Fall clothes

Posted by: Dotsie

Fall clothes - 09/27/04 06:47 PM

We are changing wardrobes this time of year in the northeast. Yesterday I put on my jeans for the first time in a few months.

I didn't get disgusted, have to lay on the bed on my back to pull up the zipper, or suck it all in and try to zip. [Razz]

Thanks to the women in the BWS diet forum they went on without a hitch! I smiled while zipping. When was the last year I did that?

If you are finding it hard to zip and button those clothes from last season...why not consider joining us?

If you are interested, e-mail me.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Fall clothes - 09/28/04 07:55 AM

I can vouch for it working too...my butt doesn't make those beeping sounds when I back up now...


Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Fall clothes - 09/28/04 03:07 AM

ME! ME! waving madly over here!!!!

I've been wondering what those beeping sounds were. I thought it had to do with my language.

Okay, I'll join but I'm also joining Curves again.

If nothing else, I'll get to hit something...insert evil grin here.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Fall clothes - 09/28/04 04:04 PM

Thistle, I'll send you the password.

I'm a Curves fanatic. I love that place. The one I go to is so busy they added repeats of four of the machines and four more exercise pads to increase the size of the circuit. [Wink]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Fall clothes - 09/30/04 02:30 PM

The Boomer dieters are a trip but dogone it works and the weight just keep coming off, slow but sure. I am fitting into my tight clothes now [Wink] that aren't tight at all. Via la boomer dieting! [Big Grin]
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 01:46 AM

I was babysitting my grandgirls this morning while my son was taking his wife for a hot air balloon ride. While I was at their house I weighed myself. I have lost 11 pounds since I started the South Beach Diet!!!! Wahoo! The first person I wanted to call was my mom, but she passed away last year (I miss her tremendously) and the next "call" I wanted to make was to the boomers!! I had to wait until I finished babysitting before I could tell y'all!! I am so excited.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 01:50 AM

I found it! I found it!


Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 05:32 PM

jawjaw, I hope you're kidding. All the BWS dieters are going to hold you accountable. [Razz]
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 06:37 PM

I was standing in front of the mirror and guess what? I found my waist!!!! I mean it is really looking "waistish" again!!!! The fat is starting to come of my back as well. I missed my waist the most, I think, and now it is BAAACK!! Girls, I gotta tell you, this is so exciting for me. I had lost twenty pounds two years ago. Then my mom came to live with me and I gained half back and then when she died I gained the rest back plus more. But, I am going back down again and I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled!!!
JJ--Just cuz you found it DOES NOT mean you have to keep it!!! LOL
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 06:39 PM

Does ANYONE know what happened to the month of September? I blinked and it is October.
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Fall clothes - 10/01/04 10:09 PM

Sweet September gone forever...lalapaloosa, same here...

What about this diet stuff? I hate the word diet! First it's a Four letter word and I don't particularly like the first 3 letters.

I don't particularly like the 3 letter word FAT either!

And this South beach thing ?? They probably make ya eat sand right? I'd end up with bladder stones.
More weight!

So far I've been on the "All you can eat diet and the infamous seefood diet (everything I see, I eat)"...Yeah, Yeah I know U heard em all. Humor me , I'm still reading posts from two years ago, so's I don't repeat stuff!

The last time I lost, I was in the tub washing my hair under the faucet and my tummy looked like a momma dog who just had a litter of pups!

Dieting makes me cranky and crazy. I become a Liar and better yet A Thief!

Ok, y'all have convinced me. Knock Knock Dotsie, I want in!

But I AINT gonna exercise...
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/02/04 04:18 AM

went out to lunch with my daughter and granddaughter at Ruby Tuesday's and guess what!!?? They have low carb meals with MASHED CAULIFLOWER!!! It was a delicious meal. I had some kind of fish with some kind of sauce (alfredo maybe) with shrimp and mashed cauliflower and a vegetable. Since broccoli does not make my tummy happy, I had creamed spinach. It was great...lots of calories, but also lots of fiber and protein and low carbs. I LOVE this diet. My waist...sigh...I missed it so!!! I oughta write a poem! I am so glad to have it back. [Razz]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Fall clothes - 10/02/04 09:51 AM

I lost an entire one-two-three-FOUR pounds this summer. You gals are making me feel like a slacker.

