Quiet times with God

Posted by: Songbird

Quiet times with God - 07/02/04 01:51 PM

How much time do YOU, individually, need to spend with the Lord daily in order to get enough spiritual nourishment? How many times a day? 1, 2, 3, more?

<small>[ July 02, 2004, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: Songbird ]</small>
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/02/04 04:17 PM

Love it SpeakerMom! As a matter of fact, I have it on my Elvis Gospel CD...great song...

I reserve my driving time back and forth to work for praying but that isn't the only time. I also like to take a cup of coffee in the early morn sometimes and sit outside and pray...or even when I am soaking in a hot bath. There is no "set" time for me. I have so many things to tell HIM, and lots of things to ask HIM, and even MORE things to say thank you for...so HE is a part of my day...everyday...all day. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

One thing I would like to mention is that sometimes when I walk outside late in the day, I look up and God speaks to me then. No, not with words like we know them, but with a beautiful sunset with colors running all over the sky, clouds with different shapes of things, animals, faces, objects, whatever, maybe even a rainbow after a summer shower. To me it is God saying to me, I'm here Georgia. I'm closer than you thought, eh? I'm right here. Talk to me.

I love those silent talks. It is, I'm happy to say, almost an everyday occurrence. THAT'S my miracle.

Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/02/04 05:07 PM

JJ, that is beautiful.
I too find God in nature. And I find Him in science. Your reference to rainbows reminded me.

After my Dad died, I was alone in the car driving east during a rainstorm. The sky was dark and I began to cry. In my spirit, I was asking God if my Daddy was okay. Suddenly the sun began to shine through the clouds and a huge beautiful rainbow appeared on the horizon. At that moment I knew it was God's promise that my Daddy was with Him and that he was fine. As I drove farther, another smaller rainbow appeared beneath the larger one and I knew that was God's promist to me that I would be alright too.

I had never seen two rainbows together like that. I think God speaks to us in nature and I think he performs miracles both naturally and supernaturally.

Thanks for reminding me of the rainbow.

<small>[ July 03, 2004, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]</small>
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/02/04 06:06 PM

Goosebumps girlfriend...wow!
Posted by: Sherri

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/03/04 12:15 PM

I don't think we have to have a "special time" with our Heavenly Father. I have conversations with him all the time, sometimes questions, sometimes thanksgiving and sometimes just thinking of all the good things that I have been given.

My own rainbow story. Most know that I spent 4 days with Dad in California, when I was driving home from the airport, the sky was blue and sunny but in the background dark clouds hovered in the direction that I was driving. I thought about a possible meaning, it seemed a little foreboding. When I started to stew about it (I try not to but sometimes I am overwhelmed and June was not a good month!), and started feeling a little worried, but didn't know about what.

I turned off the radio and just drove quietly, just allowing peace to come and let the worry out. I looked once more at the gathering clouds in the distance and there was a beautiful huge rainbow! It was beautiful, especially since I was driving in sunny blue sky weather. I began to thank God for such beauties in nature, and there beside it was a smaller rainbow! I felt then that God was telling me that things would look dark to me for a while, but to hang on, "Joy Cometh in the Morning."

Sorry it is so lengthy.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/03/04 01:48 PM

Instead of picking up the paper in the morning, I pick up my Bible. I typically hit 5 days a week.

I have a basket near my kitchen table with my Bible, journal, prayer folder, a copy of The Message, by Eugene Peterson, a couple pens, and the most recent addition...my READING GLASSES! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

I also am in touch throughout my days as the spirit moves me.

I listen to Christian music when I'm in the car alone, and I always have some kind of spiritual book going.

I need all the reminders I can get! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

I'm grateful to be at this point in my journey, and look forward to staying the course.


I took my son for college orientation ten hours from home. I'd never been on the campus and was overwhelmed with the feeling of losing my oldest son to a place so far away.

The first evening I called my sister and cried like a baby. She'd been through it twice before and understood. She calmed me and assured me life would go on. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

I warmed up to the campus and the idea as the weekend wore on.

