
Posted by: Dotsie

Curves? - 10/27/03 02:42 PM

Anyone in here ever been involved with one of these places called Curves. They're popping up everywhere in Baltimore now.

I've heard they are great. Thirty minute workout, all women gym, great music. I'm tempted to see what it's all about. ANy in your town?
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Curves? - 10/27/03 05:29 PM

We do have a Curves. I haven't been there because I'd rather walk but a lot of my friends go. They love it and swear by it. T think its working for them. Who knows when it starts raining......
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 10/27/03 11:56 PM

yes, we have um too...quiet frankly, I'd rather have a root canal... [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 11/06/03 01:19 PM

Oh come on queen. A root canal instead of exercising? You must not have had the dentist of my youth. [Eek!] [Mad] He pulled teeth without numbing ya! He'd dig out decay and fill a whole the size of your mouth withuot using ANYTHING for pain. I'm surprised I didn't break the arms off the chair. Bad memories!

Okay, so you've all heard my poor sob story about how my walking partner moved away. I have kept it up and walk with different women on occasion. I have one regular walking partner and that's on Fridays...(my favorite day to walk now because of her). Something to look forward to. [Big Grin]

I'm trying to figure this exercise/age/weight thing out and here's the latest: my daughter and I joined Curves. Last night was our first work-out and we really liked it. We think it will be especially good for her Diabetes.

For those of you who don't know about it, it's a no frills gym for women only (just my style). There is a circuit of equipment and in between each piece of equipment is a pad to jump around/dance on and then you hop on the next piece. The music is going (oldies) and every so many seconds they tell you to move on. You do the circuit twice in a half hour, stretch a little and then you are on your way.

It's also pretty social(which I love). The equipment is in a circle so we are all facing one another and commenting, chatting, laughing, and talking about the left over Halloween candy! And I didn't start that conversation either. [Wink]

If you are looking for a way to get in shape and there's one near you, check it out. It's fast and fun.
Posted by: Teri

Re: Curves? - 11/06/03 08:19 PM

I actually own a womens 30 minute workout. It is called Contours Express. We use actual stacked weight machines as well as cardio stations. I was a member at curves before I opened my business 2 years ago and found that I had maxed out on the hydraulic equipment. [Frown] Contours is great and the results are fantastic. [Big Grin] Anyone out there a member of a Contours Express? Let me know how ya like it!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 11/07/03 12:27 AM

Wow Teri, neat! You go girl...You own your own gym. Fantastic. Do you have a web page so one can check out Contours? Not that the Queen needs to work out now mind you...but I might want to check it out...for a friend... [Wink]
Posted by: swimbo56

Re: Curves? - 11/07/03 08:53 PM

Great Dotsie! Wish I could do it with you. If you want to walk and it's not before 9am, call me, I'm usually game. I miss having a regular walking partner too. Mine went back to work full time. So call me.....
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 11/09/03 10:33 PM

Teri, tell me about the hydraulics, but please don't say it's bad for me!

Great idea to open your own. Any plans for franchises? And if so, what makes it different from Curves?

I think you must really feel blessed to have all those women coming to your club. You can really set the tone for your club. Have you made many new friends?

I like the gym I'm going to because I went to school with the owner's sister. There are 11 children in their family. I've been twice and seen 3 of the girls in the family already. They are fun-loving people and as a result they've created a fun place to hang out and exercise. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Teri

Re: Curves? - 11/21/03 05:30 PM

My Club is a franchise already. Its called Contours Express. I LOVE having this place. The women who come in are wonderful and there is a real sense of "connection" there.

The weight lifting is done at a steady pace and you get both the positive (lifting the weight) muscle movement and the negative (lowering the weight) movement. This is the most effective way to tone the muscle. The results are fast and you can lose inches quickly. [Big Grin]

Hope that helps. I am always glad to hear that women are taking care of themselves and that includes exercise!! [Smile]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 12/09/03 01:53 PM

Well I finished my first month at Curves and I'm lovin' it.

