's a good one! Sometimes I feel like that, too..
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 07:49 AM

Hey, I have an oil well. Us oilies say do anything you like, especially if you do it with petroleum.

Drink it, spread on your toast, put it in your gas tank, rub it on your skin, make plastic bags of it, whatever floats your boat.

Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 11:04 PM

Thanks, Smiles! I knew you were a 'slippery' little soul!

I guess petroleum jelly rules the day?!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/16/04 11:46 PM

Sorry. I lost my head.

I use petroleum jelly on my skin in the winter and it is great. Also baby oil is good and when I tan or have a boo boo I use A & D ointment. All good stuff.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 12:22 AM

You mean to tell me I could buy Vaseline and save all this money I'm spending on Neutrogena? [Eek!]

I've gotta give this a try. [Wink]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 02:32 AM

The stars name is Jacqueline Smith and yes I do this too and have NO wrinkles at age 64. I learned this however many years ago from the movie star Doris Day. Doris use to use nothing but vaseline all over her body before and after her bath and pool visits. She must be 80 something today and still has gorgeous skin. Now Sophia Loren also an aging beauty uses olive oil inside and outside her body. My mother who's 84 and looks maybe 60 uses the vaseline as well and has beautiful soft skin and never wears anything but alittle lipstick and powder. She uses nothing for cooking but extra virgin olive oil. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 02:47 AM

Thanks, Chatty for the great info. Sounds like a good thing to do...People like yourself, your mother and movie stars do it--must be something there. It's working for me; really helping..

Thanks for Jackie's last name and the mention of Doris Day. I remember Doris talking about that years ago.

Sometimes it's the simple things that really work the best....
Posted by: DJ

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 05:38 PM

Use petroleum jelly at your risk! It might make your skin look good for a while, but your skin is now considered one of the best delivery systems for certain substances (like hormones and some vitamins) that bypass your digestive system and go directly into your bloodstream. Do you want motor oil running through your blood? Probably not. It makes your skin look good because as petroleum products break down they mimic hormones.

By the way, this goes for mineral oil too, which is made out of petroleum.

And the reason it's called petroleum jelly is because the guy who invented it, in about 1900, thought he found a cheap new food source, and intended to market it as jelly (with flavors added) but apparently that didn't go over too well.
Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/17/04 11:57 PM


Thank you for the information. Had no idea this was the case. Will pursue this further. Wouldn't want harm this information to harm anyone.

Will conduct research on this tomorrow.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/18/04 12:21 AM

Whew DJ,
That's scary.
I've used it for years, mostly in winter when it's dry, but was really convinced when I saw it on Oprah. An African American dermatologist said it was the reason African women have such nice unwrinkled skin. Oprah said she uses it.
Better check this out.
Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/18/04 01:54 AM

Whew, is right! Will be doing some research on this tomorrow morning. Let's wait, gals, until we find out the truth on this?!

Will let you know what I find out....
Posted by: Toni

Re: Petroleum Jelly, So Good For the Skin... - 07/18/04 08:26 PM

Hi Ladies,

I did some research on petroleum jelly and so far I've not come up with anything negative.

The posts that I've read said that petroleum jelly is one of the safest and best ways to care for the skin.

I've used it for years and nothing negative has happened; however, I will continue to research this in my spare time

Keep me posted should you run across any information on it.