Arriving at the airport to return home there were HUGE storms that happened to make the evening news back home in Baltimore.

We waited a couple hours to board the plane after the storms blew on.

Settled in my seat, I looked over my son's shoulder to see what the skies were doing and lo and behold, there was a rainbow. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

I believe rainbows are signs of God's covenant with us.

I was moved to tears and took it as God's sign that my son would be taken care of by Him in his new college town.

During his first year when I would start the worrying, I made myself remember God's sign and promise.

I'm still amazed at His grace by sending a sign during such a appropriate time in my life.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/05/04 02:19 PM

Hi friends:
I see that each of you have a different "routine" when it comes to time with the Lord.

Speakermom and JJ- I remember that song, from a long time ago.

Silent talks with God and praying without ceasing are very important in our relationship with Him. It's great that you find God in nature. We can learn to know God closer through it. And I love that quote from Goethe!

Sherri: Do you recall that the first time the Bible mentions a rainbow is after the flood, when He promised Noah and his family that the earth would not be destroyed again with a deluge?(Gen. 9).

Friends: Ever since that, the rainbow has a connotation of hope and promise! God is in control. Isn't that great to know?

Dotsie: Reading the Bible in the morning, for me is the best thing I can do! I too have three devotional" books, (with articles for each day of the year). I read several (1-2 pages from each one, usually) and a Bible scripture. I also like to sing to the Lord. After prayer, I feel "ready" for the day.

Of course, I talk with God about everything during the day and/or night. I pray without ceasing too.

But I find that stopping during the day to read some scripture, (if only for a few minutes) helps me keep focused and "armored" for the daily spiritual battles.

Stepping away for a moment from my daily tasks, to pray is vital for me!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/05/04 11:40 PM

One of the main advantages of being a Boomer has taught me to be closer to God at all times of the day or night. I am not as religious as most of you and have taken Gods gifts and blessings for granted in the past. Oh, I always say my prayers and pray for those in need but until I became a part of this special group of women, I didn't do enough. I have always appreciated the skys, flowers, rainbows and all of the majesty and beauty of nature to me it represents God. I love all the animals because of their closeness to God and their innocence. I am becoming a better Christian due to your examples.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 12:23 PM

Chatty Said: </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif"> I am becoming a better Christian due to your examples.[/qb]</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Dotsie: I'd say Amen to that and Praise the Lord! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

Chatty: I feel blessed to be part of this forum and share with such beautiful ladies too <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> .

<small>[ July 06, 2004, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Songbird ]</small>
Posted by: Toni

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 01:23 PM

I try to read the Bible and pray daily every morning before chores and my work. The time I spend in the morning is about a half hour. I make a point of always reading Psalm 91, for it is a psalm of protection and love.

I also pray throughout the day--not just for help and guidance but to give praise and glory for the day--no matter what is going on--good or bad.

Prayer and praise can be done at anytime, for God lives within our hearts.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 02:28 PM

Like the others I pray daily whenever I want and wherever I am. Love it in the garden when your already on your knees.
I try to do a Bible study but do get distracted. I know this isn't right but am distracted with a lot of things. It does get done and I really enjoy the studies.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 02:55 PM

Maggie, you mention distraction. My mind is like a setting for fireworks. The thoughts just keep flying while I'm trying to pray.

That's why I resort to journaling. I'm better focused when I'm writing. I've written myself into self-discoveries I never could have made without a pen. I take my thoughts deeper when I write. The distracting thoughts don't come as often.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 07:23 PM

Thanks Dotsie, I also plan to set up a basket like you did and that will help. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> After I wrote this morning I went in to do the Bible study. I am working through Purpose Driven Life. Love it.
I had a phone call right in the middle where they are talking about distractions. She lives out of town so was glad I answered and yet another distraction...... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
Something I really need to work on.
Thanks again.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 09:19 PM

Talk about distractions! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> I take care of my husband's business. He's an electrician. Every day, as I sit down for my devotional time with Jesus, I pray that the phone doesn't ring. Some days it's nice qnd quiet but Sometimes it does ring in the middle of prayer <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> ! With that comes instructions to do this and that and the list goes on.