I was weighed and measured and lost one lousy pound. In some places I got bigger and other places I got smaller. I think it just depend who measures you and what you have on that day.

No great shakes as far as those results, but I feel better knowing I'm working on my body from head to toe.

I haven't been walking so this has been a trade off. I miss being outside so I need to add some little walks just to get the fresh air.

What is everyone else doing to take care of you bodies...other than working our mouths when we eat those Oreo's and Taco Bell creations? [Eek!]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 12/09/03 02:24 PM

At the risk of sounds like a bit dog barking, were you referring to me???? hmmm?

Okay...I guess I need to get serious about this weight and exercise thing. Especially since I have this class reunion coming up in June.

So...who wants to jump on the bandwagon and lead the ATTACK PLAN for rebuilding the Queen for 2004? We've got SIX short months and 30 lbs..okay, I lied...40 lbs to loose. (somebody would have squealed on me anyway). Anybody?
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Curves? - 12/09/03 10:53 PM

I'm a hard-core weightlifter, mostly free weights in a co-ed gym. I currently bench press 125 and leg press maybe 360. After my selling season is over (two weeks to go!!!! [Big Grin] ) I start on day hikes through the local hills and low mountains. I seriously doubt any of you want to know more details [Roll Eyes]

Of course, I also teach my exercise class for cancer survivors, which is at a much lower intensity. However, I need to say that several of the women have lost up to 30 lbs. since starting, and everyone is soooo much stronger and has a lot more energy!

Myself? I'm on an anti-estrogen drug called Tamoxifen, which packed on 9 mystery lbs. in my first two months of it, 5 years ago. How do I know that Tamoxifen was the cause of my weight gain? Because in the previous 18 years since I graduated from high school, I had gained only 5 lbs. total and I'm sure it was all muscle. Some women gain up to 50 lbs. in their first 6 months. Evil stuff, but it's allegedly keeping me alive. Since then, I've stabilized my weight (sort of) by cutting my calorie intake by at least 1/3. Even if I starve -- I've done up to 4 days @ under 500 calories, to see if it would work -- the minute I eat, the weight is back. Pisses me off, because I don't think there's anything I can do about it. So I keep working out, eat my veggies, and realize here are worse things in life.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 12/10/03 11:34 AM

Meredith, I admire your will power and tremendous spirit for life. You're an inspiration! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Curves? - 12/10/03 11:31 PM

(Meredith thinking about blushing here)
Thanks Dotsie! I do my best [Wink]

My class has just informed me that instead of exercizing next week, we're meeting at a local restaurant for our annual holiday dinner. In 3 1/2 years we've NEVER had a holiday dinner so I suspect something is up. At the very least, yours truly will probably get a free dinner so of course I'll have to offer to take everyone on a hike to walk off all those dinner calories [Razz]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 12/11/03 01:44 PM

Meredith, there you go already thinking about what you can do for them if they pay for your dinner. Just like you! [Big Grin]

Why don't you just say *thank you* and relish in the good times with women who appreciate you! What an awesome feeling to know you have made a difference in the lives of so many! [Wink]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 01/18/04 08:50 PM

I'm a member of Curves and like it. Well...let me amend that...I don't actually *hate* it. What I do like is the increased strength, flexibility and muscle toneness (is that a word?). My clothes fit better and those 75 pound bales of hay are a lot easier to lift. When I have to tip a sheep, it's easier now. When I have to clean horse feet, it's easier. Especially with my gentle giant who weighs +2,000 pounds. He's a lazy boy too; would rather lean on me than stand on his on immense bulk. I work out not because I like working out but because I like the results.
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 01/18/04 08:52 PM

Sorry...that should have been <<<...stand on his OWN immense bulk...>>>
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 01/19/04 12:38 AM

good Lord woman...what do you need Curves for? Just go outside and play with the animals! That should be all the work out you need...75 lbs of hay? Hmm...come to think of it, I bet my purse weighs that much...hmmm
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 01/19/04 10:49 AM

Just read an article yesterday about how Amish people are in better shape than any people who work out!

The writer of the article believes that people were in much better shape before any formal exercise equipment, gyms, or diets came into existence.

