Potty times?

Posted by: Di

Potty times? - 07/29/08 01:10 PM

Just curious as to how many times, in the middle of the night, you have to get up to potty?

Sometimes, for me, it's 3 times.....sometimes once. Sometimes more! I just wonder if this is normal for a 51 yr old woman or is it something I need to concern myself about. I sleep closer to the bathroom since I usually wait 'til the last minute.

Thanks for taking my poll!
Posted by: Di

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 07:59 PM

Anybody else pee???
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 08:14 PM

Maybe once, but that's all.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 08:48 PM

I am diabetic which is a 'pee going' condition when the glucose is up, but even with all the liquid I drink all evening, I rarely if ever get up during the night. I go right before bedtime and thats it until morning but then look out, get the hells bells out of my way!!!
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 08:55 PM

Never get up to go once I am asleep and I usually have a can of Pepsi before bed. I know, my bad.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 09:40 PM

I go at least three times every night...which can be very inconvenient when we visit people and the bathroom is up two flights of dark stairs.

Once we stayed in my SIL's summer trailer - the bathroom was in their bedroom...but she knows me and loves me enough to still invite us, God bless her!

I've tried not drinking anything after 6 but still have to get up and go. It's very rare that I get up less than 3 times, and not unusual to have to get up 4-5 times.
Posted by: Di

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 10:11 PM

Eagle, have you had a hysterectomy?

Have others? I wonder if it has to do with my "tie ups" getting loose!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Potty times? - 07/29/08 10:24 PM

No, Di, the only thing I've ever had surgery for is appendix when I was 7.

I drink a lot of water all day. And 1 cup of black tea in the morning and 1 cup of green tea with supper. No tea (or anything with caffeine) after 6pm. Everytime I get up to use the bathroom, I also drink another glass of water, so that's more likely the connection. I'm constantly thirsty (my blood sugar is perfect) and rarely ever feel like I've had enough to drink. I really feel the discomforting effects of dehydration, even at night. I've been that way for most of my life, including having to get up to use the bathroom several times a night...many midnight skunk-encounters on the way to the outhouse during my teenage years at the cottage!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Potty times? - 07/30/08 02:05 AM

It depends if I sleep well. If I do, none. If not, every 2-3 hrs. or so. .
Posted by: gims

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 03:23 AM

It depends (pardon the pun)... I've been known to go close to once an hour or two. I drink loads of liquids, though, and that's what I attribute my frequency to. I'm not diabetic, though. I just love drinking water, and green teas. Have a glass in my hand or at my elbow at all times. I do notice I go more often in the summer months than in the winter. Don't know why that is. I don't think you should be too concerned, unless this is something totally off from what you consider 'normal' for you. Next check up, ask about it.... or give the nurse a call. Do take care of yourself... the fact that your asking about it means something.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 06:36 AM

It varies with me too, but usually around 2 am. My hubby too. We usually bump into each other on the way to the bathroom.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 07:32 AM

I guess I also tend to go around 2 am.....when I sleep at night tho. Working 5 nights a week my sleep is during the day. It's funny but at night I get up once or twice depending on how much fluid I've had. When sleeping days, it's extremely rare for me to get up to potty at all!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 08:15 AM

If you hear what women discuss in the gyna/urology ward the night vists can be frequent.
Often lack of sleep due to this can wear a woman down.

I believe it depends on several factors.
Weight...childbirth..hysterectomy.Lifting heavy weights.
menopause.hormones decreasing Urine infection.
I mistakenly believed having a hysterectomy that "everything" would be tided up therafter...Ha ha!!
Prolapse (rectrocele and cystocele).can happen after hyster. Both conditions can cause bladder disturbance.

Given the ages of the women on the forum I have wondered why this discussion has not been raised before.(that I can recall)This leads me to believe childbirth experience varies by nation.Also tecnique during gynae operations.And the fact that few consultants are women.Certainly more than one generation ago.
I sought a female consultant so can compare.
Mountain ash

"Go potty"...here that would mean to go mad...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 11:18 AM


"Go potty"...here that would mean to go mad...

LOL, I make too-many-to-count trips to that potty!

But they say there's a fine line between madness and genius, so I might well be one trip away from being a brilliant genius!
Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 11:42 AM

I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago. I usually wake up once during the night and go pee........and then go right back to sleep and don't get up again til morning. Never more than once during the night,though. Sometimes I'm lucky and sleep the whole night thru!!

