Why you don't bike/do bike

Posted by: orchid

Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/18/10 08:58 PM


Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals is surveying women and girls about factors that influence their cycling or decision not to cycle. This is a non-profit organization. It's to get municipalities to improve the road/path facilities, improve municipal-funded programs to make cycling for friendly/possible for women and girls.

It is felt in real indicator of cycling popularity is the level of participation of women and children. There still is abit of tendency in some geographic areas of the world, where men and boys cycle more regularily.

Some useful questions are asked on perspectives on desired cycling infrastructure, personal reasons that influence our cycling or non-cycling, etc.

I did the survey. Survey open until May 15/10. There is a webinar presentation end of Mar. about this project.

Your feedback would be useful. If you look at the questions and multiple choice answers, you will see.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 07:54 AM

I took the survey becasue I really would njoy biking, and have a bike, but we don't have good bike paths. We have some in places, but what do you do when they end and you're in the middle of a city?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 10:03 AM

I took the survey as well. My community is not a comfortable place for me to bike because I'm concerned about safety - distracted drivers, narrow roads, etc.

Also, I have bad knees. I haven't even tried to ride a bike since my knees started bothering me. Do you know if cycling will make them worse?

But I did just hear that a large bike race in 2010 is coming through our little town next May! That will be fun to watch, with Lance Armstrong and everything.
Posted by: Di

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 11:09 AM

We have no sidewalks and the area next to the pavement is rock...and uneven. Plus, I like walking. Using my Z-coil shoes surely helps a BUNCH!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 11:14 AM

I didn't know you became a Trash Queen, DD. laugh Did you bike hurt your knees awhile ago?

If your bike didn't hurt your knees during the months you biked, most likely the bike fits you.

However, if a bike doesn't fit you and you don't know how to use your gearing, (and end up pushing on a hard big gear), then your knees will hurt. I will try to find a photo/info. on bike fit, it might take me a day or so.

Dotsie: Unless the bike path is really long, alot of paths do end somewhere onto/neaer a road. The key thing is to know certain neighbourhoods where one can go onto a quieter road shortly, after being on a busier/narrow road. The cycling routes that I do regularily in my city, are a blend of bike path, bike lane and roads with no bike lanes. For instance a 42 kms. ride- includes 60% on residential quiet streets, 20% busy/tighter streets, 20% separated, protected bike path.

Over the years, I have learned (alot of it from my partner) how to map out a route that at least reduces time on a busy, non-bike lane marked road.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 11:36 AM

Thanks Orchid. Biking is not the reason for my bad knees; it runs in my family and my extra weight lately is not helping at all. I haven't biked in many years, but it sounds fun to try to do again.

Will the helmet mess up my hair? smile haha
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/19/10 12:23 PM

My youngest daughter bought me a bike last Mother's Day...a powder blue beach cruiser...I love it and ride it everywhere when I am down the shore..but all of the streets are perfectly flat in our little beach town..I don't think I would be able to ride on hilly roads.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/20/10 09:02 PM

It's called 'helmet hair' Dancing Dolphin. Not beautiful but better than falling on and getting a melon head, splat!!!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/21/10 07:55 PM

Originally Posted By: AvalonBlondi
My youngest daughter bought me a bike last Mother's Day...a powder blue beach cruiser...I love it and ride it everywhere when I am down the shore..but all of the streets are perfectly flat in our little beach town..I don't think I would be able to ride on hilly roads.

Fantastic gift that gives back fun! smile
Since your cruiser is a single speed (or 3 speed?), and unless you're very fit, it will not help you get up hilly roads efficiently. That's why the bikes with multiple gear shifters are necessary for many riders --beginners and expert.

As long as you know your bike's limitations, enjoy!

(I personally wouldn't buy a cruiser regardless of my age. I see cruiser as a "fashion" bike. But they are hip/cool with certain crowds. Strong cyclists do mount hills on single speed bikes but it's not for everyone. Doesn't give me the gearing range power for ascending difficult hills or going fast on flats. I'm not a strong person, so I need all the technical bike component help possible. I have two 24-speed bikes. 3rd bike is a 12-speed and definitely is limiting to me.)

DD: in this thread there's a small a photo of yours truly on bike. The bike fits me.

There's only a slight bend in my knee when seated and foot on pedal. My arms a slightly bent, not ramrod straight, over-stretched. My upper body is close enough to the handlebar set without being overstrethed....which is a frequent problem for newbies.

Alot of people (including myself) when they haven't cycled for many years or are unfamiliar with a new/strange bike, will lower the seat just to be comfortable for a few yards. But sitting on your bike and your feet flat on ground, will result in sore knees, since it feel too tight in leg movement when you starting spinning the pedals. So raising the seat abit and perhaps adjusting the handlebar higher or closer to you, helps. However the bike should never be too big nor seat too high, that your upper body rocks back and forth side to side when cycling seated in saddle. A rocking cyclist who is pushing along on flat terrain, means the bike is too big/seat is too high.

When a cyclist becomes strong and fit, they find the need to raise their seat a tiny bit more to give themselves more spinning power. However, always mindful it never hurts one's knees, never overstretching arms or upper torso too much.