After reading Thistle's post I believe it! [Big Grin]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 01/21/04 11:52 PM

I actually go to Curves just to have a chance to get off the farm . I'm in better shape in the warmer months than in the winter months. Somehow trudging up the mountain in the cold just doesn't give me the same workout as when it's warm. Even though I fall down more (ice and snow) in the winter...seems like that would use up a LOT of calories!

We're going to get a break tomorrow - I'M SO EXCITED!!!! We haven't had a break for months and we're both wearing down. The whole house generator is hooked up and working, we've got a sitter coming to stay with the MIL, someone to feed animals...and we're going to stay in a hotel!!! In a CITY!!! OH MY! I've already got my knitting bag ready with some paperwork. We're going to be right next door to a bookstore!
Within walking distance of a Macaroni Grill. OH MY!

Heck, maybe next I'll even get to go to Mom & Dad's and celebrate Christmas 2003!
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 01/22/04 12:02 AM

seems that the Amish don't have as strong a lobbying group as do we Appalachians. Does anyone else think this is really inappropriate and rude?

if the Amish had a larger voice, it would be politically incorrect.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 01/22/04 02:48 PM

Getting away is awsome. I'm thrilled for you. Hope you're enjoying the city life! [Big Grin]

It's a break for you and I think the person watching your MIL and animals is probably having a little break form their routine too. So everyone's happy! [Wink]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 03:15 AM

Hey I am going away too! This weekend me and another girlfriend from 30 years ago are traveling to Birmingham (60+ miles) to have an extended luncheon with the other member of our trio from grammar school. We three got together right before the holidays after not seeing each other for 30+ years. It was great and we promised each other we would continue with this new tradition...once a month, or two, we would get together for lunch. This is our second one and I am excited!

Then...the next weekend, yet another friend I haven't been able to connect with in about 20+ years has asked me to go with her antiquing in a town called Monteagle Assembly in the Cumberland Plateau area in Tenn. It is my favorite place to go, but she didn't know that. So we have rented a cabin with a fireplace, are taking three days, and loading ourselves down with books, Atkins-friendly snacks, and a little cash to do some "junkin." I can't is good!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 03:53 AM

I'm so envious of your on-going relationships with your girlfriends.

I grew up in a very small rural community and was surrounded by relatives, all of whom are stuck with me, but because none of my childhood girlfriends ever left the area and we've lost track of each other. I found friends everywhere I moved, and we're still friends, though geographically dispersed. I have friends where I live now, but none with whom I share a whole life time of memories.

What a blessing for you.

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 01/22/04 05:58 PM

Oh smiles I don't think it has or needs to be someone you have a history with...not at all. I have girlfriends that I get together with occassionally who are new friends and we don't have a "past" actually...but we are making the memories now! It's nice to develop new ones, especially at this age because most of us are more settled, less demanding of friendships, and can say "gee, I'm sorry but I can't this weekend" and nobody gets paranoid....
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 12:39 AM

I guess there's a place in our hearts for all kinds of friends, new and old and all in between. And it's great to celebrate old memories while also making new ones.

Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 12:04 PM

thistle, skimmed the article and I do find it insluting. It the same with any of those shows that point out a particular group. I don't think we realize how insensitive some of this stuff is. A friend of mine whose gay says he hates the queer eye for the straight guy show. He says it makes it seem like if your gay eveything is right with the world. He said that if being gay was so great, he would have come out of the closet a lot sooner.

TV is a doubled edge sword. It can open people up to another's experiences and help them understand another race/culture/religion etc. better, but it can also play into and reinforce the stereotypes we already have. Unfortunetly, commercialism has us leaning to the negative side. TV sticks with what we are comfortable with.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 12:37 PM

Thistle, read the article too. I find it ridiculous. What Amish parents would let their kids be on the show. That tells us a little about the ones who are chosen. I doubt it will be a good protrayal of their culture.

This reminds me...I need to start a reality tv post! [Big Grin]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 01:53 PM

Don't get me started on reality TV. Makes me nuts. That stuff started a couple of years ago in expectation of the Hollywood writer's strike.

