buckling down

Posted by: Dotsie

buckling down - 05/04/06 12:22 AM

I was so happy to read that our county is buckling down on parents who serve alcohol to minors. I am such a stick in the mud when it comes to this, but I believe wholeheartedly that we have no right serving alcohol to minors and then putting them out on the street.

Many parents in this town do it because they think it's safer for the kids to be in a controlled environment. I still say, "it's against the law!"

What goes on in your communities regarding under-age drinking?
Posted by: browser57

Re: buckling down - 05/04/06 02:11 AM

I lived in one of those communities when by boys were in high school. It was a constant worry when they would attend parties. I was a nervous wreck at graduation time. Neither one of my boys chose to have parties - mainly becuase it was a given that there would be a problem with alcohol and uninvited crashers.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: buckling down - 05/05/06 04:04 AM

Yes and what happens to those tipsy kids after they leave the party??? It is illegal and no parent should allow any under aged drinking in their home especially for other peoples kids. I never did and we had many parties at the house when my sons were growing up and the parties were a hoot.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: buckling down - 05/05/06 08:17 PM

Right chatty. They don't need the alcohol to have fun.

Browser, my kids will have friends over, but not parties because they know what happens when soemone announces they're having a party. And now with cell phones and IMing, parties spread like wild fire.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: buckling down - 05/12/06 09:14 PM

Anne, speaking of first party experiences involving alcohol...that's something I tell my kids. You need to experience some of life's ups and downs without alcohol so you know how to cope. You need to socialize without it so you can do the same when you're 40.

I'm sure we all know people who never learned how to be social at parites without a drink in their hands. I think that's so sad. Most of them are either in AA now, bad marriages, or still whooping it up.