I was just watching bio-chemist on a TV show about healthful eating. He showed the list of FDA approved food additives and it is more than 100 pages long. It includes many substances known to be carcinogens and to have other adverse health affects, but approved.

One of the main additives especially to fast food and Chinese food is MSG to which many people have severe reactions including headache and others more serious. It was shown to lead to visual problems, even blindness in a Japanese study. MSG is even in some baby foods. It goes by many names on the products. It is often called "natural flavoring" because it is a flavor enhancer.

The chemist discussed the sulfites used in pre packaged foods and Nitrites in cured meat, both of which are known carcinigens.

Splenda causes gas and diarrhea and affects the immune system as well as all kinds of other things. Aspartame causes heaches, dizziness and of all things WEIGHT gain. Along with processed sugar it has been linked to ADDHD in children.

Just thoughts.