Posted by: Di

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 01:00 PM

Interestingly enough, I"ve had only one trip/night in the past week.

Sometime back, a friend told me this: That if we wait WAY too long to potty, our bladder can burst! So, since hearing that, I probably go a lot JUST to be sure I get it out. Plus, you can even get a bladder infection if you wait too long as well.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Potty times? - 08/01/08 01:06 PM

Way to long...that would have to be a long time.

There is no doubt thinking about weeing makes us go.

In toilet training disabled children timing is important.Then allowing longer intervals.
Pelvic floor exercise can help.
Mountain ash
Posted by: greene

Re: Potty times? - 08/03/08 06:35 PM

Has anyone ever tried Detrol, the medicine for frequent urination? I'd be interested in results.
Posted by: gims

Re: Potty times? - 08/03/08 06:40 PM

Another thing... some don't empty their bladders completely.
Bladder/urinary tract infections:
Remember to clean from front to back after urination.
Remember to urinate before and after [intimacies].
Posted by: Di

Re: Potty times? - 08/03/08 06:49 PM

Yep, Gims. I always recite the "front to back" to myself when pottying!! LOL!!

And yes, before and after is crucial. I've had many a bladder infection before I knew about that rule.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Potty times? - 08/04/08 07:52 AM

I doubt a bladder would burst before a person pee'd their pants. Unless you have a blockage of some sort and you can't pee, don't worry about your bladder bursting...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Potty times? - 08/04/08 08:16 AM

not that medication but.big complications with Yentreve..
Mountain ash
Posted by: jabber

Re: Potty times? - 08/09/08 01:48 PM

Don't know how I missed this thread. Most nights I get up at least once. I have a dropped bladder and that causes unnecessary
pressure. I go potty many times between breakfast and lunch but then in the afternoon, I don't go so much. But overnight hubby gets up as much or more than I. So I don't feel so bad about it. Usually around 2 or 3 a.m. we get up and go. Xena goes out
too, sometimes. I don't think getting up is that unusal for folks with a few years of living under their belts. I'm not on
any meds but then I don't go to the doctor. Hubby is on med for his high blood pressure. But all in all, we're in reasonably good health, I guess!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Potty times? - 08/10/08 03:12 PM

I've often wondered if all women passed the age of 50 have trouble with their pipeline. I heard girls at bowling complain about leakage, when they laugh you know. Others' have accidents.
I'll bet everybody's system wears down. I heard a vet say that
a dog's inners weaken with age. Bet humans are like, too.
Posted by: CowgirlRed

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 04:08 AM

I'm 52, not in menopause quite yet. Up 2-3 times at night. It's been going on for about 2 yrs. I read that it is part of the aging process & doc agrees after tests during annual physical. But I feel it interferes with sleep and that interferes with moods and health during the day. It is much, much better if I don't drink much water or anything in the evening. Cutting out caffein in the afternoons and evening really helps. So does watching salt intake. I really need that quality sleep and don't like to take anything.
Posted by: gims

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 04:22 AM

You can always do your Kegels, or go the V-weights route... Anyone try the V-weights/balls?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 09:09 AM

What's a V weight?

Diapers anyone?
Posted by: jabber

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 01:19 PM

Nope! Hate the idea of diapers. I see too much of that in the nursing home. And I don't know what a V weight is either.
Posted by: Mij

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 05:19 PM

Posted by: gims

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 05:26 PM

Here's ya go:

Read about V-Weights - click here
Posted by: Mij

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 05:56 PM

Same concept as Ben-Wa Balls, but pricier!


"Ben Wa Balls may also be used to simply increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, much as Kegel exercises are used today. Similar to Kegel exercises, Ben Wa balls and other shaped vaginal weights are recommended by gynecologists and obstetricians to increase vaginal elasticity and bladder control. Vaginal weights come in a cylindrical shape and are used in increasing weights to strengthen the vagina, which improves sexual performance. Mild urinary incontinence, such as that which occurs while laughing, or sneezing and occurs more often as women grow older, can be treated with Ben wa balls, vaginal weights, or Kegel exercises."

The devices shown on gims' site include biofeedback controls which are helpful. Doing this as an actual daily exercise rather than whenever it occurs to you is a lot better, and it is good to see your progress.

Oh, and your partner will thank you. grin
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Potty times? - 08/12/08 06:40 PM

rectocele can be repaired from below as can cytocele.
Mountain ash

PS. all older women ???My matron friend called her old ladies who had issues her "Water lillies"