Just think how many writers those shows do NOT employ.

Of course, I had to watch Trista's wedding. Go figure...

Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 04:35 PM

I'm with you Smiles....I know I want my son to marry a total stanger in front of America and lie to her about his worth BEFORE they even get to know one another...oh yeah,...this is what marriage is made of, eh?

I hate those shows and refuse to watch them...and if you ask me, every single show is boiled down to one thing, MONEY. There is NO accounting for the holiness of marriage, or even relationships, friendships, etc...
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 01/23/04 05:29 PM

Oh yeah JJ. I'm with you. And I'll bet you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see your son dangling by his teeth over a tank of sharks while eating dog guts and being buzzed by killer bees on fear factor too.

Fear Factor is more of a showcase for stupidity than anything else if you ask me. Hate it. Just another way to titilate the public while increasing unemployment among writers.

Besides, who needs reality? I live reality every day and I'm here to tell ya' dangling by my teeth over this tank of sharks ain't all it's cracked up to be.

Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 02/23/04 06:35 PM

I took a break this morning and went to Curves. Seems the one of the owners is pregnant and wants to sell the business. I hope she's able to sell to someone who will make it work. Right now it's not being managed very well. For example, when they had their grand opening they, very generously, served food. The menu? Potatoe chips and dip, sausage balls, it just me or does anyone else see the irony here?

Here we were, sweating to the oldies, and then we bellied up to the food bar. They, again very generously, invited Dave in and served him food as well. As we're driving home, we were both laughing at ourselves and me. I worked out and then pigged out; what a happy ejiit!

Actually, I didn't pig out but I wanted to!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 02/24/04 01:28 PM

Ah Curves, one of my favorite topics these days. [Big Grin] I love that place.

The gal who owns the one I attend has been living out of state and is now in town. She is working on bringing the members together and making it more fun. Do any of you play games, or have Crazy Wednesday?

They said we're ging to start playing games, and have backwards day on Wednesdays. they're adding a table for women to leave business cards, sell baskets, candles, etc. I'm all for activites that bring women together.

What goes on at your Curves?

Did you know there are 7,000 of them? Growing faster than McDonalds...See there are so many of us boomers at the stage in life where we need to do something about our aging bodies! [Eek!]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 02/24/04 02:03 PM

Gee, you girls are making me jealous. I live on the edge of a fast growing bedroom community and there's a Curves in the city (20 miles), but I try to avoid that at all costs so I wouldn't go and I know it.

I need one closer. I want CURVES.

Maybe we will get one soon.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 02:03 PM

Curves is a haven for women. Mine is relatively new and I think they are doing what they can to improve comraderie among the members.

I heard there are 5,000 of them. They are in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. They have grown faster than McDonalds when they first opened. [Eek!]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 07:51 PM

CURVES is a big deal here in Vegas where hesalth clubs, spas and gyms are in abundance. They are everywhere, hoqwever they are filled with these spandex wearing, stick people that think they're fat, haha!!I laugh and cough, ick, yuk. I put on my sweat suit and walked into an exercise class in one of the popular gyms about a year ago. I walked in, took a look around me, and walkedback out. Thank God, for Curves. All thwe womwn there look like me, sweat suits and all. Dotsie one year ago (I'm ashamed to admit this but) I weighed in at 353 lbs. Today by watching my food intake and going to Curves I am 210 lbs. Still over weight for my 5ft, 5 frame. I need to lose another 100 or so lbs. I have no reason to think I won't. Curves are women like all of us and they are so helpful and happy when we reach our next goal. I am so happy to have found CURVES. I bought the 2 books he has out called Curves, the power to amaze yourself and also Curves on the go. Both by Gary Heavin the founder & CEO. I like the on the go one. Good luck Dotsie...With summer coming I will be out walking and on my bike again and expect to lose it all this year. [Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 07:55 PM

P.S. Please excuse the sloppy typing I feel awful today, NO excuse to not proof read. I am a writer after all, hahahahaha, choke, gag, cough!! [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 08:20 PM

Oh my gosh... Are we being graded on typing? Okay, I'm heading for the the dunce corner right now. My eyes are not what they used to be and I often post when I'm half awake (semi-comatose). And I'm a terrible typist. Can't proofread nothin' and type at 60 mistakes a minute.