Although it is hard not to get distractions (for some of us more than others) we should not give up on our time with the Lord! The devil wants us to get distracted so we get discourage and forfeit that precious time. He understands how vital it is for our spiritual life. If we aren't spiritually nourished, how can we be strong to withstand the darts of temptations he sends our way <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> ?
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 09:22 PM

I'm reading "A Purpose Driven Life" too! I just love it. I understand that God has a purpose for me-a specific one- and When I saw that title, I just had to get it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> !
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 10:48 PM

I consider myself a very spiritual person but don't currently have much of a need for formal religion.

Every day I try to see the positiveness around me. Every day I think about how I can help others. Sometimes this is a phsical thing, sometimes a kind word, sometimes a prayer. I don't have set times. I just try to be aware of how the universe needs me, and try to act according to principles of goodness and love.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/06/04 11:55 PM

Songbird it was highly recommended here and then my cousins husband kept telling me about it. I had it but hadn't started until he insisted. I wish there was a group locally studying it but everyone's already done it. I too love it.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/07/04 10:04 PM

Maggie: Praying in the garden, surrounded by the beauty of God's handiwork... awesome <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> !

Hopefully, you can make short prayers so you can focus on "talking to the Lord" and not get distracted so easily. As you get used to close everything else out of your mind for that short period of time, you can increase your time in prayer!
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/07/04 10:43 PM

Thanks Songbird, very well put and I will keep trying. I keep forgeting to ask you what chapter are you on? I am in the middle of 26.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/08/04 12:58 PM

Maggie: I'm way behind compared to you <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> . I'm starting chapter 14.

Of course, I don't read a chapter every day, as the author reccomends. Since I have different devotional books, I just read this one now and then. But I've found it very interesting and I've recommend it to my friends <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> !
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/08/04 02:57 PM

Ross and I did The Purpose Driven Life as a book study with our church. It's one of those books I could read every day of my life and continue to gather wisdom.

There have been posts about it in the forums before if you feel like searching for them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

I think it's awesome that Rick Warren's book has been on the Bestseller's List for so long. Think of the hearts he's changed. One book is all it takes...Isn't that inspiring?
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/09/04 03:55 AM

Dotsie: I'll check the forum... if I have a chance too.I love the book and find it to be founded in the Bible.
Posted by: Agate

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/04 03:35 AM

I have considered myself a spiritual person for a long time. I've been leery of declaring myself a Christian because of some of the Christians I've been exposed to and how much they frighten me. But because my life hasn't been working out very well by avoiding the religion I was raised with and am most drawn to, and you can't judge a group by a number (no matter how large the number is) of bad apples, I decided to give my all to study and prayer and see if God can work some things out in my life that I haven't been doing very well with on my own.

So I read a book daily called "Meet the Bible" that puts the bible into 366 daily readings and reflections (much easier for me to understand). I've read "The Purpose Driven Life" and got some good things out of it, although I still haven't a clue what spiritual gift or abilities I might have and I'm still trying to find a church to belong to (which the book focuses on a lot).

I recently e-mailed the minister at a church I'd like to join and told her how much I like the church but I didn't want to join only to end up feeling unwelcome because I have a gay son that I can be pretty vocal about defending. I told her I'd read "The Purpose Driven Life" and the author said we should be honest about who we are in order to build good relationships. That was 3 days ago and I haven't heard back.

Right now I'm reading "If You Want to Walk On Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat" by John Ortberg. He's a little more humorous than Rick Warren and I'm really enjoying his book and trying to get over my fears and trust God with the things that I can't seem to do on my own.

I've gone on a lot of God Quests before but this one seems to be different. This time I actually feel like God is working in my life to help me with some things I'm struggling with. I'm not sure what I've done different this time, maybe I've just approached with more faith and thanked God for answering my prayers whether I felt like he had or not.

