I had the surgery on Friday, and yes, it is covered by medical insurance. BB ladies might want to check it out with their own insurance companies if their eyelids are drooping.....
The pre-anesthesia medicine was the best part. Before I 'went under' I so gooood! My daughter tells me that I was happily babbling my bank account numbers (with pins!) to the doctor and nurse as she left....
I only had a stinging sensation on my eyes afterward that was relieved by crushed ice bags, which I've been wearing often. I haven't needed the pain pills they gave me. I did, however, look
like I'd run into a Mac truck - black eyes swollen to mere slits with stitches across both eyelids. My 4 year old grand-daughter hid her face and starting crying when she saw Me-maw's 'boo-boo'....
With ice packs and Prednizone the swelling has dissapated nicely, tho I still have discoleration.
Looking ahead, looks like my eyes will be beautiful in a few days. [Smile] )
I hate Prednizone. Makes me evil. Makes me eat - even things I wouldn't ordinarily touch. That large zuchini squash in a basket on the table (in a basket-of-vegetables-gifts) is starting to look tasty....
By the way, I'd told everyone I know about the surgery and that I'd look rough for a few days after the surgery so please don't come by....
Well, it's been like Grand Central Station here ever since....I wanted to hide my face for at least a week. Even people I haven't seen in many months have come to visit. Seems everybody wants to see a woman when she's at her worst????
I donned a pair of big glasses and went to church yesterday - didn't wanna miss the sermon; besides,
everybody had already seen my face anyway. Can't hide anything in a small southern town...
All in all, I highly recommend this surgery, ladies and feel good about having it.