For the most part I eat well but my husband always buys luscious desserts that I can't resist. Right now in the house there's Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream, Starbuck's Mocha-something ice cream, Kozy Shack tapioca, flan, Belgian dark chocolate bars... you see what a challenge I have here. [Roll Eyes] OF COURSE if he didn't buy this stuff, I wouldn't eat it, right?
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Fall clothes - 10/02/04 09:57 AM

Be right back....
Gone for Ice cream [Embarrassed]

[ October 02, 2004, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: chickadee ]
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/03/04 09:22 AM

LOL....that was great chickie!!!! Makes me want some ice cream, too!!! LOL!! Merwyn isn't really sticking to his diet. Every once in a while I will catch him with Chocolate Lovers' ice cream!!! Rat fink!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Fall clothes - 10/03/04 09:46 AM

This is a little diddy I created for Sweet Lala and the discovery of her missing waist....

Today I found a treasure,
once more I have something to measure.

My top, my middle and bottom you see,
are now the size they're suppose to be.

I missed my waist most of all,
An hour glass I'm not but it feels so small.

So eat Boomer ladies and be merry,
but to lose those pounds, of carbs be wary.
Posted by: lalapaloosa

Re: Fall clothes - 10/04/04 05:58 AM

Thanks for the poem!!! It was darling and I loved it!
(I owe you a story about how I got married and I will have to call you to tell you because to write it out would take me way too long.)
I love you, Cuz,
Posted by: Paja

Re: Fall clothes - 10/04/04 05:18 PM

What is this diet club you all are talking about? How does it work, like what do you do to/for/with each other that makes getting normal sized again possible?
Posted by: Paja

Re: Fall clothes - 10/04/04 05:19 PM

Whoops, I think I posted in the wrong place! Did I?
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Fall clothes - 10/04/04 08:33 PM

no such thing as posting in the wrong place hon...you did fine!

If you look at the very bottom of the forum, you will see "Boomer Women Speak Diet." You have to obtain a special password for getting in and joining, but that is simply a matter of writing to Dotsie and telling her you want to join. From time to time she changes the password to keep our people who just lurk and never post.

Now, what we do is post breakfast, lunch, and supper/dinner (depending on what part of the country you're from as to what you call the third meal). This holds us accountable and you wouldn't believe how it makes you stop and think about every single thing you put in your mouth. You know you have to 'tell the girls.' They show no mercy...Oh, you also have to include snacks and drinks...ANYTHING THAT GOES INTO YOUR MOUTH.

You do not have to tell your beginning weight if you don't want to. I didn't. Otherwise, I would have had to shred everyone's tongue...ya know?

That's about it unless you all can think of something I've left out?

Hope this helps--JJ
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Fall clothes - 10/05/04 03:12 AM

Paja its such fun to read all that the ladies are and are not eating. Its unbelievalbe how honest you will be with your Boomer sisters about what you eat. We all give little inspirations to one another and theres NO pressure. You post what you ate when you want to. I didn't post for awhile when I was sick and really missed it. Its sort of like weight watchers without the weigh-ins or the weekly fees. [Embarrassed] Come join in whether you want to lose a pound or a ton. I have lost nealy 30 pounds since joining. Gained back 20 because of new diabetes medicine, threw the darn stuff away and have lost the 20 again, Geesh, once was hard enough. Hope to see you there...
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Fall clothes - 10/05/04 11:00 PM

The BWS diet has been a life saver for me. Since I started it I've lost 46 pounds. YAY!!

Having to report my food intake really makes me stop and think about what goes into my mouth. [Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin]
Posted by: Lynn

Re: Fall clothes - 10/06/04 02:31 PM

You have it tough Meredith! Don't give him any more money and he won't be able to buy that great fatty stuff!

Dots, when I put my jeans onthis year not only did they slide right on up but they were a size smaller!!! I wore them and was not chafed all day or sucking for breath because the waist was tight. Not bad for an original skinny kid who did not know how to lose weight.

The BWS dieters are a support group that is small enough to understand the various stages of where each person is in their diet. We reward and encourage and believe when I say that you start slow and learn from others that dieting is not starving or deprivation (only JJ's oreos and dotsie's chocolate) but a change is habit.

I have lost between 20 and 25 pounds and feel better about myself than I have in quite awhile.

Still hoping for another 10 before the holidays so I can visit Meredith and EAT!

Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Fall clothes - 10/07/04 07:53 AM

Lynn, you're invited!!! Every day we'll have salads, fresh fruit and premium ice cream! [Big Grin]
Posted by: Lynn

Re: Fall clothes - 10/09/04 02:53 AM


Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Fall clothes - 10/14/04 09:22 PM

I just had to post. I'm so excited. I went shopping today because I have a presentation next week and a writers' conference next month. Of course I have NO CLOTHES to wear since I lost 48 pounds and can't find anything that fits. Of course I weeded out those clothes out of my closet and put them in a box for Goodwill. [Wink]

I have dropped 4 sizes ladies.. FOUR sizes. [Big Grin] I put clothes on in the dressing room and looked in the mirror and LIKED what I saw. It was a true spiritual moment. [Smile]

I bought a new suit with 3 shirts, then mix & match set w/1 pr pants and 3 tops.