As far as prayer time, God is constantly on my mind lately so I pray a lot as I go though the day. I also apologize a lot, like when I swear at the idiot (I mean gentleman) driving in front of me or get impatient and want to snap off the head of someone at work.

Sorry that I've rambled so.
Posted by: Maggie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/04 05:28 PM

Loved your post. Some Christians drive me nuts too especially when they are trying to get me to go to their church. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> I always wonder why they aren't working with non Christians.
Anyway I will be praying for you. It sounds like you've really opened your heart to God.
Do hope you find a church that you feel comfortable with and welcome.
I love Christians with a sense of humor and I wrote down the studies and books you are reading.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/11/04 12:43 PM

I'm glad to know that God is working in your life. It is a good thing to thank him for answering our prayers, even when we are not sure about his answer! We need to trust that he answers in HIS time and HIS way.

About the minister you emailed- don't get discouraged. Ministers are very busy persons. Don't give up yet. And, why not visit the congregation and surprise the minister <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> ?

As you search for a church and search for a better understanding of God's Word, I pray that He will enlighten you. Hold on to Him! He never fails!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/11/04 06:41 PM

Agate, Thanks for your honest post. Our minister once reminded us that we were all walking commercials for Christ. That's scarey. We need to take our advertisement more seriously. I've been that Christain that others are judging and it's not always a good place to be becasue we all have free-will and listen to ourselves before listening to what God may be calling us to do.

I'm grateful for your spiritual place and I believe God is at work in your heart.

Please e-mail me if you have any specific wuestions about living a life in Christ and I'll see if I can be of any help.

All I can say is that God has made a tremendous difference in my life.

I was raised Catholic and the God of my youth was one of fear, guilt, and judgment. that can't be any further from the truth.

God is love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/11/04 09:03 PM

I was just reading the posts in this category and noticed several references to singing and to rainbows.
I wonder if God speaks to us in rainbows and we speak to Him in song. A pastor told me that singing opens the heart for the message of the good news.
I'm certainly no great singer, but I need to sing occasionally. I just fills me with joy.
My recent songwriting workshop is still the talk of the writer community because I somehow involved eveyone in the joy of singing.
I was amazed at how many people took the mike to sing their own songs. And they all seemed to experience the joy.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/11/04 11:31 PM

Hi Smile:
Singing is a very important part of our worship to God. Songs (lyrics & music together)express what words alone cannot. It also helps us assimilate the message and it definitely brings us closer to God.

Music has always been important in worship. The book of Psalms was the first hymnal. It was used in their worship to God.

And I just can't wait to get to heaven, where all of God's children will join in a choir to sing praises to our Savior.
Posted by: Toni

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/14/04 10:55 AM

Smile and Songbird,

Such an interesting message about singing! I notice when I sing, I'm happier, more positive and I think I'm ready for something good to happen?

Sometimes it is such a release to sing and give praise; I feel that the Lord loves us especially when we sing....

Interesting topic...
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/15/04 01:41 PM

I can not imagine myself letting a day go by without singing praises to my Lord and Savior!
Posted by: DonnaJ

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/15/04 01:54 PM

Hi, everyone. I have enjoyed reading about how each of you meet God and fellowship with Him. Very encouraging!

My post this week is called "Greedy for God." If you have time, please check it out and leave a comment.


I sing all the time, too. I've been attending a weekly seminar on finances put out by Crowne Ministries. At the end of every meeting, we all get down on our knees to pray. Well, I haven't done that in a while! And none of us are spring chickens. So we grunted and groaned, but we managed to do it. Wow! What a difference. I'd forgotten how humbling it is to bow before God.

I still haven't adopted that as my daily position, though. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I don't suppose it matters as long as we pray. Right?

Posted by: Toni

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/15/04 07:35 PM


I, too, have not been on my knees in prayer for a long time but I remember the times when I did and I felt a closeness and receiving from God like no other time.