Got my dunce cap on right now.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 08:27 PM

All of your posts are so true. Jawjaw I know what you mean about lies. I watch THE AVERAGE JOE reality show and so far the girl has picked the hunk over the poor average shmoe, oops meant Joe. I ask myself why these men allow themselves to be made fun of and made to look like misfits...Go figure....Would any of you allow yourself to be on a show called say: My Big Fat Wife To Be???? I wouldn't and I am still big and fat...Which ever one of you said its ALL about the money is right on. Stupid, sickening and for the money. But you know what WE are the reason they succeed, we watch them. [Roll Eyes] I was mesmerized by Average Joe and never missed a show, call me crazy and I make sure my Thursday night is free so I can watch SURVIVORS, so ladies I am guilty, guilty but I need a good laugh sometimes too. [Big Grin]
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 08:29 PM

One question , why is this topic under CURVES?
Posted by: Lynn

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 09:27 PM

Curves just arrived in my town. What is the fee? And does it matter when you show up or do you just jump in and start rotating?
Posted by: Agate

Re: Curves? - 03/03/04 11:07 PM

I've avoided any type of health club membership like the plague. I've paid big bucks and gradually never go, plus I can't add another thing to my to do list or I'll collapse. But you guys are making Curves sound like a fun social event, much more fun than walking the treadmill in my cold, dank basement. In fact, I could be exercising right now instead of typing. Does typing burn any calories?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 03/04/04 02:20 PM

Typing must burn calories, either that or we all have skinny fingers! [Razz]

Lynn and all the other non-Curves members. I want to let you in on a little secret... [Wink] I just learned this morning.

First of all, Curves charges a $74 one time membership fee and then you pay $29 a month. You can also pay as you go and then it's 39$ per month.

But here's the secret... [Eek!]

from March 8-12 you can join for FREE and only pay your monthly fees. They are waiving the $74 membership fee if you bring in a bag of non-perishable food for the homeless.

All you have to do is call your local Curves and make an appointment. This is ANY Curves in the U.S.!

So all you women out there who have been thinking about it, now's the time. Imagine saving $74!!! [Big Grin]

If you have any questions, fire away... [Big Grin]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 03/08/04 08:05 PM

Are the Curves in other locations open weird hours? It seems every time I go, their hours have shrunk and I'm starting to re-think my membership. It started out 8-12 and 3-8 M-Th. Now it's 8-11 and 3:30 to 6:30 M-Th. On Friday the hours are even smaller.

No, we don't have networking tables or fun days or anything, just go over there and work out. They do have 2 tanning booths (big whoop, imho).
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Curves? - 03/08/04 08:49 PM

Thistle Cove Farm, YES the same thing seems to be happening here in Vegas. I thought maybe it was just here, guess not. I'll wait and see what they do but three days last week they weren't open at all. Hell of a way to run a business.. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 03/11/04 10:57 PM

I should nevah have made that crack about Queenie (sofa, chocolates, Monk) the next couple of weeks I'm worried more about "spread" than "curves". I feel down the *last*! step two days ago and banged myself up pretty well. Sprained the left ankle, twisted the right knee and jammed my back.

Right now, I'm slathered with blue emu oil, wrapped up with ace bandages and laced up with an ankle wrap. Oh, no chocolates but I do have an ice cold Harp's beside me. I'm one of those cheap dates, two beers and I'm needing a pillow .

I'm still feeding the critters though. Went outside this afternoon and took some really cute photos of the sheep and lambs. We're supposed to get snow and below zero wind chills tomorrow so today was a gift.

Curves...not for a while.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Curves? - 03/12/04 10:38 AM

Oh my gosh! Sandra you poor thing! I am so sorry to hear about your nasty just take care of yourself girl.