Remember an experienced older woman even at 70-80 yrs. should be cycling a 24 or 27-speed bike just to make the ride easier on herself because she is changing her gears throughout the whole ride. After all, she is not getting much stronger at that stage in life.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 03/24/10 05:38 PM

Luckily for me and the rest of my biking group, The Pedal Pushers, we live on very flat grounds in the desert. No major hills to have to worry about.
Posted by: orchid

Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 03/31/10 04:55 PM

Just an update since I sat in on an webinar organized by this organization of the survey where there was panel of 5 women speakers all involved in cycling. Webinar was 90 min. long. As of Mar. 28, 2010: 7,300 women have responded on the survey. Thanks so far for some of you who have responded.

Survey is open until May 15, 2010. Takes only 10 min. Please forward the link below to other women that you know:

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 03/31/10 06:19 PM

Interesting survey Orchid. I answered the questions the best way I could.
Posted by: AvalonBlondi

Re: Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 03/31/10 09:05 PM

just took your survery Orchid.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 04/02/10 04:34 PM

Summary of preliminary survey results begin on slide 42 (File will not download onto your computer. YOu can see it while still on Internet.) Over 1,100+ respondents do not have a car. (out of 7,300+ respondents so far)

It is important to understand that not having a car isn't a horrible thing, particularily if one lives close to public transit, services and shops.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 04/03/10 10:46 AM

One day, again, I hope to live without a car. I will add that to my list of goals so it is written down.
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Update: Why you don't bike/do bike survey - 04/03/10 11:34 AM

Yes Anno one day me too..
but for now my home is in a quiet peaceful village and there is no shop at all.My car is smaller than our last car very economical.
If I live long enough to choose a new home then my view would be to be on a mainline train station route have access to bus travel..a good taxi firm..a library and an eco friendly house..

I will look back happily to the garden I made and the trees we have planted..we choose a rural unbringing for our children with no polution and a community spirit.
car ownership can be essential depending on where your home is.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 04/08/10 01:00 AM

It was fun reading through your discussion, ladies.

I WAS a biker ages ago, and I really want to get back into it. I grew up in Madison, WI and that city is bicycle friendly. Back in high school I joined the Yellow Jersey Bike Co-op before I even know the significance of the yellow shirt....

In high school I had a job at Gimbel's Department Store at Hilldale Shopping Center, which is on the far west side. I lived on the far Northeast side of town -- and the City is built on an isthmus, which means there are only a few streets which connect the two parts of town.

I used to ride my 5 speed bike to work. It took me about 40 minutes, which wasn't bad, considering it would have been at least a 20 minute commute by car...

The only challenge to this was the heat wave that would overcome me once I got off the bike. I always had to leave early enough to allow my heart rate and body temperature to return to normal before I could go out onto the sales floor... And I used to wish the ladies room had a shower...

By college I was riding a 10-speed and then an even better one. I rode the latter bike well into my 30's. But for the past 22 years that bike has been gathering dust in the garage.

Lately, every time I walk past it, I think, "I've GOT to get new tires and start riding that thing again. I always had such fun on it!"

I just started working out again at a fitness center. Hopefully the new tires will happen soon!
Posted by: Lola

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 04/08/10 01:44 PM

Orchid!!! I wanted to share this with you yesterday but, today is just as good.

Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 04/08/10 02:40 PM

Took the survey, thanks for sharing it with us!

Posted by: orchid

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 04/08/10 03:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Anne Holmes
I really want to get back into it. I grew up in Madison, WI and that city is bicycle friendly. Back in high school I joined the Yellow Jersey Bike Co-op before I even know the significance of the yellow shirt....

In high school I had a job at Gimbel's Department Store at Hilldale Shopping Center, which is on the far west side. I lived on the far Northeast side of town -- and the City is built on an isthmus, which means there are only a few streets which connect the two parts of town.

I used to ride my 5 speed bike to work. It took me about 40 minutes, which wasn't bad, considering it would have been at least a 20 minute commute by car...

The only challenge to this was the heat wave that would overcome me once I got off the bike. I always had to leave early enough to allow my heart rate and body temperature to return to normal before I could go out onto the sales floor... And I used to wish the ladies room had a shower...

By college I was riding a 10-speed and then an even better one. I rode the latter bike well into my 30's. But for the past 22 years that bike has been gathering dust in the garage.

Lately, every time I walk past it, I think, "I've GOT to get new tires and start riding that thing again. I always had such fun on it!"

I just started working out again at a fitness center. Hopefully the new tires will happen soon!

I'm impressed Anne with your cycling history. Yes, Madison is considered a more bike-friendly city in the U.S.
My partner rode with another guy 3 years ago from VAncouver, BC to Madison, WI. I'll post the link to his mapped trip, when I find that bookmark.

Hope you get back on bike at some point. Whatever your heart wants. Just make sure you a get a bike that properly fits you and you already experienced the value of geared bikes and know how to use bike gears...so you're way ahead of some people already!

Great that some women here have answered the cycling survey!

Coincidentally at this time in an international women's cycling Internet forum, there's an informal cycling relay where we are schlepping a mini stuffed doll (made by Oxfam) and its tiny wire bike on an international journey. Starting last fall, the doll started off in Australia, then New Zealand, Singapore and now it's on its way to country of Chile. After Chile, it'll make its rounds in the U.S., Canada, etc. before being sent to Europe.

We have had a diverse range of women of all ages bike whatever distance they feel like and post pics of doll in its destination location.

Lola: That 'short' red ashphalt bike lane, is actually a bike intersection "box'. It's supposed to help warn cyclists in advance to stop and turn...if cars will not stop in the box. blush
Posted by: Lola

Re: Why you don't bike/do bike - 04/08/10 03:39 PM

Thanks for the explanation, Orchid. Now, we won't have to giggle when we drive by it in Cardiff. smile