I even had to buy new underwear because mine were falling off me!!! [Eek!] [Eek!] Uh oh, is that TMI? Well, you heard it here first. [Razz]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Fall clothes - 10/15/04 03:34 AM

You are a true inspiration and I couldn't be happier. Well, that's not true. I could be happier if it were me, but then I'd have to give up YOU KNOW WHAT and we all know that AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN....so congrats for you girl! You have certainly earned the praise and the "spiritual feelings" the new look gave you. Oh what the heck...here ya go....

(Queen doing her happy dance just for Vicki) ..."Go Vicki! Go Vicki!"... (she moving her chubby little arms in a circle)...(it ain't pretty)... sigh...JJ
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Fall clothes - 10/15/04 04:01 PM

I join the queen in her happy dance. Please get your husband to take a picture when you are in one of your new outfits.

Vicki, how long has it been since you were your current size?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Fall clothes - 10/15/04 06:13 PM

Feels alot like being reborn doesn't it? Good for you and hopefully some of the rest of us can do as well....Seems like the only BIG thing left on you now is your huge heart.... [Big Grin]
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Fall clothes - 10/15/04 06:48 PM

LOL, I am seeing the happy dance! Thank you. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Dotsie, how long has it been since I've been this size? Oh my gosh, YEARS!! Years and Years ago. I was this size (14) back in 94, and then I went to a weightloss clinic and lost a ton of weight and went down to a size 8. I stayed about an 8-10 for a couple of years,(You should have seen me, roller blading, playing tennis, riding a motorcycle) but then I got sick and was diagnosed with Grave's Disease (a thyroid disorder). Each year after that my weight went up and up and up. So, on it's way up to a 22 (which I was when I started our diet) I was a 14 during 99, probably. Most of the weight gain was due to lack of exercise and medications. My doctor said that once I was medically "stable" he would address the weight gain. In between, I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and Degenerative Disk Disorder. Both in the lumbar area, which cut out exercise completely. Then I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression (chemically induced - meds I was on for Grave's Disease caused it)and was put on meds that shot my weight up. Surprisingly, with my latest diagnosis of Bipolar, I have found a combination of meds that are actually making it easier to lose weight.

Being depressed in itself had a lot to do with the weight gain. Nothing like being fat to bring a person down. [Razz] [Wink]

Dotsie, your BWS diet forum has been the best thing to ever happen to me when it comes to losing weight. Being held accountable and having to post my food intake each day forces me to be good. Otherwise, I would never have so much self control. It also helps that I'm not depressed like I was before and have a better outlook on life. Life isn't so bleak and dark anymore.

Just knowing that I have friends here on BWS makes all the difference. I really feel your support and know in my heart that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it as far as I have.

You are truly special people. Every single one of you. -sniff sniff- And you like me, you really like me -- (okay, so I stole that part from Sally Field's Oscar speech.) [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Razz]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Fall clothes - 10/16/04 04:25 PM

Vicki, I'm grateful this diet, forums, and the PEOPLE in here have been instrumental to your new size and happiness.

Boy, have you been through the mill? Gracious.

You are such an inspiration to others. Sharing what you've been through shows your strength and wisdom. Your strength and wisdom gives others hope. God bless you Vicki for sharing.

Of course we like you, we really like you. We love you!
Posted by: Lynn

Re: Fall clothes - 10/18/04 11:05 PM

Vicki I am thrilled for you and oh so jealous.

I just switched my drivers license to PA and the weight listed was 135. I can't remember when I was 135! I am not now but they listed it that way anyhow. Something to work towrds with Vicki as inpiration.

Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Fall clothes - 10/19/04 03:48 AM

My drivers licence still has the pic from 1980! [Eek!] Sometimes I want to tell the kids who check it for credit card ID etc. "You weren't even born when I took that picture!" I'm 8 lbs. heavier now but my hair keeps getting lighter...
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Fall clothes - 10/21/04 07:51 AM

Okay I surrender....I lost 35 pounds last year and have regained 15 since December. Send me a password....I need help. I did fall onto my bed cursing while trying to zip my jeans.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Fall clothes - 10/20/04 10:58 PM

Welcome to the world of elastic...

JJ [Eek!]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Fall clothes - 10/21/04 11:11 PM

Kathryn, chek your email. the password is there. Now let's see you in the diet forum! [Wink]