I will be thinking of you and relating...well, minus sheep...I HAVE been counting them some nights... [Wink]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 03/12/04 01:59 PM

Sandra, Once again, you have me aching for you. Gee, I hope you are better soon. In the mean time, enjoy the chocolate and rest.
I and the rest of the boomers and the Sheep are all praying for a quick recovery.

[ March 12, 2004, 11:03 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Curves? - 03/13/04 03:45 AM

I hope you feel better soon TCF. I wouldn't worry to much about the spread if your still feeding the animals.
Posted by: Thistle Cove Farm

Re: Curves? - 03/12/04 08:35 PM

Would one of y'all please tell me how does one "feel" down the last step!??? Sheesh!

Those ibuprofen must have kicked in just about the time I was writing that post!

Thanks for your heartfelt good wishes. I've done too much today and am now having a pity party because my ankle aches (it's a small party though, I forgot to send out invitations). I did get some GREAT photos of the sheep, lambs & horses! Dave is trying to get the website updated but, by the cursing, I can tell he's not having much success.

I agree, Chatty, how can Curves stay open when they are closed all the time? Or something like that...
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 03/12/04 08:57 PM

TCF, you deserve a pity party. Pain is a bummer.

Back to curves, I once considered buying a health club franchise and was informed that exercise places do not make money from people coming for exercise.
They make it from selling membership contracts. They market memberships in cycles and with each marketing blitz, they sell tons more memberships than they could possibly accomodate. They then purposely make it difficult for people to attend by limiting hours, etc. When that group of contracts run out they open up the hours and offer a lot of perks for the next marketing blitz and sell more contracts and do the same thing again.
I've noticed that with exercise places around here pretty often. Maybe curves is the same. Hope not.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Curves? - 03/12/04 08:58 PM

TCF, you deserve a pity party. Pain is a bummer.

Back to curves, I once considered buying a health club franchise and was informed that exercise places do not make money from people coming for exercise.
They make it from selling membership contracts. They market memberships in cycles and with each marketing blitz, they sell tons more memberships than they could possibly accomodate. They then purposely make it difficult for people to attend by limiting hours, etc. When that group of contracts run out they open up the hours and offer a lot of perks for the next marketing blitz and sell more contracts and do the same thing again.
I've noticed that with exercise places around here pretty often. Maybe curves is the same. Hope not.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 03/16/04 02:43 PM

I think the Curves all have different hours. It depends on the owner. Our hours were just extended, but they are still closed on Sundays. I love that! It's one day I don't even have to think about going. I wish eveything else was closed on Sunday like it was when we were kids. Remember that?
Posted by: Dian

Re: Curves? - 05/11/04 02:55 AM

My Curves in Moundsville, WV, is wonderful. In two months, without dieting, I lost 10 pounds and 14 inches and a whole size. I was more energetic and it actually helped ease my fibromyalgia symptons - until November 2003. My body is at war with itself, so I'm currently on medical leave from Curves - but I recommend it to anyone, especially someone who hasn't worked out in a long while. The hydraulics are good for beginner and middle level workouts. The best advantage I saw was the combination of aerobic, stretching and weight resistance training. In the first month, I lost 5 inches from my tummy. Without a Diet!

The atmosphere at my Curves is fun and uplifting. We all laugh a lot.

The owner of my Curves explained that as the membership increased, so do the hours and the ability to purchase new equipment. We are up to 10 machines, which is great for a town with only 10,000 people.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 05/12/04 03:24 AM

Dian, I counted this morning and we have 13 machines. Our hours are really great too. I think it's because I live in a very populated area and that makes a difference.

Curves has been a God send for me because my walking partner moved and I use to walk almost 4 miles about 5 times a week. The thing I like about Curves is that I'm working my whole body and not just the legs and butt!

Praying you get back to it soon! I think the atmosphere is therapeutic. [Big Grin]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Curves? - 05/12/04 03:26 AM

Also, my son informed me that Curves was the second fastest growing franchise last year. First was Subway.

Sounds like we're becoming healthier Am [Big Grin] ericans!