I think the humility of bowing shows honor and praise and perhaps in so doing, we receive more favor and recognition?

I don't know. All I know is when I got on my knees in prayer, something wonderful and peaceful happened...

Good topic and question....
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/16/04 12:02 AM

When on our knees, I believe, we are showing respect and honor. We humble ourselves before the Lord, unhurried, concentrating in Him, recognizing His authority in our lives, thus, surrendering to His will.

Toni: <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14? "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land". No wonder it is such a wonderful and powerful experience!
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/09/05 03:51 AM

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> This question was posted a little over a year ago. I wonder if any of us has made any changes in the time spent with God.

Are you satisfied with the time you spend with Him? What works for you? Do you yearn for more?
Posted by: chickadee

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/05 03:40 AM

Yes Songbird, I have made changes. I am also working on it daily. I am closer to God now than I have been in my life.

Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/05 01:17 PM

I'm glad for you, Chick! It helps me to re-evaluate my time with God now and then and make changes accordngly.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/05 01:18 PM

Actually, I'm working on it daily too!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/05 02:44 PM

I guess "working on it" is the least we can all do.

To another topic, has anyone noticed that not too many people actually sing along with the new contemporary praise songs? The singers on stage really get into the songs, but I have watched the congregation and almost no one actually loses themselves in just singing along.
Once in a while they do an old gospel song and almost everyone, even the young people, just gets lost in the joy of singing. Also, the lyrics of the newer stuff seems shallow in comparison.
Recently I saw a sign on a church that said, "We sing the old hymns." I would love to go there sometime just to sing.

<small>[ July 10, 2005, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]</small>
Posted by: robowidowk

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/11/05 03:42 AM

Smilinize, as part of my church's worship team, I beg to differ. In the past 12 years I have seen many forms of worship. I have found that the congregation who reads the word daily (not just on Sunday), prays and has time with God during the week, are able to worship the Lord with what ever words are there to worship with. Worship is definitely a "heart" issue. My pastor has reminded us of this many times during the years. If you're a Sunday Christian...it shows in your worship. If your a daily Christian, your life is "worship" unto the Lord. There are also reasons why God has set up so many "denominations" for people to go and worship Him. He knows we are all different and need to connect with Him in our own ways. (sorry...didn't mean to be preachy)
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/10/05 04:11 PM

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by robowidowk:
<strong> He knows we are all different and need to connect with Him in our own ways. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I am a Bible reader, but my point was that the worship team seems to worship by performing the contemporary praise songs, but they are unfamiliar to the congregation so we are left out of that very joyous worship experience.

I have heard so many in the congregation say how they miss raising their voice in song. We all try to sing the new things, and the words are projected on a screen, but almost no one except the worship team knows them and if we sing at all, we just stumble through.

I don't sing terribly well, but I miss singing a lot. Once in a while we have a classic gospel song and the church just resounds with praise. Young and old, everyone sings. I just wish we could all experience the joy of singing together more often.

<small>[ July 10, 2005, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: smilinize ]</small>
Posted by: Sabra

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/13/05 09:35 PM

Are you satisfied with the time you spend with Him? What works for you? Do you yearn for more?

Great question, Songbird. I would have to say No, I'm not satisfied. Other than reading my daily inspirations (via e-mail) and talking with Him in the car (just me and Him), I think He would deserve better than that. Getting down on my knees in prayer is something (I must admit) that I need to work on. Yes, I do yearn for more but with 3 kids, husband, work, etc..(I know, it's no excuse) it's hard :-( However, i DO enjoy our Praise and Worship team. I think the worship teams are vital to getting the church 'on fire' for God.

Actually, to tell you the truth (and I need prayer on this), I just tried out for our Praise and Worship team this past Monday and I tell you, I COMMEND those that serve on P&w teams! It's a HARD job! My voice was scratchy (I'm a tenor) and I had to memorize the songs. We had an awesome time, but I'm feeling insecure about joining (I got the thumbs up to join) because it requires a LOT of responsibility. I was excited that I was given the OK to join but I want to continue to observe - you know, to ensure that it's what I want to do.

My main reason for joining was because I love to praise and worship Him at every opportunity I can get and figured that maybe I should join the P&W team. But, it's not as easy as it seems. Any suggestions? I'm thinking about informing the leader that I don't think I'm ready...any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again for the question.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/13/05 09:49 PM

Sabra, I think you should give it a try. If you tried out. then you must be interested. That's the hard part, getting the guts to audition. It is a commitment, but it's a worthwhile one. I bet your spiritual life will soar. You can always leave if it's too much of a commitment.

Smile, we visited a church on Sunday (contemporary service) and I was shocked by EVERYONE singing. It was powerful. But here's the kicker...they had the words on the screen in the front of the sanctuary. Does your church do that? I love it because everyone is looking up and our voices are projecting forward. I like it better than reading from hymnals with our heads down and all the boomers squinting without their reading glasses. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Once a year, our church has Gospel Sunday. It is the one Sunday of the year that our church really rocks. It's awesome. Well, it rocks Easter Sunday too.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/13/05 10:27 PM


Seems to me that the enemy is whispering in your ear. Remember, Jesus gave us power of our enemies, so rebuke him in Jesus name and go to it!

I agree with Dotsie, the fact that you went and auditioned means you are interested.

God Bless,
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/13/05 10:39 PM

Sabra, I say look inside yourself and weigh the pleasure of singing against the responsibility of practicing. God sacrificed His son so you would not have to sacrifice, but could be blessed. Maybe the blessing of singing with the Worship team will outweigh the responsibility. Pray about your decision.

Dots, Yes, we do have words on the screen and I agree it is easier than with the hymnals, but even then only a few people stumble through the words. Most just don't sing. The worship team practices the songs so they know them and maybe they forget that it is the first time the congregation has ever even heard them. Even if we sing them every single Sunday, it takes months to learn them well enough to enjoy singing them. Also, the lyrics and melodies are either extremely repetitive or very difficult to learn.

There seems to be a difference between praise songs and gospel songs. Gospel meaning the good news. I guess I just love hearing the "good news" over and over.
Posted by: Sabra

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/13/05 11:33 PM

Thanks everyone...I do appreciate it. I will pray on it ... great and valuable feedback. Will consider your responses!!

Also, as far as the words on the screen, I used to be a part of a church where the words were put on the screen. I think that's gotten to be more of a common practice and I think it helps enables the congregation to become a part of the service.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/14/05 02:28 PM

Smile: I know what you mean, some enjoy better the "old Hymns". Some don't praise, no matter what, others simply praise the Lord with all they've got.

Robowidowk has a good point too. Your relationship with the Lord impacts how you praise.

Sabra- I'd agree with Dotsie, give it a try. You never know how many blessings are coming your way. It is such a privilege to praise our Lord, and to be part of the Praise Team is a responsibility, but I'm certain it will bring many spiritual blessings!

It is always great to sing the "old hymns". I guess we enjoy them more becausw we know the words and they are part of our christian upbringing. My church has recently installed the large screen and has new praise songs, but I do notice the difference in the congregation.

Ultimately, I have to agree: Praise IS a matter of the heart and such a blessing. I feel SO connected to heaven when I praise my Lord!
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/15/05 03:58 AM

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Songbird:
<strong> My church has recently installed the large screen and has new praise songs, but I do notice the difference in the congregation.
</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Song, I wondered if more people sing when you do the praise songs or if more sing when you do gospel?
With the screens people can more easily read the words, but only those onstage know the songs. And only those who know the songs can get completely lost in singing praise to God. I just long to do that again. Losing myself in praise is such a blessing.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Quiet times with God - 07/14/05 08:17 PM

Smile: In our church, most of the songs the congregation has learned already, yet, I notice some prefer the gospel hymns. Others, won't sing no matter what.